Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, Pharmacy, Pharmacy--Early works to 1800, Medicine, Pharmacy, R126 .B73 1545
Main Heritage Shelves General R126 .B73 1545 Book Item-ID: i2282179x BIB-ID: 2428050 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General R126 .B73 1545 Book Item-ID: i2282179x BIB-ID: 2428050 Show less
Pharmacy, Pharmacy--Early works to 1800, RS79 .I266 1531
Miejsce wyd. z expl. Antidotarium. Na karcie po Antidotarium sygnet druk. Autor 1, 2 pracy wg bibliografii. Main Heritage Shelves General RS79 .I266 1531 ... Show moreMiejsce wyd. z expl. Antidotarium. Na karcie po Antidotarium sygnet druk. Autor 1, 2 pracy wg bibliografii. Main Heritage Shelves General RS79 .I266 1531 Book Item-ID: i10143889 BIB-ID: 1016024 Dostępne w postaci elektronicznej. Show less
Fever, Fever--Early works to 1800, Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, RB129 .D44 1576
DE FEBRIBUS Opus sane aureum ... in quo trio sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt; nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini. ... Show moreDE FEBRIBUS Opus sane aureum ... in quo trio sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt; nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini. [Edited by Gasparo Bindoni]. Venice, Gratioso Perchacino for Gasparo Bindoni, 1576 [colophon 1575]. Folio, 1l + 1t + 1 + 2 + 4 (index) + 627 + 1 + 1l, with woodcut printer's device on title, woodcut initials at the beginning of each author's section, printed in double columns; splendidly bound in contemporary green dyed vellum, 3-line outer border of plain v ellum (the green removed by a gouge), gilt scroll-work frame, 3-line inner border, enclosing the large gilt arms of Ferdinand Hofman, Freiherr zu Grevenstein, spine gilt decorated with plain vellum lines forming compartments, the top compartment entirely plain vellum and lettered in ink, with a numeral 7 superimposed later, and an old paper label below, yapp edges, remains of ties, edges sprinkled blue and red. First edition of this compilation (it was re-issued in Venice in 1594 with name of Fernel, probably spuriously attached). The Bindoni were a prominent family of sixteenth century Venetian printers; this is the only work issued under the sole editorship of Gaspar Bindoni. It is an anthology of writings on fevers by twenty-five Greek, Arab and Latin authors, the last including Latin writers of the Middle Ages. The Arabic writers are Avicenna, Averroes, Isaac, Serapion, Haly Abbas and Johannes Actuarius. The Latin authors include Constantinus Africanus and Arnald of Villanova. Adams F400; Bird 639 (imperfect); Bruni Celli 2844; Durling 1105; Garrison-Morton 2193; Parkinson & Lumb 812; Wellcome 6868. Colophon dated 1575. Main Heritage Shelves General RB129 .D4 1576 Book Item-ID: i10156409 BIB-ID: 1017276 Show less
Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā , 865?-925?, Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, Medicine, Arab, R128.6 .G53 1564
opera ac diligentia Hieronymi Donzellini philosophi ac medici Veronensis, emendata ac perpolita. In two parts. Part 2 has special title page:... Show moreopera ac diligentia Hieronymi Donzellini philosophi ac medici Veronensis, emendata ac perpolita. In two parts. Part 2 has special title page: Leonardi Iacchini ... Opuscula elegentissima, nempe Praecognoscendi methodus. De rationali curandi arte, De acutorum morborum curatione. Quaestiones naturales. Basileae. 1563. Signatures: [fleuron]⁴ *⁴ a-z⁴ A-L⁴ 2A-2Z⁴ [alpha]-[iota]⁴ 3a-3n⁴. Includes indexes to In nonum librum Rasis ... commentaria and De rationali curandi arte. Main Heritage Shelves General R128.6 .G53 1564 Book Item-ID: i23816521 BIB-ID: 2534739 Show less
Fever, Fever--Early works to 1800, Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, RB129 .D44 1576
DE FEBRIBUS Opus sane aureum ... in quo trio sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt; nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini. ... Show moreDE FEBRIBUS Opus sane aureum ... in quo trio sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt; nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini. [Edited by Gasparo Bindoni]. Venice, Gratioso Perchacino for Gasparo Bindoni, 1576 [colophon 1575]. Folio, 1l + 1t + 1„ + 2 + 4 (index) + 627 + 1„ + 1„l, with woodcut printer's device on title, woodcut initials at the beginning of each author's section, printed in double columns; splendidly bound in contemporary green dyed vellum, 3-line outer border of plain v ellum (the green removed by a gouge), gilt scroll-work frame, 3-line inner border, enclosing the large gilt arms of Ferdinand Hofman, Freiherr zu Grevenstein, spine gilt decorated with plain vellum