This volume is an abbreviated Turkish translation of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Arabshah history of Timur. The translator, Nazmizade Murteza ibn Ali, made two versions of the original text, being this one the popular version. Introduction and indices are from Ibrahim Mutefferika and this is his 5th printed work., لنظمى زادن افندى, .في كلمات مفتاحية, تظهر في النص تأشير بعض المصطلحات بخط في أعلاها., Main Heritage Shelves General, DS23 .I22 1730, Book, Item-ID: i21839748, BIB-ID: 2336390, يتضمن فهرس, باللغة التركية مترجمة من اللغة العربية., Watson, William J. "Ibrāhīm Müteferriḳa and Turkish Incunabula". Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88:3 (Jul./Sep. 1968), pp. 435-441, The mysterious printer Ibrahim Müteferrika and the beginnings of Turkish booktprinting. The press. In: http://muteferrika.mtak.hu/en/nyomda.htm |