The crater; or, Vulcan's Peak: a tale of the Pacific (1848): The story of a utopian island in the Pacific that sinks into the sea after clergymen, a lawyer, and an editor create conflict there. It offers Cooper's opinion of government and his diagnosis of the decaying values in American society., Miles Wallingford (1844): In this sequel to Afloat and ashore, Miles again goes to sea in search of a fortune in trade but instead is imprisoned and pressed into service. He escapes to New York, where he learns that his estate has been seized, and he is imprisoned for debt. In the end, he is bailed out by the woman he loves and realizes that he belongs on the farm he almost lost while seeking riches. Based on Cooper's own experiences, it marks his first use of first-person narration., Homeward bound; or, The chase: a tale of the sea (1838): The story of the Effingham family's voyage home after several years in Europe, providing a social commentary through their encounters with the other passengers., On spine: Cooper's works., "Illustrated with wood-engravings.", Main Heritage Shelves General, PS1405 .C7 1892 vol. 8, Book, vol. 8, Item-ID: i20310857, BIB-ID: 2517292 |