Main Heritage Shelves General QL51 .R86 1827 Book Item-ID: i10062038 BIB-ID: 1007839 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General QL51 .R86 1827 Book Item-ID: i10062038 BIB-ID: 1007839 Show less
par M. Moris. Main Heritage Shelves General DS46 .M57 1827 Book Item-ID: i22330203 BIB-ID: 2392047 Show morepar M. Moris. Main Heritage Shelves General DS46 .M57 1827 Book Item-ID: i22330203 BIB-ID: 2392047 Show less
Antiquities, Travel, Antiquities, Description and travel, DT53 .M56 1827
von Heinrich Freiherrn von Minutoli ; mit sieben Kupfertafeln. Main Heritage Shelves General DT53 .M56 1827 Book Item-ID: i23462061 BIB-ID: 2505522 Show morevon Heinrich Freiherrn von Minutoli ; mit sieben Kupfertafeln. Main Heritage Shelves General DT53 .M56 1827 Book Item-ID: i23462061 BIB-ID: 2505522 Show less
Geography, Geography--Periodicals, Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Periodicals
t.1-30, 1819-1826; t.31-60 (2.sér., t.1-30), 1826-1833; t.61-84 (3.sér., t.1-24), 1834-1839; t.85-104 (4.sér., 1.-5. année), 1850-1844; t.105... Show moret.1-30, 1819-1826; t.31-60 (2.sér., t.1-30), 1826-1833; t.61-84 (3.sér., t.1-24), 1834-1839; t.85-104 (4.sér., 1.-5. année), 1850-1844; t.105-144 (5.sér., 1.-10. année), 1845-1854; [t.145-188] (6.sér., 1.-11. année), 1855-1865; année 1866-1870. Editors: 1819-1826, Conrad Malte-Brun, J. B. Eyriès (with P. F. de la Renaudière, 1826); 1827-1839, J. B. Eyriès, P. F. de la Renaudière (with J. H. Klaproth, 1827-1835; Alexander de Humboldt, C. A. Walckenaer, 1836-1839; Augustin de Saint-Hilaire, A. J. C. A. Dureau de la Malle, 1837-1839); 1840-1844, "Une réunion de savants, de géographes et de voyageurs."; 1845-1854, Louis Vivien de Saint-Martin; 1855-1870, V. A. Malte-Brun. Published by Gide Fils [etc.] 1819-1839; A. Bertrand, 1840-1865; Challamel Aîné, 1866-1870. Preceded by Annales des voyages, de la géographie et de l'histoire (1808-1814. 24 v. and Table des matières. 1 v.). Show less
Gentium et exercituum itinera, et in Aegyptum et ex Aegypto, ante Persicam dominationem. Fol. VIII [up r. h.]. A Military chart of Arabia. Marked... Show moreGentium et exercituum itinera, et in Aegyptum et ex Aegypto, ante Persicam dominationem. Fol. VIII [up r. h.]. A Military chart of Arabia. Marked with descriptive lines. Key note in colour in low r. h. No scale. Size: 38 x 46.30 cm. Published in 1827. Coloured. Latin. Note: Cover of the Atlas on the back of the map. Frame/Antique Above neatline " Fol. VIII" Main Heritage Display General HC.MAP.00509 Print Map Item-ID: i11401813 BIB-ID: 1172524 Show less