Optics, Optics--Early works to 1800, QC353 .A44 1572
Alhazen ; Item Vitellonis thuringopoloni ... libri 10 ... / adiectis etiam ... commentarijs a Federico Risnero. ALHAZEN [Abu 'Ali al-Hasan ibn al... Show moreAlhazen ; Item Vitellonis thuringopoloni ... libri 10 ... / adiectis etiam ... commentarijs a Federico Risnero. ALHAZEN [Abu 'Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham] (965-c.1040). Opticae thesaurus, translated probably by Gerard of Cremona (c.1114-87). -- [Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Mu'adh AL-JAYYANI (c.989/90-after 1079)]. De crepusculis & nubium ascensionibus, translated by Gerard of Cremona. -- WITELO (1230/35-75). Libri X. All texts edited by Friedrich Risner (d. c.1580). Basel: Eusebius Episcopius and the heirs of Nicolus Episcopius, August 1572. 2 parts in one volume, 2° (330 x 222mm). Printer's device on general title, woodcut illustration on verso, repeated on *1r, Witelo with errata (lacks the final leaf with colophon, lower margin of i4 in first part and LL1-LL4 in second part skilfully renewed affecting a few letters, quire u stained in lower margin also affecting a few lines of text, stamp removed from blank portion of general title and errata of Witelo, lightly spotted, a few leaves browned, some light, mainly marginal, waterstaining, a little stronger in last few leaves). 17th-century vellum (some repairs along spine, new label). Provenance: Monasterii S[ancti] Andreae (inscription on title dated 1707). FIRST EDITION OF ALHAZEN'S CLASSIC WORK ON OPTICS AND VISION. 'The Arab physicist Alhazen preserved for us all that was known by the ancients in the field of optics and added some contributions of his own' (Heralds of Science). He understood that light emanated spherically from a point, and analysed the principles of reflection and refraction, as well as discussing spherical and parabolic mirrors, lenses and atmospheric refraction. Although he cited no prior authorities, his work built on Ptolemy and Euclid, and his explanation of the structure of the eye was derived from the teachings of Galen. Little is known about Witelo, whose name is Latinised as Vitellius. His Perspectiva, or Opticae libri decem, written c.1270 and dedicated to William of Moerbeke, the other great translator of the 13th century, is an immense work that relies extensively on Alhazen as well as other ancient writers on optics. Witelo's treatment of the subject, which has never been studied in detail, offers an analysis of reflection that was not surpassed until the seventeenth century. Witelo's Perspectiva, which had been published twice (Nuremberg 1535 & 1551) before its inclusion in the present edition, was provided with redrawn figures and cross-references to the text of Alhazen. This combined edition served as the standard reference work on optics well into the seventeenth century, influencing scientists such as Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, and Descartes. Adams A745; Dibner Heralds of Science 138; Norman 1027; A.I. Sabra,'The Authorship of the Liber de crepusculis,' Isis 58 (1967): 77-85. Item Vitellonis også m. særskilt titelblad. Titelblad + 5 bl. beskadiget. Main Heritage Display General QC353 .A44 1572 Book Item-ID: i10156392 BIB-ID: 1017275 Show less
primum aeri incisa et edita a Franc. Christoph, de Scheyb [1753] ; denuo cum codice Vindoboni collata, emendata et nova Conradi Mannerti... Show moreprimum aeri incisa et edita a Franc. Christoph, de Scheyb [1753] ; denuo cum codice Vindoboni collata, emendata et nova Conradi Mannerti introductione instructa ; studio et opera Academiae Literarum Regiae Monacensis. Preface signed: Fridericus Thiersch. "Index nominum qu੮ Tabula Peutingeriana continentur": p. 45-63. All facsimiles are of early maps. Main Heritage Shelves General GA304.Z53 S3 1824 Book Item-ID: i25792027 BIB-ID: 2739209 Preface signed: Fridericus Thiersch. Show less
Ahmad Ibn Muhammad (Abū al-Fadi), Proverbs, Arabic, PN6519.A7 F8
t. I. A Meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars prior. 1838.--t. II. A meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars posterior. 1839.--t. III, pars I.... Show moret. I. A Meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars prior. 1838.--t. II. A meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars posterior. 1839.--t. III, pars I. Proverbia sententiaeque proverbiales, dies inter Arabes pugnis celebres, facte ingenioseque dicta. 1843. pars 2. Commentatio de proverbiis arabicis a Meidanio collectis et explicatis. Indices tres. Addenda et corrigenda. 1843. commentario illustravit et sumtibus suis edidit G.W. Freytag. Volume 2. Arabic title precedes Latin title. Vol. 3 in two parts, each with separate t.-p.: " ... Arabum proverbia sententiaeque proverbiales ..." Show less
Ahmad Ibn Muhammad (Abū al-Fadi), Proverbs, Arabic, PN6519.A7 F8
