المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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97 - 104 of 104
Manuscript annotations under the print highlight the dome of the tomb of the prophet ("قبة الحجرة النبوية = Dome du tombeau du Prophète") and the garden of Lady Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet ("جنينة السيدة فاطمة = Jardin du Saida Fathima, fille du Prophète")., ...
Manuscript annotations under and behind the print specify the point of view of the panorama, that is the eastern view of the Mosque of Medina (" La Mosquée de la Mekke prise de l'Est") and the south-eastern side of the Kaaba ("الخهة الشرقية والقبلية من الكعبة = Côtes Es ...
The photograph shows pilgrims in Mecca gathering in the courtyard of the Masjid al-Haram, around the Kaaba., Title from item. Date devised by Library staff. The photograph is titled "La Mecque" (Mecca) and "لصلاة حول الكعبة", numbered (276) in the negative and signed (Photo Garrigues T ...
Date and title from item. The photograph is dated and signed in the negative - both in Arabic and French. Autograph captions in Arabic and in French on the recto and on the verso of the mount., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.2018.0265-0001, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i25456155, BIB-ID: 2712659
The name of the Shaykh is indicated only in the French version of the title. The three servants depicted in the picture are the so-called aghas, the Abyssinian guardians of the Prophet's Mosque; aghas were responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the holy mosques and they also guarded the Proph ...
The name of the Shaykh is indicated only in the French version of the title. The two servants depicted in the picture are the so-called aghas, the Abyssinian guardians of the Prophet's Mosque; aghas were responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the holy mosques and they also guarded the Prophet ...
This view is part of Fischer von Erlach’s large compilation of historical architecture entitled “Entwurf Einer Historischen Architektur” (Project for a history of architecture). This view of Mecca appeared as plate VII (numbered here top right) in Book Three of the work, devoted to Arab, Turk ...
The abum collects views of the city of Istanbul as well as street scenes, architectural photographs and group portraits., 8 Iles des Princes Halki Vue prise de Prinkipo -- 428 La Pointe du Sérail -- 44 Le Pont de Galata -- 38 Mosquée Suleymanie et vue de Stamboul -- 61 Eyoub, sur la Corne d’Or - ...