Description and travel, DS412 .I263 1819, 425.4 Ib5d
ex arabico Ebn Batutae Itinerario edita ; interpretatione et annotationibus instructa per Henricum Apetz. Ibn Batutta's description of Malabar,... Show moreex arabico Ebn Batutae Itinerario edita ; interpretatione et annotationibus instructa per Henricum Apetz. Ibn Batutta's description of Malabar, south-western India. Original Arabic text, edited with a Latin translation and annotations by the Jena oriental scholar and entomologist Johann Heinrich Gottfried Apetz (1794-1857), a student of L. G. Kosegarten, to whom this effort is dedicated. - Ibn Battuta's famous "Rihla" (literally, "The Journey") is considered one of the most significant Mediaeval eyewitness accounts of the Middle East. Over a period of thirty years, the Muslim Moroccan explorer Abu-‘Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Batutah (1304-77?) visited most of the known Islamic world, including North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the West, to the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the East - a distance surpassing his near-contemporary Marco Polo. He journeyed more than 75,000 miles, a figure unsurpassed by any individual explorer until the coming of the Steam Age some 450 years later, and is considered one of the greatest travellers of all time. After returning home from his travels in 1354, Ibn Battuta dictated an account of his journeys to Ibn Juzayy, a scholar whom he had previously met in Granada. The account is the only source for Ibn Battuta's adventures. For centuries his book was obscure, even within the Muslim world, but in the early 19th century extracts were published in German and English based on manuscripts discovered in the Middle East, containing abridged versions of Ibn Juzayy's Arabic text. - Slight browning and duststaining; ownership "S. H. Lewin" (dated 1828) on t. p. Main Heritage Compact General DS412 .I263 1819 Book Item-ID: i16843642 BIB-ID: 1509208 Show less
The German Dominican Burchard of Mount Sion wrote down his experiences while or after spending several years in the Holy Land before, during and... Show moreThe German Dominican Burchard of Mount Sion wrote down his experiences while or after spending several years in the Holy Land before, during and after 1283. His work became a late medieval popular success and his description, although little studied, is considered a key document that influenced theperception of Palestine in both text and image, in travel accounts and maps until far into the sixeenth century. This edition bears no illustrations nor maps of the region and it is preceded by a summary of contents followed by an index of terms of 48 unnumbered pages. accipe Borchardi. Main Heritage Shelves General DS106 .B87 1519 Book Item-ID: i21508756 BIB-ID: 1950295 Show less
auctore Brocardo Monacho ... ; De Nouis Insulis nuper repertis, & de moribus incolarum earundem per Petrum Martyrum, etc. Main Heritage Shelves General ... Show moreauctore Brocardo Monacho ... ; De Nouis Insulis nuper repertis, & de moribus incolarum earundem per Petrum Martyrum, etc. Main Heritage Shelves General DS109 .B83 1536 Book Item-ID: i21956662 BIB-ID: 2346548 Show less
Travel, Description and travel, DS109 .B83 1587, 915.694043
avctore Borchardo, monacho Germano, familiæ Dominicanæ, quem vixisse accepimus circa annum Iesu Christi M. CC. XXCIII. Item Itinerarivm... Show moreavctore Borchardo, monacho Germano, familiæ Dominicanæ, quem vixisse accepimus circa annum Iesu Christi M. CC. XXCIII. Item Itinerarivm Hierosolymitanvm Bartholomæi de Saligniaco : qui ambo commentarij secundum literas sacras cum recentem Hierosolymitanam ... "Itinerarium hierosolymitanum has special title-page; also published in 1593 under title: Itinerarivm Sacrae Scriptvrae."--National union catalog pre-1956 imprints. Main Heritage Shelves General DS109 .B83 1587 Book Item-ID: i23461573 BIB-ID: 2505497 Show less
الجغرافيا عند العرب, Geography, Arab, التاريخ الإسلامي--وصف ورحلات, Description and travel, G93 .M94 2014, 910.91767
Shams al-Din Abu ʻAbdallah Muḥammad b. Ahmad b. Abi Bakr al-Bannaʼ al-Shami al-Muqadassi is one of the most prominent representatives of Arabic... Show moreShams al-Din Abu ʻAbdallah Muḥammad b. Ahmad b. Abi Bakr al-Bannaʼ al-Shami al-Muqadassi is one of the most prominent representatives of Arabic geography in the second half of the 10th century CE. Building on the tradition of the "atlas of Islam" of which al-Istakhri and Ibn Hawqal were also representatives, al-Muqadassi was the first to systematize the subject into a proper science of geography of Islam for the benefit of both merchants and the cultivated man. Al-Muqadass's Ahsan al-taqasim fi maʻrifat al-aqalim ("the best division for the knowledge of the provinces") was the first work of its kind to be accepted as a form of literature. The treatment of each "province" (iqlim) begins with the division of its districts and towns, followed by their description. Then a general chapter of the province tends to discuss the following aspects: climate, products and specialties, waters, mines, mountains, holy places, money, taxes, weights and measures, customs, marvels, calendar, political power, factions, schools and Qurʼanic readings, and routes. by al-Muqadassi = Main Heritage Compact General G93 .M94 2014 Reference Item-ID: i22369260 BIB-ID: 1886526 In Arabic. Show less
