The Cihânnümâ (“Book of the World”) was the most state of art summary of the Ottoman geographical knowledge of the age. The reason was that the author heavily relied, for the very first time, on European sources, such as Mercator’s famous Atlas Minor. The first part of the work is dedicated to overall geography and hydrography, and the second to the political geography, road network and hydrography of the continents, including America and Australia., لكاتب چلبى, النص في إطار., في كلمات مفتاحية., تظهر في النص خصوصية تأشير بعض المصطلحات بخط في أعلاها., تصحيحات باللون الاحمر في الكتاب., Main Heritage Display General, G114 .K38 1732, Book, Item-ID: i21958932, BIB-ID: 2346866, Watson, William J. "Ibrāhīm Müteferriḳa and Turkish Incunabula". Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88:3 (Jul./Sep. 1968), pp. 435-441., http://muteferrika.mtak.hu/en/nyomda.htm |