المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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349 - 360 of 1311
par Guillaume de l'Isle de l'Accademie Royale des Sciences a Paris., Relief shown pictorially, Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00140, Print Map, Item-ID: i17066128, BIB-ID: 1525278
Par Guillaume De Lisle ..., Relief shown pictorially., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00162, Print Map, Item-ID: i17066311, BIB-ID: 1525297
Guillaume de L'Isle(1675-1726) was on of the most important cartographers of the early 18th century and a major figure in making Paris a center of cartographic science at this time. The map shows the various kingdoms in North West Africa and Arabia with their borders clearly demarcated. Towns and s ...
par Guillaume de l'Isle, de l'Academie Royal a Paris., Relief shown pictorially., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00156, Print Map, Item-ID: i17066268, BIB-ID: 1525292
Upper righthand corner: "Atlas Universal", upper lefthand corner: "4.", From Lapie's Atlas universel de géographie ancienne et moderne, précédé d'un abrégé de géographie physique et historique .... 1841-[1842], Relief shown by hachures, Map indicates the routes taken by Alexander the Great., ...
This is engraved map illustrates the Ottoman Empire at the conclusion of the Great Turkish War after the Empires loss of most of its European possessions in great detail and includes "a detailed diagram of the caravan routes to Mecca and Medina from across the Ottoman Empire" and also this map cente ...
CARTE DE L'EMPIRE DES TURCS en Asie & en Afrique, divise dans toutes ses parties, avec une table de la longitude & latitude des principales positions de cette carte; le tout dresse sur les memoires nouveaux. Tom V no. 13. pag. 29. [above marg.]. A Copy of de Fer's map of 1715. Covers fro ...
CARTE DE L'EMPIRE DES TURCS en Asie & en Afrique, divise dans toutes ses parties, avec une table de la longitude & latitude des principales positions de cette carte; le tout dresse sur les memoires nouveaux. Tom V no. 13. pag. 29. [above marg.]. A Copy of de Fer's map of 1715. Covers fro ...
Relief shown pictorially, The map is flanked by two large tables which provide a detailed list of the principle towns and states and gives their exact location. There are lengthy historical notes on the Empire of Alexander the Great, as well as a wealth of information on the Roman Empire. The map ap ...
dressée en 1816 par le Chev. Lapie, géographe ; Richard Wahl sculp., Relief shown by hachures; political borders outlined in watercolor., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.2018.0004, Print Map, Item-ID: i25527319, BIB-ID: 2716246, Historic Maps copy has label on map verso: Ch. Picquet, Géo ...
Guill. De la Haye., Chart of the Gulf of Aden - the sea and mainland coast around Socotra, with inset charts of the Bab el Mandeb Strait and the port of Mocha. -- Plate 25 of Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis d'Après de Mannevillette's Neptune oriental., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.01190, Print ...
dressée et dessinée sous la direction de Mr. J. G. Barbié du Bocage. 1843 ; George Illustravt. et Dirext. ; Ch. Smith Sculpsit., Relief shown by hachures, Prime meridian: Paris, "Atlas B. du B. Pl. III", Map of Europe with countries borders. From Atlas of Barbie du Bocage, Main Heritage Compact G ...