Geography, Medieval, Description and travel, DS46 .I88 2014, 915.6041
Little is known about the life of Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhim b. Muḥammad al-Iṣṭakhrī, the author of Kitāb al-Masalik wa l-mamālik , which was written... Show moreLittle is known about the life of Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhim b. Muḥammad al-Iṣṭakhrī, the author of Kitāb al-Masalik wa l-mamālik , which was written towards the end of the first half of the 10th century CE. The work built on the earlier concept of the "atlas of Islam", which it developed further. The climates (iqlīm) it describes are no longer those of Ptolemean geography, but, reflecting the Iranian tradition, refer to geographical entities or "countries". Also reflecting the author's background--whose most common nisba is al-Fārisī--Iran holds a favoured position on this work. Published in 1870, the present edition by M.J. de Goeje was the first volume in the first series of the Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum. auctore Abu Ishák al-Fárisí al-Istakhrí. Title page states: "M.J. de Goeje's classic edition (1870)". Title in Latin transcription: Viae regnorum : descriptio ditionis Moslemicae / auctore Abu Ishák al-Fárisí al Istakhrí ; edidit M.J. de Goeje. Photo mechanical reprint of the 1870 edition. Main Heritage Compact General DS46 .I88 2014 Reference Item-ID: i22369259 BIB-ID: 1886538 Text in Arabic with preface in Latin. Show less
Geography, Medieval, الجغرافيا العربية, الجغرافيا الطبيعية, الأرض, Geography, Arab, وصف ورحلات, Description and travel, DS327.6 .I26 2014
The journeys of Abū l-Qāsim Ibn Ḥawqal, who might have been a merchant, took him to North Africa, Spain and the southern edge of the Sahara (947-51... Show moreThe journeys of Abū l-Qāsim Ibn Ḥawqal, who might have been a merchant, took him to North Africa, Spain and the southern edge of the Sahara (947-51), Egypt, Armenia and Azerbaijan (c. 955), the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Khuzistan, and Iran (961-69), Khwarazm and Transoxania (c. 969), and Sicily (973). By about 988 CE the final version of Ibn Ḥawqal's Kitāb Ṣūrat al-arḍ was ready. It is effectively both a continuation and an update of al-Istakhri's Kitab al-Masalik wa-al-mamalik and is also known under that same title. Ibn Ḥawqal transformed what was meant as a commentary on a series of maps into a work in its own right, which also included remarks on various countries or peoples bordering on the Islamic world, e.g. the Turks, the Khazars, the towns of southern Italy, the Sudanese and the Nubians. Although he owed much to al-Istakhri;s work, Ibn Ḥawqal aimed to place the text firmly within his own period. He took great care to depict a region precisely in the state and at the date that he himself had seen it, with occasional references to the distant or more recent past. This is particularly true of the notes on economic matters, which form a complete break with convention. Ibn Ḥawqal was the only Arab geographer of the period who really sketched a vivid picture of production. تأليف ابي القاسم بن حوقل النصيبي = Viae et regna : descriptio ditionis Moslemicae / auctore Abu'l-Kásim Ibn Haukal ; edidit M.J. de Goeje. "M.J. de Goeje's classic edition (1873)." Main Heritage Compact General DS327.6 .I26 2014 Reference Item-ID: i22369144 BIB-ID: 1886540 Show less
authore Iacobo Zieglero Landauo Bauaro ; Holmiæ plane regiæ vrbis calamitosissima clades ab eodem descripta. Terrae Sanctae altera descripio, ivxta... Show moreauthore Iacobo Zieglero Landauo Bauaro ; Holmiæ plane regiæ vrbis calamitosissima clades ab eodem descripta. Terrae Sanctae altera descripio, ivxta ordinem alphabeti, quæ ad scripturam proxime directa est, utilissima etiam plebeio lectori / authore Vuolffgango Vueissenburgio ... Index, totius operis locupletissimus ... Elenchuvs, quo libro / capite Bibliorum ... Main Heritage Shelves General DS107 .Z54 1536 Book Item-ID: i23461457 BIB-ID: 2505486 Show less
