Scientific expeditions, Description and travel, DS48.5 .M85 1892
"Catalogue des inscription vanniques ou arméniaques": p. 541-566. par P. Müller-Simonis. Title vignette. At head of tp.: "Relation des missions... Show more"Catalogue des inscription vanniques ou arméniaques": p. 541-566. par P. Müller-Simonis. Title vignette. At head of tp.: "Relation des missions scientifiques de MM. H. Hyvernat et P. Müller-Simonis (1888-1889)." Main Heritage Shelves General DS48.5 .M85 1892 Book Item-ID: i10126703 BIB-ID: 1014306 "Bibliographie": p. [605]-611. Suivie de: Notices sur la géographie et l'histoire ancienne de l'Arménie et les inscriptions cunéiformes du bassin de van / par H. Hyvernat. Show less
Geography, Arab, Geography, Arab--Early works to 1800, Geography, Medieval, Geography, Medieval--Early works to 1800, Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, G93 .I37 1836
This work is the original edition of the first full translation of al-Idrisis "Kitab Nuzhat al-Mustaq", a compendium of geographical information... Show moreThis work is the original edition of the first full translation of al-Idrisis "Kitab Nuzhat al-Mustaq", a compendium of geographical information completed in 549 (1154 AD), with notes and index. The work is often cited by proponents of pre-Columbian Andalusian-Americas contact theories. The author is the Andalusian geographer, cartographer, egyptologist and traveller al-Idrisi (1099-1165?; known as "Dreses" in the Latin tradition) who lived in Sicily at the court of King Roger II, where he drew the famous "Tabula Rogeriana". An abridged Arabic version of his present geographical magnum opus ("The book of pleasant journeys into faraway lands" or "The pleasure of him who longs to cross the horizons") was published in Rome in 1592 being one of the first Arabic books ever printed. The first translation, an abridged Latin version, was published by Gabriel Sionita and Joannes Hesronita in Paris in 1619. Jauberts present French edition thus constitutes the first complete translation of the Arabic text. traduite de l'arabe en francais d'après deux manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du roi et accompagnée de notes par P. Amédée Jaubert = كتاب نزهة المشتاق في اختراق الافاق / تاليف الشريف الادريسي. Title in Arabic at head of title page Main Heritage Shelves General G93 .I37 1836 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i22387948 BIB-ID: 1779920 Show less
Geography, Arab, Geography, Arab--Early works to 1800, Geography, Medieval, Geography, Medieval--Early works to 1800, Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, G93 .I37 1836
This work is the original edition of the first full translation of al-Idrisis "Kitab Nuzhat al-Mustaq", a compendium of geographical information... Show moreThis work is the original edition of the first full translation of al-Idrisis "Kitab Nuzhat al-Mustaq", a compendium of geographical information completed in 549 (1154 AD), with notes and index. The work is often cited by proponents of pre-Columbian Andalusian-Americas contact theories. The author is the Andalusian geographer, cartographer, egyptologist and traveller al-Idrisi (1099-1165?; known as "Dreses" in the Latin tradition) who lived in Sicily at the court of King Roger II, where he drew the famous "Tabula Rogeriana". An abridged Arabic version of his present geographical magnum opus ("The book of pleasant journeys into faraway lands" or "The pleasure of him who longs to cross the horizons") was published in Rome in 1592 being one of the first Arabic books ever printed. The first translation, an abridged Latin version, was published by Gabriel Sionita and Joannes Hesronita in Paris in 1619. Jauberts present French edition thus constitutes the first complete translation of the Arabic text. traduite de l'arabe en francais d'après deux manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du roi et accompagnée de notes par P. Amédée Jaubert = كتاب نزهة المشتاق في اختراق الافاق / تاليف الشريف الادريسي. Title in Arabic at head of title page Main Heritage Shelves General G93 .I37 1836 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i2238800x BIB-ID: 1779920 Show less
par Dom Joseph Vaissete. Main Heritage Shelves General GB51 .V35 1755 Book Item-ID: i23459700 BIB-ID: 2505016 Show morepar Dom Joseph Vaissete. Main Heritage Shelves General GB51 .V35 1755 Book Item-ID: i23459700 BIB-ID: 2505016 Show less
