Title proper, date devised by Library staff. The photograph is numbered (3061) in the negative. Title from Ermakov's 1896 edition of his "Каталогъ фотографических видов и типов Кавказа, Персии, Европейской и Азиатской Турции" [Photographic Catalogue of Views and Types of the Caucasus, Persia, and European and Asiatic Turkey] (Tbilisi, Steam Printing House of the Headquarters of the Caucasian Army, 1896-1901). Manuscript caption on the verso of the print "North Caucasian Men. One smokes a pipe"., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2013.0018-0013, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i26351110, BIB-ID: 2813695 |