Includes: Pars altera Port. con grab. calac. Signature: A-Z8,2A8; 2B8-2Z8, 3A8-3E8. Main Heritage Shelves General DT7 .L45 1632 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20240181 ... Show moreIncludes: Pars altera Port. con grab. calac. Signature: A-Z8,2A8; 2B8-2Z8, 3A8-3E8. Main Heritage Shelves General DT7 .L45 1632 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20240181 BIB-ID: 1006545 Show less
Includes: Pars altera Port. con grab. calac. Signature: A-Z8,2A8; 2B8-2Z8, 3A8-3E8. Main Heritage Shelves General DT7 .L45 1632 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i10049095 ... Show moreIncludes: Pars altera Port. con grab. calac. Signature: A-Z8,2A8; 2B8-2Z8, 3A8-3E8. Main Heritage Shelves General DT7 .L45 1632 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i10049095 BIB-ID: 1006545 Show less
Geography, Bible, Cities and towns, Ancient, History, Description and travel, History, History, DS104 .H37 1739
auctore Johanne Matthia Hasio ... ; impensas faciente Homanniano Coherede ... Signatures: [pi]1 )(² A-V⁴ X², [chi]1 ²A-H⁴ I² [$3 signed ( -)(1,X1... Show moreauctore Johanne Matthia Hasio ... ; impensas faciente Homanniano Coherede ... Signatures: [pi]1 )(² A-V⁴ X², [chi]1 ²A-H⁴ I² [$3 signed ( -)(1,X1,²I1 )] . Part [2] has separate t.p. with title: De magnitudine comparata et determinata urbium, quae propter ipsam magnitudinem celebres habentur potissimum in antiquitate itemque nostris temporibus inquisitio, juncta consideratione quorundam operum veterum ex magnificentissimis. Plates: 6 folded col. maps; 1 unnumbered table (synopsis of scales); 7 plates, numbered I-VII; 5 plates numbered "sectionis III, tab. I-sectionis III, tab. V", 1 plate captioned "tab. ultima". Head and tail pieces; t.p. in black and red; initials. Main Heritage Shelves General DS104 .H37 1739 Book Item-ID: i10169039 BIB-ID: 1018539 Show less
Originally published as a separately issued map. It has the addition of a folio figure "5" in the upper right corner, indicating the map was to be... Show moreOriginally published as a separately issued map. It has the addition of a folio figure "5" in the upper right corner, indicating the map was to be incorporated into an atlas. However, none of the atlases is known to have survived. The upper border shows seven city views: Ormus, Aden, Jerusalem, Damascus, Rhodes, and Famagusta, copied from Hondius's 1623 map of Asia. The costumed figures alone the borders are copied from Van den Keere's map of 1614. The map depicts Tasman's second voyage to the north coast of Australia, Le Maire's voyage to New Guinea, and Vries's 1643 to north Japan. -- Dealer's description. t'Amsterdam by Frederick de Wit in de Kalverstraet in de Witte Paskaert. The map of Asia well decorated. Views of Ormus, Aden, Jerusalem, Damascus, Rodus and Famgusta [up.margin.]. Side margins are decorated with figures of different races. Relief shown pictorially. Covers Saudi Arabia, Russia, India, China, Japan to Southeast Asia. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00321 Print Map Item-ID: i11400882 BIB-ID: 1172431 Show less
خريطة صغيرة للامبراطورية العثمانية وتظهر فيها شبه الجزيرة العربية مفصلة،وبلاد فارسن كما يظهر فيها جزء من شرق افريقيا يضم مصر وليبيا والسودان وسواحل... Show moreخريطة صغيرة للامبراطورية العثمانية وتظهر فيها شبه الجزيرة العربية مفصلة،وبلاد فارسن كما يظهر فيها جزء من شرق افريقيا يضم مصر وليبيا والسودان وسواحل البحر الاحمر وهي ايضاً من عمل الجغرافي ورسام الخرايط الشهير موسس الاطلس الحديث البلجيكي ابراهام اورتيليس،ونشرت بواسطة ناشر الخرايط الايطالي بيترو مارشيتي في اواخر القرن السادس عشر بمدينة برشيا الايطالية سنة 1598م.الخريطة ملونة يدوياً بالالوان القديمة مقياس الخريطة 10.40. 8.20سم. This map of Arabian peninsula and neighbouring regions has no boundaries, only rivers are marked and few coastal towns and regions, Mecca and Medina are not shown. Coloured with red and yellow margins. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00263 Print Map Item-ID: i11400638 BIB-ID: 1729899 Show less
Abraham Ortelli. Map Saudia Arabia, Turkey and Iraq with relief shown pictorially. Plate [113] from: Theatrum orbis terrarum / Abraham Ortelius.... Show moreAbraham Ortelli. Map Saudia Arabia, Turkey and Iraq with relief shown pictorially. Plate [113] from: Theatrum orbis terrarum / Abraham Ortelius. Antverpiae : ex Officina Plantiana apud Ioannem Moretum, Anno 1601. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00172 Print Map Item-ID: i17066372 BIB-ID: 1525303 In Latin. Show less
Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00159 Print Map Item-ID: i17066293 BIB-ID: 2764311 Show moreMain Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00159 Print Map Item-ID: i17066293 BIB-ID: 2764311 Show less