rédigé avec le concours de la Section de publication par les secrétaires de la Commission centrale. Main Heritage Shelves General G11 .B85 1885 Book It... Show morerédigé avec le concours de la Section de publication par les secrétaires de la Commission centrale. Main Heritage Shelves General G11 .B85 1885 Book Item-ID: i21977951 BIB-ID: 2352538 Show less
Antiquities, Description and travel, DF261.M2 C68 1831
par E.M. Cousinéry. 2 tomes in 1 volume Main Heritage Shelves General DF261.M2 C68 1831 Book Item-ID: i2147011x BIB-ID: 1884523 Show morepar E.M. Cousinéry. 2 tomes in 1 volume Main Heritage Shelves General DF261.M2 C68 1831 Book Item-ID: i2147011x BIB-ID: 1884523 Show less
par Jean Gay Main Heritage Compact General Z3501 .G28 1971 Reference Item-ID: i25534841 BIB-ID: 2686946 Show morepar Jean Gay Main Heritage Compact General Z3501 .G28 1971 Reference Item-ID: i25534841 BIB-ID: 2686946 Show less
par Gustave Dugat. Main Heritage Shelves General DS36 .D84 1873 Book Item-ID: i10096206 BIB-ID: 1011256 Show morepar Gustave Dugat. Main Heritage Shelves General DS36 .D84 1873 Book Item-ID: i10096206 BIB-ID: 1011256 Show less
[الفه فيلكس لامروس ؛ مترجمه احمد الرشيدي]. Caption title. Main Heritage Compact General GB53 .L3512 1838 Book Item-ID: i21375045 BIB-ID: 2771398 Show more[الفه فيلكس لامروس ؛ مترجمه احمد الرشيدي]. Caption title. Main Heritage Compact General GB53 .L3512 1838 Book Item-ID: i21375045 BIB-ID: 2771398 Show less
Voyages and travels, Ethnology, Ethnology--Africa, East, Description and travel, History, DT425 .G85 1856
Pt. 1. Exposé critique des diverses notions acquises sur l'Afrique orientale, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours -- pt. 2.... Show morePt. 1. Exposé critique des diverses notions acquises sur l'Afrique orientale, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours -- pt. 2. Relation du voyage d'exploration à la côte orientale d'Afrique, exécuté pendant les années 1846, 1847 et 1848 par le brick le Ducouëdic. recueillis et rédigés par M. Guillain, capitaine de vaisseau. "Publiés par ordre du Gouvernement" -- title page. Preface dated: "6 février, 1856". The narrative of the voyage is related in vols. 2 and 3. Album of plates has title: Voyage à la coté orientale d'Afrique. With a half-title page. Includes tables. Main Heritage Shelves General DT425 .G85 1856 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i15962179 BIB-ID: 1025597 Includes bibliographic references. From the historical library collection of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, transferred to King's on permanent loan in 2007. UkLU-K Album volume with barcode number 0202180068 has six sheets of typescript (booklists, purpose unknown) slipped in at front. UkLU-K Show less
Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Biographies--Dictionnaires, Encyclopédies et dictionnaires, Encyclopedias and dictionaries, French, AG25 .D43 1873
Première partie, A-J -- Seconde partie, K-Z par Ch. Dezobry, Th. Bachelet. Main Heritage Shelves General AG25 .D43 1873 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i20241410 BIB... Show morePremière partie, A-J -- Seconde partie, K-Z par Ch. Dezobry, Th. Bachelet. Main Heritage Shelves General AG25 .D43 1873 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i20241410 BIB-ID: 1009935 Show less
Voyages and travels, Ethnology, Ethnology--Africa, East, Description and travel, History, DT425 .G85 1856
Pt. 1. Exposé critique des diverses notions acquises sur l'Afrique orientale, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours -- pt. 2.... Show morePt. 1. Exposé critique des diverses notions acquises sur l'Afrique orientale, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours -- pt. 2. Relation du voyage d'exploration à la côte orientale d'Afrique, exécuté pendant les années 1846, 1847 et 1848 par le brick le Ducouëdic. recueillis et rédigés par M. Guillain, capitaine de vaisseau. "Publiés par ordre du Gouvernement" -- title page. Preface dated: "6 février, 1856". The narrative of the voyage is related in vols. 2 and 3. Album of plates has title: Voyage à la coté orientale d'Afrique. With a half-title page. Includes tables. Main Heritage Shelves General DT425 .G85 1856 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20302721 BIB-ID: 1025597 Includes bibliographic references. From the historical library collection of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, transferred to King's on permanent loan in 2007. UkLU-K Album volume with barcode number 0202180068 has six sheets of typescript (booklists, purpose unknown) slipped in at front. UkLU-K Show less
