I. Farghāna. Kābul. -- II. Hindūstān. translated from the original Turki text of Z̤ahiruʼddīn Muhammad Bābur Pādshāh Ghāzī, by Annette Susannah... Show moreI. Farghāna. Kābul. -- II. Hindūstān. translated from the original Turki text of Z̤ahiruʼddīn Muhammad Bābur Pādshāh Ghāzī, by Annette Susannah Beveridge. First printed 1922 ; reprinted 1969. Paged continuously. "Writings based upon or relating to Babur's": pages l-li. Main Heritage Compact General DS461.1 .A215 1969 Reference Item-ID: i15860541 BIB-ID: 2526384 Includes bibliographical references. Issued in 4 parts, 1912-22. Show less
per G.B. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ120 .B48 1658 Book Item-ID: i24523422 BIB-ID: 2623418 Show moreper G.B. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ120 .B48 1658 Book Item-ID: i24523422 BIB-ID: 2623418 Show less