The album is an account of the 1861 visit to Jerusalem undertaken by the François-Edmond Pâris, Rear-admiral of the French Navy in command of the third French Squadron of the Mediterranean. In the historical notes introducing the plates, the author provides references and impressions. François-Edmond Pâris joined the French Navy in 1820 and took part in three great expeditions: the first under d’Urville abord the Astrolabe (1826-9), and two under Laplace on the Favorite (1829-32) and the Artémise (1837-40). In 1858 he was named rear-admiral and was given the command of the third French Squadron of the Mediterranean. Before publishing “Souvenirs de Jerusalem,” Pâris had already published two important folios on naval and marine architecture., Halte des pèlerins à la fontaine Still Abou Nabout ; Pierre de lOnction et dôme de la chapelle grecque ; Chapelle du Saint Sépulcre ; Chapelle Sainte Hélène ou de lInvention de la Croix ; Galerie conduisant à la Passion du Christ ; Tombeau de la Vierge ; Grotte de L'Agonie ; Grotte au Lait ; Grotte de la Nativité ; Mosquée D'Omar ; Galerie de la Mosquée dOmar ; Mosquée El-Aksa, Album dessiné par M. le Contre-Amiral Pâris / Lithographié par MM. Hubert Clerget, Bachelier, Jules Gaildrau et Fichot., Title from item, date devised by Library staff. The album contains 14 lithographic plates, 12 of which are hand-coloured, title page illustrated with a mounted plan of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.GM.2017.0001, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i24201017, BIB-ID: 2524620 |