Mineral waters, Mineral waters--Early works to 1700, R126 .D43 1553
Main Heritage Shelves General R126 .D43 1553 Book Item-ID: i22792089 BIB-ID: 1951293 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General R126 .D43 1553 Book Item-ID: i22792089 BIB-ID: 1951293 Show less
Astronomy, Astronomy--Early works to 1800, Astrology, Arab, Astrology, Arab--Early works to 1800, QB41 .A263 1521
Main Heritage Shelves General QB41 .A263 1521 Book Item-ID: i24956442 BIB-ID: 2528535 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General QB41 .A263 1521 Book Item-ID: i24956442 BIB-ID: 2528535 Show less
Fever, Fever--Early works to 1800, Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, RB129 .D44 1576
DE FEBRIBUS Opus sane aureum ... in quo trio sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt; nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini. ... Show moreDE FEBRIBUS Opus sane aureum ... in quo trio sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt; nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini. [Edited by Gasparo Bindoni]. Venice, Gratioso Perchacino for Gasparo Bindoni, 1576 [colophon 1575]. Folio, 1l + 1t + 1 + 2 + 4 (index) + 627 + 1 + 1l, with woodcut printer's device on title, woodcut initials at the beginning of each author's section, printed in double columns; splendidly bound in contemporary green dyed vellum, 3-line outer border of plain v ellum (the green removed by a gouge), gilt scroll-work frame, 3-line inner border, enclosing the large gilt arms of Ferdinand Hofman, Freiherr zu Grevenstein, spine gilt decorated with plain vellum lines forming compartments, the top compartment entirely plain vellum and lettered in ink, with a numeral 7 superimposed later, and an old paper label below, yapp edges, remains of ties, edges sprinkled blue and red. First edition of this compilation (it was re-issued in Venice in 1594 with name of Fernel, probably spuriously attached). The Bindoni were a prominent family of sixteenth century Venetian printers; this is the only work issued under the sole editorship of Gaspar Bindoni. It is an anthology of writings on fevers by twenty-five Greek, Arab and Latin authors, the last including Latin writers of the Middle Ages. The Arabic writers are Avicenna, Averroes, Isaac, Serapion, Haly Abbas and Johannes Actuarius. The Latin authors include Constantinus Africanus and Arnald of Villanova. Adams F400; Bird 639 (imperfect); Bruni Celli 2844; Durling 1105; Garrison-Morton 2193; Parkinson & Lumb 812; Wellcome 6868. Colophon dated 1575. Main Heritage Shelves General RB129 .D4 1576 Book Item-ID: i10156409 BIB-ID: 1017276 Show less
الجغرافيا في العصور الوسطى, Geography, Medieval, G93 .I3 2014, 910
This is the second edition by J.H. Kramers of the Arabic text of Ibn Hawqals Vi>Kitab Surat al-ard, the first BGA edition of which was... Show moreThis is the second edition by J.H. Kramers of the Arabic text of Ibn Hawqals Vi>Kitab Surat al-ard, the first BGA edition of which was published in 1873. The journeys of Abu l-Qasim Ibn Hawqal, who might have been a merchant, took him to North Africa, Spain and the southern edge of the Sahara (947-51), Egypt, Armenia and Azerbaijan (c. 955), the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Khuzistan, and Iran (961-69), Khwarazm and Transoxania (c. 969), and Sicily (973). By about 988 CE the final version of Ibn Hawqals Kitab Surat al-ard was ready. It is effectively both a continuation and an update of al-Istakhris Kitab al-Masalik wa-al-mamalik and is also known under that same title. Ibn Hawqal transformed what was meant as a commentary on a series of maps into a work in its own right, which also included remarks on various countries or peoples bordering on the Islamic world, e.g. the Turks, the Khazars, the towns of southern Italy, the Sudanese and the Nubians. Although he owed much to al-Istakhris