This volume is an account of the journey made by the Jesuit Father Manoel Godinho from India to Portugal by a new route, over land and sea. It contains valuable descriptions of India, Persia, and the adjacent Turkish Dominions, Arabia Felix, Arabia Deserta, etc. Father Godinho (1632-1712) had the spirit of an adventurer rather than a priest, and left the Order on his return to Portugal in 1663. He candidly admits the decline of Portuguese power in India, and the rise of the English and Dutch, especially the former. This is the first edition of his journey. It is considered "a very rare and valuable book of early travel in and near India, of which Brunet remarks that it is so rare as to have been wanting in the best collections of Voyages and Travels sold during many years past"., o padre Manoel Godinho da Companhia de Iesu : enviado à magestade del Rey N.S. Dom Affonso VI, pello seu viso-rey Antonio de Mello de Castro, & Estado de India, a Luis de Vasconcellos e Sousa, Conde des Castel Melhor ..., Initial letters in woodcut., Signatures: aa A⁸-L⁸ M⁶, Includes index (p. 184-188), Main Heritage Shelves General, DS506 .G63 1665, Book, Item-ID: i19660091, BIB-ID: 1779895, Early 19th c. ownerships by Filippo da Jesus da Silva and Maria das Dores, verso of title page |