المستودع الرقمي لمكتبة قطر الوطنية

(نسخة تجريبية)

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169 - 180 of 262
Nautical chart, Relief shown pictorially, The map covers the Persian Gulf from Basra to Cap de Jask. Scale: Lieu Francoises de 3000 pas Geomemetriqe ou de 2500 Toises 30. Lieues Marines, de 20 au degre 30. Parsange, de 22 au degre 30. Parasanges de 19 au degre 30. [up r. h.], Main Heritage Compact ...
J.V. Schley., Also covers surrounding coastal areas. Shows forts and city structures., Relief shown by hachures and landforms., Includes illustrations and decorative border., Depiction of Hormuz island in the Arabian Gulf. Parts of Kishm island and Persian coast on the other side are shown., Main He ...
J.V. Schley., Also covers surrounding coastal areas. Shows forts and city structures., Relief shown by hachures and landforms., Includes illustrations and decorative border., Depiction of Hormuz island in the Arabian Gulf. Parts of Kishm island and Persian coast on the other side are shown., Main He ...
Sr. Sanson., Relief shown pictorially., Title from top margin., Includes inset of North African coast., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00554, Print Map, Item-ID: i11405090, BIB-ID: 1172852, Place names in French.
Verso in French text: Les Indes. OOOO., Coat of arms at head of dedication to Christophoro Thisio from Henricus Hondius., From: Le Nouveau theatre du monde ou novel atlas. Tome troisiesme/ Hondius and Janssonius. Amsterdam : Chez Ian Ianson, 1639. 3, 80, Map of south and southeast Asia. Northern coa ...
Relief shown by hachures., Cartographer, place and date of publication from dealer's notes., Prime meridian: Ferro. Prime meridian computed from Greenwich., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00057, Print Map, Item-ID: i17066657, BIB-ID: 1525331
Relief shown pictorially and with hachures, Map of African continent and neighbouring regions shown in political divisions; Empires, Republics etc. Provided with important information on relief, exploration and remarks., possibly published in 1750, Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00962, Print ...
[Nicolas de Fer] a Amsterdam chez I. Covens et E. Mortier. Avec Privilege., Relief shown pictorially, Biblical geography, The map covers Egypt, Holy Land and some parts of Arabia. Descriptive texts on the right and left pannels. 2 engravings of St. Paul and St. Antony, [up right & left corners ...
With 6 pictorial vignettes, Relief shown pictorially, From Chatelain's "Atlas historique : ou, Nouvelle introduction à l'histoire, à la chronologie & à la géographie ancienne & moderne.", With text on the history of Morocco and the marriage customs of North Africans, Main Heritage Co ...
Upper right hand corner: "32", La France par Postes. Scale: Echelle, Lieues communes de france, 25. Lieues de Paris, 20 (up r.h.) 18.30 x 25.30 cm. Coloured (border) French., sheet, Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.01040, Print Map, Item-ID: i11402842, BIB-ID: 1172627
This is exquisite map of Sri Lanka with relief shown pictorially and map of the island nation with north oriented to the right, this map which was used to illustrate the voyage of Lopo Soares d' Albegeria in 1515 on behalf of the King of Portugal by the Portuguese historian Joan de Barros, this map ...
sur les opservations de messieurs de l'Academie royale de siences [sic] par N. de Fer, geographe de Monseigneur le Dauphin., The map depicts several pictoral history of Africa with textual explaination, these pictures are places around the four pannels of the map. The continent is divided into polit ...