Relief shown pictorially., A 1662 Latin map of Arabia, a copy of an earlier map by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638). Original copy is hand-colored double-page engraved map with large pictorial cartouche depecting figures, camels, and ships., One of the first maps to show internal features of the Arabian Peninsula. Mountains are depicted, oases denoted by trees, and points used to indicate pearl deposits in the Arabian Gulf. Dotted lines to show international borders. The Red Sea is denoted by three Latin names: Mare Rubrum, Mare Mecca, and Sinus Arabicus (Arabian Gulf) ; Sinus Persicus, and Mare Elcatif (al-Qatif Sea) for the Persian Gulf., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00120, Print Map, Item-ID: i17065963, BIB-ID: 1525261 |