lines forming compartments, the top compartment entirely plain vellum and lettered in ink, with a numeral 7 superimposed later, and an old paper label below, yapp edges, remains of ties, edges sprinkled blue and red. First edition of this compilation (it was re-issued in Venice in 1594 with name of Fernel, probably spuriously attached). The Bindoni were a prominent family of sixteenth century Venetian printers; this is the only work issued under the sole editorship of Gaspar Bindoni. It is an anthology of writings on fevers by twenty-five Greek, Arab and Latin authors, the last including Latin writers of the Middle Ages. The Arabic writers are Avicenna, Averroes, Isaac, Serapion, Haly Abbas and Johannes Actuarius. The Latin authors include Constantinus Africanus and Arnald of Villanova. Adams F400; Bird 639 (imperfect); Bruni Celli 2844; Durling 1105; Garrison-Morton 2193; Parkinson & Lumb 812; Wellcome 6868. Colophon dated 1575. Show less
Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, Plague, Plague--Early works to 1800, Nutrition, Nutrition--Early works to 1800, dragocene knjige--v latinščini, dragocene knjige--v latinščini--16. stoletje, R128.6 .O33 1575
(AVICENNA). ODDI, Oddo degli, commentator. In primam fen primi libri canonis Avicennae dilucidissima & expectatissima expositio. Nunc primum in... Show more(AVICENNA). ODDI, Oddo degli, commentator. In primam fen primi libri canonis Avicennae dilucidissima & expectatissima expositio. Nunc primum in lucem edita, illustrata, & completa assiduo labore, & longo studio Marci Oddi eiusdem filii. Venice, Paolo and Antonio Meietos, 1575. 4to, 1l + 1t + 1l (cont.) + 6 + 499 + 33 (index) + 1l, with woodcut device on title; good copy in contemporary limp vellum. First edition of Oddi's rare commentary on Book I, fen 1 of Avicenna's Canon, with the Latin versions of Andrea Alpago and Jacob Mantino printed in italic. The commentary was published posthumously by his son Marco, Oddo Oddi having died in 1558. Oddi was a professor at the University of Padua in the 1st half of 16th century. Jacob Mantino was a Jewish physician active in Venice. He translated fens 4 (published in 1530) and 1 (1540), from the Hebrew. BMSTC Italian Books p. 337; Durling 3388; besides the copy in the National Library of Medicine (Durling), NUC records only one further location, Yale, Medical School. Main Heritage Shelves General R128.6 .O33 1575 Book Item-ID: i10106662 BIB-ID: 1012302 Show less
Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, R125.3.A8 B46 1549
Omnia nunc postremùm diligentiori cura recognita & castigata. Edited by Marcus Hopper. Printer's name and date of publication from colophon: ... Show moreOmnia nunc postremùm diligentiori cura recognita & castigata. Edited by Marcus Hopper. Printer's name and date of publication from colophon: "Basileae per Henrichum Pppetri, Mense Augusto, Anno M.D.XLIX". Woodcut printer's device on verso of final leaf. Woodcut historiated initials; marginal notes. Main Heritage Shelves General R125.3.A8 B46 1549 Book Item-ID: i10064850 BIB-ID: 1008121 Includes index at front. Show less
Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, Medicine, R128.3 .M36 1535
Hi partim infinitis in locis & ab ipso autore iam recens castigati sunt, partim iam primum in lucem æduntur. ; Eiusdem annotationes & censura in... Show moreHi partim infinitis in locis & ab ipso autore iam recens castigati sunt, partim iam primum in lucem æduntur. ; Eiusdem annotationes & censura in medicimina simplicia & composita Mesue. Main Heritage Shelves General R128.3 .M36 1535 Book Item-ID: i22817281 BIB-ID: 2427905 Show less
cum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ... 'Abu... Show morecum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ... 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Inb Masawaykh known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857) is one of the great name of islamic medicine. he was personal physician to the abbasid Caliphs al-Ma'mun. al-Mutasim, al-Wathiq and al-Mutawakkil, and spent most of his life in baghdad and Samarra. He contributed to the translating activities of the famous bayt al-hikma; and hunayn ibn Ishaq, the most influential of the traslators of Greek scientific texts, was his pupil. Despite his distinction, much of Ibn Masawayh's writing has not reached us. Just a handful of his text are extant in Arabic. more has been Preserved in Latin Translation, though the attribution of some text to an elder as opposed to a younger Mesue has given the false impression thar there was more than one Ibn Masawayh. Main Heritage Shelves General RS79 .I266 1589 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i20304249 BIB-ID: 1012604 Show less