work, Ibn Hawqal aimed to place the text firmly within his own period. He took great care to depict a region precisely in the state and at the date that he himself had seen it, with occasional references to the distant or more recent past. This is particularly true of the notes on economic matters, which form a complete break with convention. Ibn Hawqal was the only Arab geographer of the period who really sketched a vivid picture of production.0. Abu al-Kasim Ibn Haukal al-Nasibi ; [edited] by J.H. Kramers. Main Heritage Compact General G93 .I3 2014 Reference Item-ID: i22137488 BIB-ID: 1886534 Arabic text with prefaces in Arabic and English. Show less
Criticism and interpretationRāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā , approximately 865-approximately 925, Criticism and interpretationGalén , approximately 130-approximately 200, Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, R128.6 .G35 1533
Includes text of the Liber nonus ad Almansorem. Galeatij de sancta Sophia in nonu[m] tractatum libri Rhasis ad Regem Almansorem, De curatione... Show moreIncludes text of the Liber nonus ad Almansorem. Galeatij de sancta Sophia in nonu[m] tractatum libri Rhasis ad Regem Almansorem, De curatione morborum particularium, huic seculo accomodatissimum ; Libellus introductorius In Artem paruam Galeni De principijs uniuersalibus totius medicinae tam theoricæ quim practicæ, ex doctrina Auicennæ & aliorum philosophorum congestus, omnibus ad Hippocraticam disciplinam anhelantibus summe necessarius ; Quæ omnia perrara, paucisq[ue] uisa & iam fermè obliterata, restituit, correxit & publicauit Georgius Kraut ... Woodcuts in title page frame and initials letters in woodcuts Has catchword Main Heritage Shelves General R128.6 .G35 1533 Book Item-ID: i21430536 BIB-ID: 1881711 Show less
Aqueducts, Cisterns, Roman antiquities, Roman antiquities--Tunisia
The Zaghouan aqueduct in northern Tunisia, part of a 132 km aqueduct (the longest in the Roman Empire), was built in c. 160 CE and functioned as... Show moreThe Zaghouan aqueduct in northern Tunisia, part of a 132 km aqueduct (the longest in the Roman Empire), was built in c. 160 CE and functioned as the main supplier of the city of Carthage. Title from item, date devised by Library staff. On the mount "Parallèle des édifices anciens et modernes du continent Africain. Pl. 65. Paris, Imp. Lemercier". Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0209-0003 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i26820122 BIB-ID: 2854297 Show less
Criticism, interpretation, etc, Bible, Animals in the Bible, Animals in the Bible--Early works to 1800, Zoology, Zoology--Pre-Linnean works, BS663 .B63 1692
authore Samuele Bocharto. Vol. 2 has title: Hierozoici, sive, Bipartiti operis de animalibus S. Scripturae pars posterior. Vol. 2 is without... Show moreauthore Samuele Bocharto. Vol. 2 has title: Hierozoici, sive, Bipartiti operis de animalibus S. Scripturae pars posterior. Vol. 2 is without statement "Editio tertia." Originally published in London in 1663. Both volumes have colophon: Ultrajecti : Apud Ernestum Voskuyl, 1690. Vol. 1: [8], 63, [1] p.; 1094, [2] columns, 91, [1] p. ; v. 2: [4] p., 888 columns, 79, [1] p. "Cum indice septuplici: I. Locorum Sac. Scr., II. Authorum qui citantur, III. Vocum Hebr., Chald., Syriac., Samaritani & Aethiopici sermonis, IV. Vocum Arabicarum, V. Graecarum, VI. Romanarum, quae passim explicantur, VII. Rerum." Contents (from t.p.): pars prior. Libris IV de animalibus in genere & de quadrupedibus viviparis & oviparis -- pars posterior. Libris VI de avibus, serpentibus, insectis, aquaticis, & fabulosis animalibus agit. Main Heritage Shelves General BS663 .B63 1692 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i24470764 BIB-ID: 2608606 Show less
Fever, Fever--Early works to 1800, Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, RB129 .D44 1576