Natural history, Natural history--Thailand, Missions, Missions--Thailand, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS564 .T124
Enrichi de figures. Suivant la copie de Paris imprimeé. Par ordre exprez de Sa Majesté. Several errors in paging after p. 226. Show moreEnrichi de figures. Suivant la copie de Paris imprimeé. Par ordre exprez de Sa Majesté. Several errors in paging after p. 226. Show less
Gravée par Thierry. Relief shown by hachures Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00210 Print Map Item-ID: i17066530 BIB-ID: 1172646 Show moreGravée par Thierry. Relief shown by hachures Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00210 Print Map Item-ID: i17066530 BIB-ID: 1172646 Show less
par Pierre Moullart-Sanson, 1716. Dessin cartographique : 1716. Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Orbis Bibliis sacris cognitus seu... Show morepar Pierre Moullart-Sanson, 1716. Dessin cartographique : 1716. Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Orbis Bibliis sacris cognitus seu geographia sacra. Carton : "Coelum coeli domino, terram autem dedit filiis hominum " Notice : "Table méthodique généalogique, chronologique et géographique du second âge du monde..." Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.01203 Print Map Item-ID: i11404668 BIB-ID: 1172809 Show less
L. Gallouedec, F. Maurette. Main Heritage Shelves General E27.2 .G35 1923 Book Item-ID: i10096188 BIB-ID: 1011254 Show moreL. Gallouedec, F. Maurette. Main Heritage Shelves General E27.2 .G35 1923 Book Item-ID: i10096188 BIB-ID: 1011254 Show less
revue et augmentée par Mr. Brion. From: Desnos, Louis C.: Atlas Général Et Élémentaire ; 40. Towns of Arabian peninsula marked; Medina, Mecque, Mocca... Show morerevue et augmentée par Mr. Brion. From: Desnos, Louis C.: Atlas Général Et Élémentaire ; 40. Towns of Arabian peninsula marked; Medina, Mecque, Mocca, Aden, Sanaa and Mascate. Long river flowing to the Persian Gulf. Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.00856 Print Map Item-ID: i11402222 BIB-ID: 1172565 Show less
Gravée par Thierry. Relief shown by hachures Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.01065 Print Map Item-ID: i11403032 BIB-ID: 1172646 Show moreGravée par Thierry. Relief shown by hachures Main Heritage Compact General HC.MAP.01065 Print Map Item-ID: i11403032 BIB-ID: 1172646 Show less
Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Biographies--Dictionnaires, Encyclopédies et dictionnaires, Encyclopedias and dictionaries, French, AG25 .D43 1873
Première partie, A-J -- Seconde partie, K-Z par Ch. Dezobry, Th. Bachelet. Main Heritage Shelves General AG25 .D43 1873 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i10082992 BIB... Show morePremière partie, A-J -- Seconde partie, K-Z par Ch. Dezobry, Th. Bachelet. Main Heritage Shelves General AG25 .D43 1873 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i10082992 BIB-ID: 1009935 Show less
Voyages and travels, Ethnology, Ethnology--Africa, East, Description and travel, History, DT425 .G85 1856
Pt. 1. Exposé critique des diverses notions acquises sur l'Afrique orientale, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours -- pt. 2.... Show morePt. 1. Exposé critique des diverses notions acquises sur l'Afrique orientale, depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours -- pt. 2. Relation du voyage d'exploration à la côte orientale d'Afrique, exécuté pendant les années 1846, 1847 et 1848 par le brick le Ducouëdic. recueillis et rédigés par M. Guillain, capitaine de vaisseau. "Publiés par ordre du Gouvernement" -- title page. Preface dated: "6 février, 1856". The narrative of the voyage is related in vols. 2 and 3. Album of plates has title: Voyage à la coté orientale d'Afrique. With a half-title page. Includes tables. Main Heritage Shelves General DT425 .G85 1856 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i15962179 BIB-ID: 1025597 Includes bibliographic references. From the historical library collection of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, transferred to King's on permanent loan in 2007. UkLU-K Album volume with barcode number 0202180068 has six sheets of typescript (booklists, purpose unknown) slipped in at front. UkLU-K Show less