cum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ... 'Abu... Show morecum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ... 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Inb Masawaykh known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857) is one of the great name of islamic medicine. he was personal physician to the abbasid Caliphs al-Ma'mun. al-Mutasim, al-Wathiq and al-Mutawakkil, and spent most of his life in baghdad and Samarra. He contributed to the translating activities of the famous bayt al-hikma; and hunayn ibn Ishaq, the most influential of the traslators of Greek scientific texts, was his pupil. Despite his distinction, much of Ibn Masawayh's writing has not reached us. Just a handful of his text are extant in Arabic. more has been Preserved in Latin Translation, though the attribution of some text to an elder as opposed to a younger Mesue has given the false impression thar there was more than one Ibn Masawayh. Main Heritage Shelves General RS79 .I266 1589 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i10109687 BIB-ID: 1012604 Show less
Na s. tyt. data wyd.: M. D. XLVIII. Na ost. s. drzewor. sygnet druk. Z tyt. nagi osobnaginacjoment.: "Iacobi Goupyli in Alexa[n]dru[m] Trallianvm... Show moreNa s. tyt. data wyd.: M. D. XLVIII. Na ost. s. drzewor. sygnet druk. Z tyt. nagi osobnaginacjoment.: "Iacobi Goupyli in Alexa[n]dru[m] Trallianvm Castigationes [...]," (na ost. 39, [1] s.). Main Heritage Shelves General R126 .A44 1548 Book Item-ID: i21982065 BIB-ID: 2354987 Tekst grecki, frag. Đ̀ʼ Show less
cum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ... 'Abu... Show morecum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ... 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Inb Masawaykh known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857) is one of the great name of islamic medicine. he was personal physician to the abbasid Caliphs al-Ma'mun. al-Mutasim, al-Wathiq and al-Mutawakkil, and spent most of his life in baghdad and Samarra. He contributed to the translating activities of the famous bayt al-hikma; and hunayn ibn Ishaq, the most influential of the traslators of Greek scientific texts, was his pupil. Despite his distinction, much of Ibn Masawayh's writing has not reached us. Just a handful of his text are extant in Arabic. more has been Preserved in Latin Translation, though the attribution of some text to an elder as opposed to a younger Mesue has given the false impression thar there was more than one Ibn Masawayh. Main Heritage Shelves General RS79 .I266 1589 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i20304249 BIB-ID: 1012604 Show less
Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, RB24 .I266 1543
[SERAPION, the elder]. Iani Damasceni Decapolitani summae inter Arabes autoritatis medici, therapeutice methodi, hoc est, curandi artis libri VII.... Show more[SERAPION, the elder]. Iani Damasceni Decapolitani summae inter Arabes autoritatis medici, therapeutice methodi, hoc est, curandi artis libri VII. partim Albano Torino Vitodurano paraphrste, partim Gerardo iatro Cremonensi mataphraste ... Basle, Henric Petri [1543] Small folio, 1 l(b) + 1t + 1 + 8(pref.) + 14(ind.) + 491 + 1device) + 1 l(b), with woodcut printer's device on verso of colophon leaf; contemporary blind tooled calf, rebacked, new endleaves, clasps restored. First edition of Alban Thorer's (Albanus Torinus) paraphrase of books I-IV of Serapion's Therapeutica methodi, the remainder in the translation of Gerard of Cremona, with the Aphorisms published for the first time. Serapion the elder was a Christian physician who flourished in Damascus in the second half of the ninth century. He wrote, in Syriac, two medical compilations, one in 12, the other (as here) in 7 books. The latter was several times translated into Arabic, and thence into Latin by Gerard of Cremona. Serapion's theraputics were "very popular in the Middle Ages. Sezgin, III, pp. 240-42. Adams I14; Bird 1294; Choulant p. 347; Durling 4778; Parkinson & Lumb 2278; Wellcome 4272. Main Heritage Shelves General RB24 .I266 1543 Book Item-ID: i10104847 BIB-ID: 1012120 Show less
Pars prima, Rerum Ægyptiarum libri quatuor. Opus postumum -- Pars secunda, De plantis Ægypti liber auctus & emendatus ... Cum observationibus &... Show morePars prima, Rerum Ægyptiarum libri quatuor. Opus postumum -- Pars secunda, De plantis Ægypti liber auctus & emendatus ... Cum observationibus & notis Joannis Veslingii ... Accedunt ejusdem Joannis Veslingii Paræneses ad rem herbariam & Vindiciæ opobalsami. Main Heritage Shelves General R128.7 .A47 1735 Book Item-ID: i10141704 BIB-ID: 1015806 Met index. Show less
