المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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25 - 36 of 62
by a returned missionary., Main Heritage Shelves General, BV3215 .M67 1865, Book, Item-ID: i10147238, BIB-ID: 1016359
by the Rev. Joseph Wolff, during his travels between the years 1831 and 1834, from Malta to Egypt, Constantinople, Armenia, Persia, Khorossaun, Toorkestaun, Bokhara, Balkh, Cabool in Affghanistaun, the Himmalayah mountains, Cashmeer, Hindoostaun, the coast of Abyssinia, and Yemen ..., Main Heritage ...
C. Judkin., Colored map on lining paper., Running title: The Oriental Missionary., Main Heritage Compact General, BV3180 .J83 1828, Book, Item-ID: i10178430, BIB-ID: 1019479
written by himself. Revised and edited by John Bayford., "The journals of Mr. Wolff have been published from time to time in the Jewish expositor."--Pref.