المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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13 - 24 of 148
Muhammedis filii Abdallae pseudoprophetae ; ad optimorum codicum fidem edita ex museo Abrahami Hinckelmanni., Title in red and black., Also added title-page in Arabic., Ms. note on title-page reads, "Ex bibliotheca Mich. Ernesti Schoenau Goth. Thur." The text contains many marginal and interlinear L ...
Al-Mas'udi composed his 'Kitab al-Tanbih wal-ishraf' in the years 955 and 956, finishing it not long before his death. Based in part on earlier historical-geographical works, it offers a description of astronomical and meteorological phenomena; the divisions of the earth; the seas; ancient nations; ...
authore Petro Liechtenstein., Has catchword., Text in two columns., Imprint from colophon., Signature: a⁶ a⁸ A-Z⁶ Aa-Zz⁶ AA-CC⁶, Device on title page. Device after the colophon in the last page., Main Heritage Shelves General, BF1680 .I263 1571, Book, Item-ID: i21500125, BIB-ID: 1946507, T ...
summa cura & diligenti studio de extrema barbarie uindicati, ac Latinitati donati, per Antonium Stupam Rhœtum Prægalliensem. Additus est huic authori index capitum singularum octo partium, seu librorum, quò lector faciliùs inueniat quæstionem sibi oblatam., Translation of: Al-bāriʻ fi ...
Translation by Joannes Hispalensis of the author's Kitāb aḥkām sinī al-mawālīd and other writings, based in great part on al-Kindī. cf. Sarton. An introd. to the hist. of science. Baltimore [1927] v. 1, p. 568; and Enzyk. d. Islām., Ed. by Johannes Angelus., Imprint from colophon., S ...
edited by J.T. Muckle., The second part of the author's Maqāsid al-falāsifah., Main Heritage Compact General, B753.G33 M33 1933, Book, Item-ID: i26179982, BIB-ID: 2797225
edidit et notis illustravit Gerardus Kuypers., Arabic text at head of title., "Glassarium arabico latinum": [28] p. at end., Main Heritage Shelves General, PJ7633 .A45 1745, Book, Item-ID: i15532938, BIB-ID: 2562064
ALCABITIUS. Astronomie iudicarie principia tractatus cum Johannis Saxonii commentario ordine textus nuperrime distincto. Additis annotationibus et in margine et in textu atque glossa per Petrum Turrel ... cum tractatulo do cognoscendis infirmitatibus. [Colophon:] Lyons, Guillaume Huyon for Bartel ...
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. ...
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. ...
Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. ...