The volume is the first complete edition of the well known Saʻdī Šīrāzī's work, entitled "Gulistan", a work on the tradition of the Mirror for Magistrates, that Saʻdī dedicated to the rulers son, Sad ibn Abī Bakr ibn Sad. It is a collection of moralising anecdotes, arranged according to subject matter in 8 books. The mixture of prose and verse presented in it, if not the first instance of its kind in Persian, immediately makes the genre central to Persian literary history and elevates it to a new level of sophistication. Gentius's translation includes a final and extensive chapter with explanatory notes to the different chapters of the work.The printing made by Blaeu shows splendid Naskhi types., de Persico in Latinum versum, necessariisque notis illustratum a Georgio Gentio., Device on title page with motto: Indefessus Agendo, Initial letters in woodcut., Signatures: *⁴ **⁶ A-Z⁴ Aa-Zz⁴ Aaa-Vuu⁴ Xxx Yyy-Zzz⁴ Aaaa-Kkkk⁴ L, Each part of the two texts has catchword., Main Heritage Shelves General, PK6542.L3 S23 1651, Book, Item-ID: i19659830, BIB-ID: 1779884, Persian original text and Latin translation on opposite pages. |