This volume is the unique edition of this early Persian-English poetry anthology, containing selected texts of some fables together with fragments... Show moreThis volume is the unique edition of this early Persian-English poetry anthology, containing selected texts of some fables together with fragments of well-known Persian poets such as Enveri, Daqiqi, Jami, Saadi, Ammar, Shirazi, Rashid al-Din , Firdawsi and Rudegi. It is atributed to Stürmer who prepared the collection during his studies at Viennas Oriental Academy, although the work is also attributed to Bernhard Jenisch. in Latinvm translata ac Mariae Theresiae Avgvstae honoribvs dicata a Caesarea Regia Lingarvm Orientalivm Academia. Several handwriting notes on the title page and at the margin of the text. Main Heritage Shelves General PK629 .A58 1778 Book Item-ID: i19660200 BIB-ID: 1779918 Text in Persian and translation in Latin From the library of the great Königsberg Oriental scholar Peter van Bohlen (1796-1840) with his notes and underlinings in black and auburn ink throughout. His autogr. ownership on the title page is dated "Halle 1821", marking this as an early acquisition of scholarly literature by the former tailors apprentice, batman, ships scullion, waiter, and footboy after having graduated from the Hamburg Johanneum in 1821. Later in the collection of the Dresden mathematician and librarian Carl Kuschel (1814-99); his autogr. ownership on t. p.; his acquisition note on pastedown: "Hocce Bohlenii exemplar im meam migravit bibliothecam die 10mo Aprilis 1844 (constat 15 gr. arg.)". Subsequently in the collection of the Halle historian and orientalist Gustav Friedrich Hertzberg (1826-1907); his autogr. ownership on t. p. Sold by Harrassowitz to the Zurich printer and publisher Friedrich Paul David Bürkli (1818-96) in 1895, a year before his death (his autogr. ownership to t. p.; his bookplate on pastedown). Bürkli took an avid interest in the history and culture of the orient and amassed a vast library on the subject. His collection, numbering some 1500 titles, passed almost entirely to the Zurich Municipal Library (now in the Zurich Central Library). Show less
Murad , 1546-1595, Mohammed , -1603, Mohammed , -1603, Murad , 1546-1595, History, History, History, DR501 .S67 1601
I. Ottomannvm, siue de rebus Turcicis / Lazari Soranzii -- II. Turcam vincibilis inscribere in Ungaria / Achille Tarducci -- III. Dissertatio, de... Show moreI. Ottomannvm, siue de rebus Turcicis / Lazari Soranzii -- II. Turcam vincibilis inscribere in Ungaria / Achille Tarducci -- III. Dissertatio, de statu imperii Turcici, cuiusmodi sub Amurathe III fuit: deque eius euertendimodo / Anonymous. Lazari Soranzii, Achille Tarducci ; transl. by Jacob Geuder. Main Heritage Shelves General DR501 .S67 1601 Book Item-ID: i22877745 BIB-ID: 1835953 Show less
primum aeri incisa et edita a Franc. Christoph, de Scheyb [1753] ; denuo cum codice Vindoboni collata, emendata et nova Conradi Mannerti... Show moreprimum aeri incisa et edita a Franc. Christoph, de Scheyb [1753] ; denuo cum codice Vindoboni collata, emendata et nova Conradi Mannerti introductione instructa ; studio et opera Academiae Literarum Regiae Monacensis. Preface signed: Fridericus Thiersch. "Index nominum qu੮ Tabula Peutingeriana continentur": p. 45-63. All facsimiles are of early maps. Main Heritage Shelves General GA304.Z53 S3 1824 Book Item-ID: i25792027 BIB-ID: 2739209 Preface signed: Fridericus Thiersch. Show less
Translation by Christopher Donauer of the author's Peregrinatio in Aegyptum, Arabiam, Palæstinam, et Syriam, Nuremberg, 1594. The original edition... Show moreTranslation by Christopher Donauer of the author's Peregrinatio in Aegyptum, Arabiam, Palæstinam, et Syriam, Nuremberg, 1594. The original edition in Latin was compiled by Christoph Donauer from the diaries of Baumgarten and his servant Gregory. Main Heritage Shelves General DS47 .B38 1752 Book Item-ID: i10226345 BIB-ID: 1024270 Show less
