المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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Collection of four full-length seated portraits of Muslim pilgrims and dervishes. The photographs were probably taken by Snouck Hurgronje in Jedda between 1884 and 1885. The negatives had handwork applied. In some images the original backgrounds have been substituted completely, whereas in one a cou ...
Street view outside the Hamidiya, a government building constructed by Othman Pasha, General Governor of Hejaz (r. 1882-1886). The subject of this photograph is probably the same building identified in the drawing of a view inside the Masjid al-Haram (plate no. 2) as ‘front-side of the Hamidiya Pa ...
Southwest view inside the Masjid al-Haram of the Kaaba and surrounding structures. The print is likely to have been drawn after a photograph of the same view by the Meccan doctor and photographer al-Sayyid ʻAbd al-Ghaffar (active in 1880s) between 1886 and 1887. Mentioned in the image are the Bani ...
Panoramic view over Mecca showing most of the Masjid al-Haram and the northwest portion of the city. The print is likely to have been drawn after a photograph - or a series of photographs - of the same view taken by the Meccan doctor and photographer al-Sayyid ʻAbd al-Ghaffar (active in 1880s) betw ...
Street view depicting the main guardhouse or police station in Mecca, described as being built by Osman Pasha, Hejaz military commander and governor (r. 1882-1886). The building features the Ottoman star and crescent symbols on the cornice and what appears to be a royal tughra (calligraphic monogram ...
Title and date from item. Plate no. 17 in Bilder-Atlas zu Mekka (Haag : Martinus Nijhoff, 1888-1889). The plate is numbered (XVII) and titled in German under the image., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.HP.02074-0017, 2-D Graphic, Item-ID: i26515428, BIB-ID: 2831558
Collection of four full-length seated portraits of Muslim pilgrims from Sumatra and of sheikhs for Malay pilgrims. The photographs were probably taken by Snouck Hurgronje in Jeddha between 1884 and 1885. The negatives had handwork applied and the original backgrounds have been substituted completely ...
Lithographic print showing objects and utensils commonly used in Mecca, such as water and coffee pitchers, saucers, jugs, vases, basins, bowls, a feeding stick, a waistband, incense burners, and a comb. The items are drawn from the collection of Snouck Hugronje., Title and date from item. Plate 37 i ...
Lithographic print showing objects and utensils commonly used in Mecca, such as baskets, brushes, covers fans, but also sandals, hats, tables, lecterns, and bags. The items are drawn from the collection of Snouck Hugronje., Title and date from item. Plate 38 in Bilder-Atlas zu Mekka (Haag : Martinus ...
Lithographic print showing objects and utensils commonly used in Mecca, such as water pitchers, wooden boxes, cups and frames. The items are drawn from the collection of Snouck Hugronje., Title and date from item. Plate 39 in Bilder-Atlas zu Mekka (Haag : Martinus Nijhoff, 1888-1889). The plate is n ...
Lithographic print showing objects and utensils commonly used in Mecca, such as wooden vessels, boxes, pitchers and cups, saucers, brass bowls, but also waterpipes, prayer beads and silver-plated amulets in a chain. The items are drawn from the collection of Snouck Hugronje., Title and date from ite ...
The "Bilder-Atlas zu Mekka" (Pictorial Atlas of Mecca) is the photographic portfolio published to accompany the 2-volume work “Mecca” by the Dutch orientalist Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje. In these texts, he reconstructs the history of the Holy City and on the origins of Islam, early traditions a ...