DE FEBRIBUS Opus sane aureum ... in quo trio sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt; nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini. ... Show moreDE FEBRIBUS Opus sane aureum ... in quo trio sectarum clarissimi medici habentur, qui de hac re egerunt; nempe Graeci, Arabes, atque Latini. [Edited by Gasparo Bindoni]. Venice, Gratioso Perchacino for Gasparo Bindoni, 1576 [colophon 1575]. Folio, 1l + 1t + 1„ + 2 + 4 (index) + 627 + 1„ + 1„l, with woodcut printer's device on title, woodcut initials at the beginning of each author's section, printed in double columns; splendidly bound in contemporary green dyed vellum, 3-line outer border of plain v ellum (the green removed by a gouge), gilt scroll-work frame, 3-line inner border, enclosing the large gilt arms of Ferdinand Hofman, Freiherr zu Grevenstein, spine gilt decorated with plain vellum lines forming compartments, the top compartment entirely plain vellum and lettered in ink, with a numeral 7 superimposed later, and an old paper label below, yapp edges, remains of ties, edges sprinkled blue and red. First edition of this compilation (it was re-issued in Venice in 1594 with name of Fernel, probably spuriously attached). The Bindoni were a prominent family of sixteenth century Venetian printers; this is the only work issued under the sole editorship of Gaspar Bindoni. It is an anthology of writings on fevers by twenty-five Greek, Arab and Latin authors, the last including Latin writers of the Middle Ages. The Arabic writers are Avicenna, Averroes, Isaac, Serapion, Haly Abbas and Johannes Actuarius. The Latin authors include Constantinus Africanus and Arnald of Villanova. Adams F400; Bird 639 (imperfect); Bruni Celli 2844; Durling 1105; Garrison-Morton 2193; Parkinson & Lumb 812; Wellcome 6868. Colophon dated 1575. Show less
Sign. : a-i⁸ A-B⁸C¹⁰ 2A-2D⁸. Titre en noir et en rouge, encadrement typogr. au titre, marque de Louis Martin au titre, lettrines. Main Heritage... Show moreSign. : a-i⁸ A-B⁸C¹⁰ 2A-2D⁸. Titre en noir et en rouge, encadrement typogr. au titre, marque de Louis Martin au titre, lettrines. Main Heritage Shelves General R128.3 .M36 1528 Book Item-ID: i22860058 BIB-ID: 2428641 Show less
Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1800, R125.3.A8 B46 1549
Omnia nunc postremùm diligentiori cura recognita & castigata. Edited by Marcus Hopper. Printer's name and date of publication from colophon: ... Show moreOmnia nunc postremùm diligentiori cura recognita & castigata. Edited by Marcus Hopper. Printer's name and date of publication from colophon: "Basileae per Henrichum Pppetri, Mense Augusto, Anno M.D.XLIX". Woodcut printer's device on verso of final leaf. Woodcut historiated initials; marginal notes. Main Heritage Shelves General R125.3.A8 B46 1549 Book Item-ID: i10064850 BIB-ID: 1008121 Includes index at front. Show less
Mathematics, Greek, Mathematics, Greek--Early works to 1800, Conic sections, Conic sections--Early works to 1800, QA31 .A66 1661
APOLLONIUS of Perga. Conicorum Lib. V. VI. VII. paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi nunc primum editi. Additus in calce Archimedis assumptorum liber... Show moreAPOLLONIUS of Perga. Conicorum Lib. V. VI. VII. paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi nunc primum editi. Additus in calce Archimedis assumptorum liber ex codicibus Arabicis Mss ... Abrahamus Ecchellensis Latinos ... reddidit ... Io. Alfonsus Borellus ... notas uberiores in universum opus adiecit. Florence, Joseph Cocchini 1661. Tall 4to, 1lea. (bin.) + 1tit. + 1 + 1tit. + 1 + 8 + 8 + 8 pref. + 6 + 2 ind. + 2 cont. + 415 + 1 + 1 lea. (bin.), title printed in red and black, numerous diagrams throughout; a magnificient copy, entirely uncut; modern culf backed marbled boards. First edition of the Ecchelensis translations of both works, the first