t. I. A Meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars prior. 1838.--t. II. A meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars posterior. 1839.--t. III, pars I.... Show moret. I. A Meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars prior. 1838.--t. II. A meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars posterior. 1839.--t. III, pars I. Proverbia sententiaeque proverbiales, dies inter Arabes pugnis celebres, facte ingenioseque dicta. 1843. pars 2. Commentatio de proverbiis arabicis a Meidanio collectis et explicatis. Indices tres. Addenda et corrigenda. 1843. commentario illustravit et sumtibus suis edidit G.W. Freytag. Volume 3. Arabic title precedes Latin title. Vol. 3 in two parts, each with separate t.-p.: " ... Arabum proverbia sententiaeque proverbiales ..." Show less
textum ad fidem optimorum codd. et editt. recensuit, scholia editionis Calcuttensis auctiora atque emendatiora addidit, annotationes criticas... Show moretextum ad fidem optimorum codd. et editt. recensuit, scholia editionis Calcuttensis auctiora atque emendatiora addidit, annotationes criticas adiecit D. Fr. Aug. Arnold. Half title in Arabic: Kitab Sumut al-sabat al-muʿallaqāt min ashār al-ʿarab maʿa sharh muntakhab Main Heritage Shelves General PJ7642.A2 M88 1850 Book Item-ID: i21968937 BIB-ID: 2350370 Show less
Academic teamwork from the University of Tübingen produced under the guidance of C.F. Schnurrer, eventually forming the base of his Bibliotheca... Show moreAcademic teamwork from the University of Tübingen produced under the guidance of C.F. Schnurrer, eventually forming the base of his Bibliotheca Arabica published in 1811, Respondents of the year 1799, named on t.p. of v. [1]: Christophorus Frider. Maier Stuttgardianus, Joannes Frider. Ehemann Oelbronnensis, Jo. Ferdinand Christ. Pfahler Kircho Teccensis, Joannes Georgius Roesch Nozingensis, Philippus Jacobus Vischer Winnendensis, Joannes Frider. Trautwein Vinimontanus, Carolus Ludovicus Lebret Stuttgardianus. Respondents of year 1800, named on t.p. of v. 2: Jacobus Henricus Kraz Nürtingensis, Augustus Ludovicus Schelling Bebenhusanus, Augustus Fridericus Nanz Stuttgardianus, Carolus Augustus Luz Bernlocensis, Victor Henricus Lechler Supra-Bebingensis, Fridericus Christianus Scholl Braitenbergensis, Carolus Christianus Gratianus Neostadiensis. Respondents of year 1802, named on t.p. of v. 3: Carolus Augustus Faber Zaiserweihensis, Christophorus Fridericus Preziger Laureacensis, Car. Aug. Schlotterbeck UnterOewisheimensis, Christ. Ludov. Godofr. Maier Maulbronnensis, Carolus Ferdinandus Mittler GrosIngersheimensis, Augustus Fridericus Erhardt Freudenstadiensis. Vol. 1 (1799): 52 p.; v. 2 (1800): 40 p.; v. 3 (1802): 52 p.; v. 4 (1803): 48 p.; v. 5 (1804 or 5 or 6): 40 p.; v. 6 (1805): 56 p.; v. 7 (1806): 43 p. Vol./pt. 1 covers Arabic history and geography; v. 2, poetry and rhetoric; v. 3, works on Arabic language, dictionaries, grammars, etc. 7 tomes bound in one volume. Main Heritage Shelves General Z7052 .S36 1799 Book Item-ID: i21956790 BIB-ID: 2346808 Show less
Arabic language--Grammar, Arabic language--Grammar--Early works to 1800, Arabic language, Arabic language--Readers--Early works to 1800, Arabic literature, Arabic literature--Translations into Latin--Early works to 1800, PJ6305 .H57 1770
Signatures:)(⁸ A-2N⁸. Engraved frontispiece portrait of the author. Title vignette, head- and tailpieces. Colophon reads: Ienae ex typographia... Show moreSignatures:)(⁸ A-2N⁸. Engraved frontispiece portrait of the author. Title vignette, head- and tailpieces. Colophon reads: Ienae ex typographia Fickelscherriana MDCCLXX. "Chrestomathia Arabica, siue, Appendix varia textuum Arabicorum specimina cum Latina eorum translatione et adnotationibus quibusdam exhibans."--P. 255-562. Includes index at end. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .H57 1770 Book Item-ID: i10108580 BIB-ID: 1012494 Show less
Arabic language--Latin, Arabic language--Dictionaries--Latin, Latin language--Arabic, Latin language--Dictionaries--Arabic, PJ6637 .F74 1830
Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6637 .F74 1830 Book vol.3, part-1 Item-ID: i20240569 BIB-ID: 1015302 "Index vocum latinarum. Auctore Henrico Ernesto... Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General PJ6637 .F74 1830 Book vol.3, part-1 Item-ID: i20240569 BIB-ID: 1015302 "Index vocum latinarum. Auctore Henrico Ernesto Bindseilo": v. 4. p. [527]-651. Show less
Arabic language--Latin, Arabic language--Dictionaries--Latin, Latin language--Arabic, Latin language--Dictionaries--Arabic, PJ6637 .F74 1830
Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6637 .F74 1830 Book vol.2, part-1 Item-ID: i20240545 BIB-ID: 1015302 "Index vocum latinarum. Auctore Henrico Ernesto... Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General PJ6637 .F74 1830 Book vol.2, part-1 Item-ID: i20240545 BIB-ID: 1015302 "Index vocum latinarum. Auctore Henrico Ernesto Bindseilo": v. 4. p. [527]-651. Show less