cum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ... 'Abu... Show morecum Mundini, Honesti, Manardi & Sylvii in 3 priores libros observationibus ... his accessere ... atque item Ioannis Costaei Annotationes ... 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Inb Masawaykh known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857) is one of the great name of islamic medicine. he was personal physician to the abbasid Caliphs al-Ma'mun. al-Mutasim, al-Wathiq and al-Mutawakkil, and spent most of his life in baghdad and Samarra. He contributed to the translating activities of the famous bayt al-hikma; and hunayn ibn Ishaq, the most influential of the traslators of Greek scientific texts, was his pupil. Despite his distinction, much of Ibn Masawayh's writing has not reached us. Just a handful of his text are extant in Arabic. more has been Preserved in Latin Translation, though the attribution of some text to an elder as opposed to a younger Mesue has given the false impression thar there was more than one Ibn Masawayh. Main Heritage Shelves General RS79 .I266 1589 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i10109687 BIB-ID: 1012604 Show less
Pars prima, Rerum Ægyptiarum libri quatuor. Opus postumum -- Pars secunda, De plantis Ægypti liber auctus & emendatus ... Cum observationibus &... Show morePars prima, Rerum Ægyptiarum libri quatuor. Opus postumum -- Pars secunda, De plantis Ægypti liber auctus & emendatus ... Cum observationibus & notis Joannis Veslingii ... Accedunt ejusdem Joannis Veslingii Paræneses ad rem herbariam & Vindiciæ opobalsami. Main Heritage Compact General R128.7 .A47 1735 Book Item-ID: i22876340 BIB-ID: 1015806 Met index. Show less
Alchemy, Alchemy--Early works to 1800, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric--Early works to 1800, QD25 .J33 1682
De perfectione magisterii in sua natura -- De principiis magisterii, & de perfectione ejusdem -- De consideratione rerum ex quibus est perfectio... Show moreDe perfectione magisterii in sua natura -- De principiis magisterii, & de perfectione ejusdem -- De consideratione rerum ex quibus est perfectio magisterii -- De medicinis sermone universali, et de quinque differentiis perfectionis earum -- Libri investigationis magisterii Gebri, philosophi perspicassimi, ac Indiae Regis -- Testamenti Gebri philosophi perspicacissimi, ac Indiae Regis -- Libri trium verborum Kallid Rachaidibi philosophi acutissimi. Extremely rare, complete copy with the engraved title page, the errata leaf, and all nine plates. Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan (known as "Geber" in the Latin tradition) is the name of an author whose historical existence is under debate, but who, according to Arabic culture, is said to have lived in the second half of the eight century, been the head of a hermetic school, and left an extensive body of works on natural philosophy and alchemy. The rediscovery of Geber for the history of chemistry and alchemy, was introduced by Hermann Kopp in the 19th century. The first German edition, published in Vienna in 1751, was entitled "Geberi des Königes der Araber [...] vollständige Chymische Schriften, worinnen in den vier Büchern das Quecksilber, Schwefel, Arsen inn Gold, Silber, Bley, Zinn, Kupfer, Eisen & Oefen [..], Destillationen [...], Essenzen, Salze, Alaune [...], Cinnober, Glaß, Boras, Essig &c. abgehandelt werden; wie auch das Testament, Güldene Buch der dreyen Wörter Kallid Rachaidibi, und andere Chymische Tractätgen, Summa, die ganze Kunst die unvollkommenen Metalle [...] in Vollkommene, als Silber und Gold zu verwandeln; das ist: wie man Silber und Gold machen soll, enthalten [...]". - Publisher's printed dedication to Caspar Richter ("Polonixe Secretario"). Binding somewhat rubbed and stained; very slight trimming to top edge of engraved t. p. Title stamped and with contemp. ms. ownership. Very occasional comtemp. underlinings and marginalia. One edge tear to a single leaf. Slight worming throughout (more pronounced near end). Slight waterstaining to a few leaves; occasional insignificant browning or brownstaining. This edition not in German auction records since 1950. Added engraved t.p. signed "N. Lang scr. 1682." Head- and tailpieces; initials. Errata: p. [19]. Signatures: a⁸ [$5 signed] b⁴ [$2 signed] A-R⁸ [$5 signed]. Errors in pagination: 113 as 110 (corrected in mss.); no p. 114-119 (pagination and register continuous). Main Heritage Shelves General QD25 .J33 1682 Book Item-ID: i16817515 BIB-ID: 1507131 Bound with: Joannis Braceschi Brixiani De alchemia dialogi duo nunquam ante hac conjunctim sic editi, correcti, & emaculati -- Sendivogi Novum lumen chymicum novo lumine auctum. Bound together subsequent to publication. Show less