المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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229 - 240 of 1459
by the Rev. F.V.J.Arundell., Main Heritage Shelves General, DS48.3 .A78 1834 vol.2, Book, vol.2, Item-ID: i22254869, BIB-ID: 2383922
par RenHachette, et Les possessions francaises de l'Inde, par Jo. Ginestou; documentation de Pierre Deloncle. Couverture en couleurs de Charles Fouqueray. Les photos sont partie de la collection Charles Michel-Cote, les clich sont de F.A. Famechon., Main Heritage Shelves General, DT411 .H3 1932, Boo ...
written by his sister, Mrs King., Main Heritage Shelves General, DT54 .K56 1891, Book, Item-ID: i10082761, BIB-ID: 1009912
von Oscar Fraas.
Reiseschilderungen von Heinrich Moser., Device on title page., Portrait of the author on the previous sheet to the title page., Main Heritage Shelves General, DK851 .M67 1888, Book, Item-ID: i21823030, BIB-ID: 2335900
Mathilde Weber., Main Heritage Shelves General, DR720 .W43 1892, Book, Item-ID: i22331360, BIB-ID: 2392063
von Dr. Alfons Gabriel ; unter mitarbeit von Frau Agnes Gabriel-Kummer, Main Heritage Shelves General, DS258 .G33 1935, Book, Item-ID: i25324585, BIB-ID: 2711847
Roman Oberhummer und Heinrich Zimmerer.
von Felix Langenegger ... mit 143 photographischen abbildungen fast nur nach original-aufnahmen und 78 handzeichnungen des verfassers., Main Heritage Shelves General, DS49.2 .L36 1911, Book, Item-ID: i10083066, BIB-ID: 1009942
by Donald Maxwell, with sketches in colour, monochrome, and line., Main Heritage Shelves General, DS49.2 .M39 1921, Book, Item-ID: i15530279, BIB-ID: 1005693
Przez Edwarda Raczyńskiego., First edition. - The very rare original edition of this important account of a journey through Turkey and Asia Minor. According to Brunet the finest publication ever to leave a Polish press, it was soon translated into German as "Malerische Reise in einigen Provinzen de ...