published version of Books V - VII of Apollonius's Conics, which only survive in the Arabic version of Abu 'l-Fath al-Isfahani, based on the translation of Thabit ibn Qurra. Apollonius introduced the terms ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. The first four books of the Conics "probably contain little that was not alreay known ... Books V - VII seen to contain the discoveries which he himself had made" (Smith, History of mathematics, I, p. 117). These books were presumed lost (the eighth is still lost) until Borelli discovered an Arabic manuscript in the Medici library in Florence. Abraham Ecchelensis was a Maronite, born in Syria, who died in Rome 1664. He was professor of Arabic and Syriac in Rome and Paris. The Archimedes was translated from another Arabic manuscript in the Medici library, a translation from the Greek by Thabit ibn Qurra: as with the Apollonius, the Greek original of this text does not survive. For Apollonius see Sezgin, V, pp. 139-43; for Thabit ibn Qurra see Seagin, V. pp. 264-274. Norman 58; Riccardi I, 158, 5 ("Bella edizione, ed assai ricercata"). Main Heritage Shelves General QA31 .A66 1661 Book Item-ID: i1007420x BIB-ID: 1009056 Reliure aux armes de Marc-Antoine Mazenod et ex-libris ms. du Collège de la Trinité de Lyon. Fr693836101: Rés 107475 Reliure parchemin armoriée. Fr693836101: Rés 107475 Show less
Sign. : a-i⁸ A-B⁸C¹⁰ 2A-2D⁸. Titre en noir et en rouge, encadrement typogr. au titre, marque de Louis Martin au titre, lettrines. Main Heritage... Show moreSign. : a-i⁸ A-B⁸C¹⁰ 2A-2D⁸. Titre en noir et en rouge, encadrement typogr. au titre, marque de Louis Martin au titre, lettrines. Main Heritage Shelves General R128.3 .M36 1528 Book Item-ID: i22860058 BIB-ID: 2428641 Show less
Astrology, Astrology--Early works to 1800, Medical astrology, Medical astrology--Early works to 1800, QB26 .A14 1520
ALCABITIUS. Astronomie iudicarie principia tractatus cum Johannis Saxonii commentario ordine textus nuperrime distincto. Additis annotationibus et... Show moreALCABITIUS. Astronomie iudicarie principia tractatus cum Johannis Saxonii commentario ordine textus nuperrime distincto. Additis annotationibus et in margine et in textu atque glossa per Petrum Turrel ... cum tractatulo do cognoscendis infirmitatibus. [Colophon:] Lyons, Guillaume Huyon for Bartelemi Trot, [between 1519 and 1523]. 8vo, 2lea. (bind) + 1tit. + 1 + 156 + 2 ind. + 1 _ 2lea. (bind), title printed in red and black and with woodcut printer's device, with six woodcut astronomical diagrams in text, woodcut initials throughout; red morocco, gilt panelled sides, by R. R. Luna of Madrid. The work includes a chapter on new discovery on relationship between Astronomy and medicine by French Philosopher & Astrologer Petrus Turrellus. Bartelemi Trot was a Croat publisher living in Lyons. He mainly worked on pirated editions of the Aldine classics. Imprint from colophon (leaf lxxix recto), which begins: "Tractatus Alkabitij cu[m] apparatu Ioa[n]nis Saxonij finem sortit[us] est in inclyta vrbe ..." Incipit (leaf ij recto): Libellus isagogicus Abdilazi. id est Serui Gloriosi Dei. qui dicitur Alkabitius ad magisterium iudiciorum astroru[m] interpretatus a Ioha[n]ne Hispalensi scriptumq[ue] eundem a Iohanne Saxonie editum vtuli serie connexum incipiunt. Title printed in black and red; Trot's woodcut device on title page followed by: "Eiusdem rectoris [i.e Turrel] distichon. Que pater omnipotens nitidis signauerit astris: Author in hoc paruo codice noster habet." Appended work with caption title (leaf lxxvii recto): Tractatulus infirmitatum a multis authoribus per magistru[m] Petrum Turrellum astrophilum gymnasij Divionensis rectorem decerptus. Collation: a-k⁸ [$4 signed]; 80 leaves, ff. [i] ij-lxix [lxxx]. Agrees with register. Main Heritage Shelves General QB26 .A14 1520 Book Item-ID: i10061551 BIB-ID: 1007791 Show less