Walsh, Robert. Constantinople and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor... in a series of drawings from nature by Thomas Allom. London: Fisher, Son & Co., [1839], 2 volumes in one, 4to (272 x 211mm.), engraved title-pages, 2 engraved maps, 94 engraved plates, nineteenth-century green morocco gilt, marginal staining to most plates (one plate more widely stained), spotting, binding rubbed Wright, George Newenham. The shores and islands of the Mediterranean. London: Fisher, Son & Co., [1840], 4to (272 x 211mm.), engraved additional title, double-page map, and 63 plates, nineteenth-century blue morocco gilt, edges gilt, spotting together 3 works in 6 volumes LITERATURE AND REFERENCES Blackmer 1253, 1766, 1845; Atabey -, 1316,, Main Heritage Shelves General, DR721 .P37 1838, Book, Item-ID: i20242827, BIB-ID: 1020741 |