Old color example of Ortelius' map of the Middle East, from Egypt to modern-day Iraq, prominently featuring the Arabian Peninsula, and extending... Show moreOld color example of Ortelius' map of the Middle East, from Egypt to modern-day Iraq, prominently featuring the Arabian Peninsula, and extending north of the Mediterranean from Turkey across Greece to Italy. Extracted from map of Asia in 1567 edition of Ortelius previous map, but this map with more detail based on Ortelius own map of Asia, which was in turn derived from Giacomo Gastaldis Il Disegno della Seconda Parte dellAsia (1561), for the Arabian detail. A description of the Ormus region is given in a blank space in Persia. Considered to be far superior to all previous maps of Asia, as it was informed by the published travels of Marco Polo, which appeared in Ramusios Navigationi et Viaggi (1550-59). Ortelius map features the Arabian Peninsula prominently and shows lands surrounding the eastern Mediterranean, with Italy in the northwest, southward to the east coast of Africa. The coastlines are fairly accurate, but the interiors are less defined and many of the rivers, lakes and mountain ranges bear mythological names from antiquity. The seas are richly embellished with sailing ships, with a great monster in the Black Sea. Latin text on verso, Abraham Ortelius map of the Middle East, Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean is the best known of all the 16th-century maps of the Ottoman Empire. Relief shown pictorially. Main Heritage Display General HC.MAP.00059 Print Map Item-ID: i11401424 BIB-ID: 1789994 Show less
Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) was a Flemish cartographer and central figure at the pinnacle of Dutch cartographic science during the Age of... Show moreAbraham Ortelius (1527-1598) was a Flemish cartographer and central figure at the pinnacle of Dutch cartographic science during the Age of Discovery. He was famously the first to publish a printed collection of maps with the title of atlas. This map depicts the entire continent of Asia. The Red Sea is given the alternative name of Arabian Gulf and the Gulf is given the alternative name of Mar Mesendin, or Sea of Mesendin, now known as Musandam, a governate in Oman. Relief shown pictorially Descriptive text on verso in Latin This is a new plate of the 1570 map, copied word for word. In the Arabian Peninsula the name Ara, a city at the mouth of the Red Sea, has been omitted, while Medina Tallnabi becomes Medina, the word Tallnabi being moved to the left to cover a formerlu nameless town south of Jabul. From "Theatrum orbis terrarum" by Abraham Ortelius (Antwerpen : Plantijn, 1579). This is from the second version of the 1579 printing Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.01187 Print Map Item-ID: i11404589 BIB-ID: 1172801 Show less
Captions in French on verso: Natolie, ov Petite Asie ; Egypte ; Le port de Carthage, ov Thvnis. Relief shown pictorially. North oriented to left. Main... Show moreCaptions in French on verso: Natolie, ov Petite Asie ; Egypte ; Le port de Carthage, ov Thvnis. Relief shown pictorially. North oriented to left. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00933 Print Map Item-ID: i11402465 BIB-ID: 1172589 Show less
Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw. The map shows bird's eye views of major African cities across the top border. These include Tangiers, Ceuta, Algiers, Tunis,... Show moreAuct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw. The map shows bird's eye views of major African cities across the top border. These include Tangiers, Ceuta, Algiers, Tunis, Alexandria, Cairo, the island of Mozambique, the mine at St. George in Guinea, and the Canary Islands. The sides have ethnographic depictions of the peoples of Africa, from top left: Moroccans, Senegalese, traders in Guinea, Congolese, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Mozambicans, the King of Madagascar, and those of the Cape of Good Hope. Relief shown pictorially Second (c. 1621 - 1635) or possibly third (c.1645) state of Blaue's map of Africa. See Betz (Mapping of Africa) #57.2, p; Tooley (Collectors' Guide to Maps of Africa ....) p. 29; Norwich (Maps of Africa) #32. Map of African continent with the Arabian peninsula marked with double coloured borders. Depiction of monsters, piranhas and ships at the sea. This carte - a - figures contain 3 pannels of vignette; the pannel depicts panoramic views of important towns of the continent; Tangier, Ceuta, Algiers, Tunis, Alexandria, Cairo, Mozambique, St. Georgeus della Mina and the Canaries. The left and right pannel are shown with individual costumed figures (in couples, man and wife); moroccans, Guineans, Senegalese, Congos, Egyptians, Abyssinians, Mozambiquean, Madagascar, ... panciled maps of this kind are very rare. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00917 Print Map Item-ID: i11402416 BIB-ID: 1172584 Show less