[Ptolémée] ; [éd. Servet]., Gravure sur bois., Ill. : personnages., In : "Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Geographicae Enarrationis Libri Octo, Prostant Lugduni apud Hugonem à Porta", 1541., Voir Pastoureau, "Atlas français", p. 384, [45]., Auteur et éditeur d'après l'inventaire de la collection., This map belongs to the early collection of "the first modern map" of Southern Asia. The map covers the region from the eastern coast of Arabia to the China. Explanation in Latin is given at the coast. The Persian Gulf is purely rectangular in shape. Human figures. This is the reduction of the Waldseemullers map of the region which was the first map to be printed focusing the region. No scale., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00305, Print Map, Item-ID: i11400778, BIB-ID: 1172420 |