Isfizārī, al-Muẓaffar ibn Ismāʻil , -approximately 1116, Weights and measures, Arab, الموزاين والمقاييس, QC85 .A23 2015
by Mohammed Abattouy and Salim Al-Hassani English translation, partial analysis and historical context Main Heritage Compact General QC85 .A23 2015 Ref... Show moreby Mohammed Abattouy and Salim Al-Hassani English translation, partial analysis and historical context Main Heritage Compact General QC85 .A23 2015 Reference Item-ID: i25299098 BIB-ID: 2443145 Includes bibliographical references (pages 385-395). Show less
Cuneiform writing, Weights and measures, Babylonian, PJ3223 .S86 1918
compiled by Samuel A. B. Mercer. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ3223 .S86 1918 Book Item-ID: i24892099 BIB-ID: 1006203 Show morecompiled by Samuel A. B. Mercer. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ3223 .S86 1918 Book Item-ID: i24892099 BIB-ID: 1006203 Show less
Cuneiform writing, Weights and measures, Babylonian, PJ3223 .S86 1918
compiled by Samuel A. B. Mercer. Main Heritage Compact General PJ3223 Book Item-ID: i10044000 BIB-ID: 1006203 Show morecompiled by Samuel A. B. Mercer. Main Heritage Compact General PJ3223 Book Item-ID: i10044000 BIB-ID: 1006203 Show less
Weights and measures--History, Maten en gewichten, El (oude lengtemaat), QC84 .W2, 50.12
by Lieut.-General Sir Charles Warren. "Works alluded to or consulted": p. [xix]-xx. Show moreby Lieut.-General Sir Charles Warren. "Works alluded to or consulted": p. [xix]-xx. Show less
Glass weights, Weights and measures, Arab, CJ3413 .L26 1891, 389.159
Edited by Reginald Stuart Poole. "...weights in the Dept. of Coins and Medals, and in that of Mediaeval Antiquities." Show moreEdited by Reginald Stuart Poole. "...weights in the Dept. of Coins and Medals, and in that of Mediaeval Antiquities." Show less
Weights and measures--History, Weights and measures--History--Early works to 1800, QC87 .P37 1540
composta per M. Bartholomeo di Pasi da Vinetia ; con la sua tauola copiosissima e facilissima a trouare ogni cosa per ordine nuouamente fatta e con... Show morecomposta per M. Bartholomeo di Pasi da Vinetia ; con la sua tauola copiosissima e facilissima a trouare ogni cosa per ordine nuouamente fatta e con somma dilige[n]za reuista e spa[m]pata. Print from colophon. Signatures: aa12, A-Z8, AA-BB8. -- La h. aa12 en bl. -- L. curs. -- Catchwords. -- Registrum. Tít. enmarcado en port. arquitectónica xil. -- Inic. grab. xil. An early merchants' guide to the measurements of the Mediterranean and Near East, this pocketbook for sixteenth-century Italian traders is one of the foremost sources for the study of the metrologies of Venice and her trading partners in the early sixteenth century. It enabled conversion between Venetian currency, weights and measures and units of other Italian city-states, European neighbours and more exotic locations in the Levant, North Africa, the Near and Middle East, including Constantinople, Aleppo, Tripoli, Damascus, Cyprus, Corfu, Rhodes, and Crete. Pasi's manual is invaluable as a record of the panoply of commodities traded in the Mediterranean at the start of the sixteenth century, including pearls, silks, wool, saffron, chestnuts, figs, galangal, vegetable oils, gold and silver. On fols. 3, 11, and 12, Pasi recorded the tariffs on pearls in Damascus, Aleppo, Cairo, Alexandria, Constantinople and Venice. Most likely the famous merchant Balbi carried a copy of this classic on his travels. - First printed in Venice in 1503, and again in 1521, this 1540 edition appears to be the third and was followed by another in 1557. - An excellent clean copy in a charming French binding. Very rare: the only copy of any edition to surface at auction within the last thirty years appears to be the Honeyman copy of the 1503 edition. Main Heritage Shelves General QC87 .P37 1540 Book Item-ID: i16875357 BIB-ID: 1510954 Show less
Commerce, Weights and measures, Coinage, Exchange, Balance of trade, Commerce, HF1005 .R63 1677
Main Heritage Shelves General HF1005 .R63 1677 Book Item-ID: i10211494 BIB-ID: 1022785 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General HF1005 .R63 1677 Book Item-ID: i10211494 BIB-ID: 1022785 Show less