ab Andrea Oberleitner., Large 8vo. 2 vols. in 1. Prior pars, chrestomathiam continens: X, (2), 292 pp. Posterior pars, glossarium continens: 246 pp., 1 bl. f. Contemp. half calf with giltstamped label to spine., Chrestomathy of Syriac literature, including history (about Plato and Aristotle, the Tatars, Genghis Khan, etc.), Biblical texts (Psalms, Minor Prophets, chapters from teh New Testament), poetry (hymns), etc.; with an appendic on Syrian poetics. Syriac glossary contains definitions in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Latin. - Oberleitner, an orientalist and theologian at the Benedictine "Schottenstift", was Professor of Arabic, Syriac, and Chaldaic Languages and Exegesis at the University of Vienna. "Oberleitner's independent editing of the 'Fundamenta' constitutes an important achievement" (cf. ÖBL). The Viennese printer Schmid specialized in Arabic, Persian, and Syrian works, and his was the only printing shop in Austria that could handle such texts. (Durstmüller I, 219f.). - Corners slightly bumped; covers rubbed. Printed in Syriac, Hebrew (and Aramiac), Greek, and Latin., Main Heritage Shelves General, PJ5425 .O24 1826, Book, Item-ID: i16875564, BIB-ID: 1510975 |