a Simone Assemano ling. orient. in Seminario Patavino prof. illustratus. Praemissa ejusdem De Arabum Astronomia Dissertatione et adjectis duabus epistolis Cl. Josephi Toaldi in Gymnasio Patavino astronomiae prof., Main Heritage Shelves General, QB41 .A87 1790, Book, Item-ID: i10097211, BIB-ID: 1011356, Diss.-Padua. |
print, 14 unnumbered pages, ccxix, 1 unnumbered page, 1 L., 5 unnumbered pages 3 folded plate : ; 30 cm500 (ALFRAGANUS). ASSEMANUS, Simon. Globus caelestis Cufico-Arabicus Veliterni musei Borgiani ... illustratus praemissa eiusdem de Arabum astronomia dissertatione et adiectis daubus epistolis Cl. Josephi Toaldi. Padua, Typis Seminarii, 1790. Tall 4to, 1Lea. (bind.) + 1tit. + 1 + 16 Pref. + 219 + 1 + 7 + 3 folio map, eng. plate, text in Latin and Arabic; new calf backed patterned boards. First edition. The work comprises: Assemanus' history of Arabic Astronomy; two letters from Giuseppe Toaldo (professor of astronomy at Padua University) concerning the Ayyubid celestial globe in Cardinal Stefano Borgia's museum in Velletri; Assemanus's own detailed description of the globe (with the three plates and a list of the stars engraved on the globe); an excerpt from the Arabic text of al-Farghani's Elementa astronomica with Jacob Golius' Latin version (for the first edition of Golius' edition see the previous item). Simon Assemanus was born in 1752 (or 1749) from maronite family, he studied at Rome and worked at imperial library in Vienna in early 19th century and latter appointed as a professor of oriental languages at Padua University., unmediated, volume |