المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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37 - 48 of 780
ink and gouache on paper, with lines of black shikasteh on a ground of gold and green floral illuminaiton, the right hand side of the composition with further lines of gold shikasteh emerging from a gold ground, gold and polychrome illuminated roundel to the bottom right hand side, all on a marbled ...
Arabic manuscript on paper, the central roundel with hadith in 7ll. o f black naskh above a small signature, further lines of calligraphy in various styles arranged around, all the panels outlined in gold, gold and polychrome floral illumination, signed and dated in a panel beneath the central round ...
Arabic manuscript on paper, with central circular composition with lines of black nasta'liq in clouds reser\'ed against gold ground, roundel surrounded by larger hne of nasta'liq also in clouds, a further line ot smiilar calligraphy above and below, floral illumination around the roundel, mounted, g ...
Arabic manuscript on black paper with bold mirrored composition of gold and white thuluth, gold and white floral sprays in the spandrels, between gold and white rules and outer borders with knotted medallions in the corners, mounted, framed and glazed., Turkey, dated AH 1286/ 1869-70 AD, اعتمد ...
ink on paper, the mirrored composition comprising one central drop-shaped calligraphy, two confronted compositions in the shape of a ewer on each side and two mirrored shahadas in red ink above, mounted, framed and glazed., Ottoman Turkey, 19th Century, اعتمدت هذه التسجيلة المؤ ...
Arabic manuscript on paper, with vanous panels of different size, each with different calligraphic styles, the central roundel with 8ll. of black naskh bordered by a band of large thuluth and four illuminated spandrels, the composition framed by a band of kufic, between gold rules, mounted, framed a ...
gouache heightened with gold on paper, wath a central roundel composed of stylised kufic, three quarters of the composition in light blue and the upper left hand c]uarter in black, with a square of gold leaf in the top centre, signed in the lower left hand corner, mounted, framed and glazed, publish ...
Arabic manuscript on paper, with 121ll o f various styles and sizes, laid down betweem gold and polychrome rules, with marble paper margins, Unknown,dated AH 1416/1995 AD, اعتمدت هذه التسجيلة المؤقتة على الفهرسة الأولية السابقة للمجموعة., Main ...
Arabic manuscript on paper, the calHgraphy forming two mirrored doves perching on a calligraphic composition, signed and dated below, between polychrome rules, mounted, framed and glazed, Qajar Iran or North India,dated AH 1234/ 1818-19 AD, اعتمدت هذه التسجيلة المؤقتة على ...
Arabic manuscript on paper, with one line of large thuluth with red diacritics, one bismallah in smaller naskh above, each within panels bordered with gold and black rules, laid down on card, with illuminated borders, framed and glazed., Probably Turkey, dated AH 1413/ 1992-93 AD, اعتمدت هذ ...
Arabic manuscript on paper, with two lines o f bold thuluth, signed and dated in the lower left hand corner, between gold margins and laid down between brown borders with gold floral illumination, mounted, framed and glazed, اعتمدت هذه التسجيلة المؤقتة على الفهرسة ...
Arabic manuscript on paper, w’ith the bismallah written in black nasta'liq with cloud, signed and dated below, within gold and polychrome floral margins, mounted, framed and glazed, اعتمدت هذه التسجيلة المؤقتة على الفهرسة الأولية السابقة للمجمو ...