Main Heritage Vault DS109 .B79 1490 Book Item-ID: i23184474 BIB-ID: 2489366 Show moreMain Heritage Vault DS109 .B79 1490 Book Item-ID: i23184474 BIB-ID: 2489366 Show less
Gentium et exercituum itinera, et in Aegyptum et ex Aegypto, ante Persicam dominationem. Fol. VIII [up r. h.]. A Military chart of Arabia. Marked... Show moreGentium et exercituum itinera, et in Aegyptum et ex Aegypto, ante Persicam dominationem. Fol. VIII [up r. h.]. A Military chart of Arabia. Marked with descriptive lines. Key note in colour in low r. h. No scale. Size: 38 x 46.30 cm. Published in 1827. Coloured. Latin. Note: Cover of the Atlas on the back of the map. Frame/Antique Above neatline " Fol. VIII" Main Heritage Display General HC.MAP.00509 Print Map Item-ID: i11401813 BIB-ID: 1172524 Show less
Main Heritage Shelves General DS106 .M49 1580 Book Item-ID: i22283936 BIB-ID: 2386520 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General DS106 .M49 1580 Book Item-ID: i22283936 BIB-ID: 2386520 Show less
Surgery, Surgery--Early works to 1800, RD30 .H35 1774
auctore Alberto von Haller ... First edition of the first great bibliography of surgery, arranged historically, the first volume with texts from the... Show moreauctore Alberto von Haller ... First edition of the first great bibliography of surgery, arranged historically, the first volume with texts from the Greek and Arabic classics to 1710 and the second from 1710 to the time of publication. Von Haller (1708-1777), a Swiss physician and anatomist, was a child prodigy who delved into classical languages, mathematics, botany and many other subjects. He studied at Tübingen and Leiden and became professor of medicine, botany and anatomy at Göttingen. His present bibliography of surgery is valuable not only for its record of about 10.000 publications on the subject, but also for his introductory texts to the various sections and his comments on individual publications and authors. It was the last of his 4 great bibliographical works to be completed during his life, following the Bibliotheca botanica and Bibliotheca anatomica, and followed by the posthumous Bibliotheca medicinae practicae. The books in his own library are indicated by an asterisk. - Somewhat foxed, primarily in the first few and last few leaves of each volume, but otherwise in very good condition. Binding good. Main Heritage Shelves General RD30 .H35 1774 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i16832917 BIB-ID: 1508224 Show less
Surgery, Surgery--Early works to 1800, RD30 .H35 1774
auctore Alberto von Haller ... First edition of the first great bibliography of surgery, arranged historically, the first volume with texts from the... Show moreauctore Alberto von Haller ... First edition of the first great bibliography of surgery, arranged historically, the first volume with texts from the Greek and Arabic classics to 1710 and the second from 1710 to the time of publication. Von Haller (1708-1777), a Swiss physician and anatomist, was a child prodigy who delved into classical languages, mathematics, botany and many other subjects. He studied at Tübingen and Leiden and became professor of medicine, botany and anatomy at Göttingen. His present bibliography of surgery is valuable not only for its record of about 10.000 publications on the subject, but also for his introductory texts to the various sections and his comments on individual publications and authors. It was the last of his 4 great bibliographical works to be completed during his life, following the Bibliotheca botanica and Bibliotheca anatomica, and followed by the posthumous Bibliotheca medicinae practicae. The books in his own library are indicated by an asterisk. - Somewhat foxed, primarily in the first few and last few leaves of each volume, but otherwise in very good condition. Binding good. Main Heritage Shelves General RD30 .H35 1774 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i23565007 BIB-ID: 1508224 Show less