المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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421 - 432 of 1322
extracted from the papers of Roger Curtis ; communicated by Daines Barrington., Curtis describes Labrador's geography, its animals and the ways of the Inuit, with some brief information on the Montagnais as well. He also attempts to calculate the Inuit population based on tribal information., Extrac ...
Ioanne Ruellio ... interprete ... : additis etiam annotationibus siue scholijs breuissimis quidem, quae tamen de medicinali materia omnem controuersiam facile tollant / per Gualtherum H. Ryff ... : accessere in eundem autorem scholia noua, cum nomenclaturis Graecis, Latinis, Hebraicis, & Germani ...
On the Erythraean Sea / Agatharkhides., by an unknown author ; with some extracts from Agatharkhid女 "On the Erythraean sea" ; translated and edited by G.W.B. Huntingford., Includes indexes., Main Heritage Compact General, HF386 .P4213 1980, Reference, Item-ID: i15866932, BIB-ID: 2517981, Includes ...
Part the first, From the sea of Suez to the coast of Zanguebar -- Part the second, From the Gulfph of Elana, in the Red Sea, to the island of Ceylon, by William Vincent, D.D., Volume 2 bears the printers' names on the verso of the half title: Strahan and Preston., A translation of Periplus maris Ery ...
Part the first, From the sea of Suez to the coast of Zanguebar -- Part the second, From the Gulfph of Elana, in the Red Sea, to the island of Ceylon, by William Vincent, D.D., Volume 2 bears the printers' names on the verso of the half title: Strahan and Preston., A translation of Periplus maris Ery ...
with dissertations by William Vincent., Partly a translation from the Greek of Periplus maris Erythraei, sometimes attributed to Arrian. The register and pagination are continuous; with engraved plates and maps.
with dissertations by William Vincent., Partly a translation from the Greek of Periplus maris Erythraei, sometimes attributed to Arrian. The register and pagination are continuous; with engraved plates and maps., Main Heritage Shelves General, HF1003 .V56 1800, Book, Item-ID: i10216893, BIB-ID: 1023 ...
autore Valerio Cordo. ... Opera et studio collegij medici inclytae reipub. Norimbergensis jam primum multo emendatius ac ... auctius in lucem editum. Cum copioso duplici indice., Sign.: a⁴, A-Nn⁴ Oo⁶, Marque typogr. au tit., Main Heritage Shelves General, RS79 .C67 1592, Book, Item-ID: i228149 ...
Atlas volume of the 2 v. 1802 account of the author's experiences as an artist in Napoleon's Egyptian campaigns.