Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .B43 1718, 910.4
First French edition (first printed in Dutch in 1714); vol. 2 only. The Dutch artist "travelled through Russia and Persia (Ardabil - Kum - Kashan -... Show moreFirst French edition (first printed in Dutch in 1714); vol. 2 only. The Dutch artist "travelled through Russia and Persia (Ardabil - Kum - Kashan - Isfahan - Persepolis - Lar - Persian Gulf) to East India during 1701-1708. Of these well-travelled paths he was able to contribute many new observations, many of them scientific, and his travel description, hailed by Gabriel as one of the best of its time, well deserves critical analysis and acclaim. The especial value of the work lies in its numerous engavings of cities, places, ruins, animals, and plants. Le Brun considered the preparation of accurate drawings as a necessary duty of the traveller. Of the ruins of Persepolis he brought home the best illustrations available at the time, as well as the first legible cuneiform inscriptions" (cf. Henze). - T.p. and flyleaf with cut-out defects (restored); unattractively deleted stamp on reverse of first plate (slight paper defect; restored); further clipped defects to first leaf of text and last index leaf as well as the instructions to the bookbinder (slight loss to text; restored). Large tear to p. 367f. Upper spine-end professionally restored. The fine plates are in good, clear impressions throughout. Title in red and black. Title vignette. On p. 347 of v. 2 is a picture of a kangaroo, believed to be the first sketched from real life. Le Brun saw it in the garden of the Governor of Java. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .B43 1718 Book Item-ID: i16862673 BIB-ID: 1509760 Includes bibliographical references and index. Show less
Madog ab Owain Gwynedd , 1150-1180?, Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, Description and travel, Description and travel, Discovery and exploration--Welsh, Discovery and exploration--Pre-Columbian, DS7 .H47 1638
Rare revised and enlarged second English edition of Herbert's account of his voyage (1627-29) to Persia by way of the Cape, Madagascar and Surat ... Show moreRare revised and enlarged second English edition of Herbert's account of his voyage (1627-29) to Persia by way of the Cape, Madagascar and Surat (India). On his way back he visited North America. Herbert begins his account of America (pp. 355-364) with its supposed discovery in 1170 by Madoc, son of Owen Gwyneth, Prince of Wales, and attempts to defend this claim with linguistic and cultural evidence. ''The quaint and curious notes on the travels make the volume one of the most interesting and attractive of the earlier and more primitive accounts'' (South African Bibliography). The illustrations include maps of Madagascar and the southeastern coast of Africa, the Persian empire, India, and Southeast Asia, views of the Persian Gulf, Tenerife, St. Helena, natives of Angola, the Cape, Persia and depictions of a coconut tree, a shark fish, a penguin and a dodo. - Thomas Herbert (1606-82) travelled with Dodmore Cotton, the new English ambassador to Persia (who died before Herbert's return). He first published his account in English in 1634, and it was translated into Dutch (by Lambert van den Bos) in 1658 and into French in 1663. Jonathan Swift attacked its "impertinences, conceitedness, and tedious digressions" and called the author a coxcomb (South African Bibliography). - Some marginal waterstains and soiling. A good copy of this account which is still important for its early eyewitness descriptions, especially of Persia, India and Africa. Headpieces; initials. Author attributes first dicovery of America to Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd, 300 years before Columbus. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .H47 1638 Book Item-ID: i2266774x BIB-ID: 1508228 Book plate of T. Scott. (Rev. Thomas). WlLaUW T.-p. signed William Phillips de Bradeley. WlLaUW Presented by Thomas Phillips 1842. WlLaUW Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .H47 1665
Added t.p. engraved: Some yeares travels into Africa & Asia the Great. Especially describing the famous empires of Persia and Industant ... The 3d... Show moreAdded t.p. engraved: Some yeares travels into Africa & Asia the Great. Especially describing the famous empires of Persia and Industant ... The 3d ed. further inlarged. By Sr. Tho: Herbert Bart. London, Printed by I.B. for A. Crooke. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .H47 1665 Book Item-ID: i10178636 BIB-ID: 1019499 Show less
Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, DS7 .O44 1727
par Adam Olearius, dans lesquels on trouve une description curieuse & la situation exacte des pays & etats, par-où il a passé, tels que sont la... Show morepar Adam Olearius, dans lesquels on trouve une description curieuse & la situation exacte des pays & etats, par-où il a passé, tels que sont la Livonie, la Moscovie, la Tartaire, la Medie & la Perse ; trad. de l'original [allemand] & augm. par le Sr. de Wicquefort, divisez en deux parties. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .O44 1727 Book vol. 1 and 2 bond together Item-ID: i2279458x BIB-ID: 1951320 Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, DS7 .V37 1655
wyt het Italiaens in Hoogh-duyts vertaelt, door Hieronimum Megiserium ... ; en wyt den selven nu eerst-mael in't Neder-duytsch gebraght, door F.S. S... Show morewyt het Italiaens in Hoogh-duyts vertaelt, door Hieronimum Megiserium ... ; en wyt den selven nu eerst-mael in't Neder-duytsch gebraght, door F.S. Signatures: A-S⁴ [$1-3 ( -A1, 2 signed)]. Title vignette. Added engraved t.p. Includes index. Main Heritage Display General DS7 .V37 1655 Book Item-ID: i15634838 BIB-ID: 2526833 Show less
Crusius, Philipp , 1597-1676, Brüggemann, Otto , 1600-1640, Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .O44
Written originally by Adam Olearius, secretary to the embassy. Faithfully rendered into English, by John Davies. Vol. 2 has special t.-p: The... Show moreWritten originally by Adam Olearius, secretary to the embassy. Faithfully rendered into English, by John Davies. Vol. 2 has special t.-p: The voyages & travels of J. Albert de Mandelslo ... into the East-Indies ... "He [Frederick] employ'd in this embassy Philip Crusius ... and Otton Brugman." cf. p. 1. Show less
Voyages and travels--History, Voyages and travels--History--17th century, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .H47 1663
traduite de l'Anglois de Thomas Herbert ; Avec les revolvtions arrive'es au Royaume de Siam l'an mil six cens quarante-sept ; traduites du Flamand... Show moretraduite de l'Anglois de Thomas Herbert ; Avec les revolvtions arrive'es au Royaume de Siam l'an mil six cens quarante-sept ; traduites du Flamand de Ieremie Van Vliet. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .H47 1663 Book Item-ID: i10169404 BIB-ID: 1018576 Show less
traduits de l'italien en français par J. Balarin de Raconis ; publiés et annotés par M. Ch. Schefer. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .V37 1888 Book I... Show moretraduits de l'italien en français par J. Balarin de Raconis ; publiés et annotés par M. Ch. Schefer. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .V37 1888 Book Item-ID: i10135510 BIB-ID: 1015187 Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .V37 1654
van de Heer Ludowyck di Barthema van Bononien, Ridder &c. : gedaen in de Morgenlanden, Syrien, Arabien, Perssen, Indien, Egypten, Ethiopien en... Show morevan de Heer Ludowyck di Barthema van Bononien, Ridder &c. : gedaen in de Morgenlanden, Syrien, Arabien, Perssen, Indien, Egypten, Ethiopien en andere. Uyt het italiaens in hoogh-duyts vertaelt door Hier. Megiserium en uyt den selven - in't Neder-duyts gebracht door F.S. Rare second Dutch translation of this highly important and adventurous narrative containing the first recorded visit of a non-Muslim to Mecca. This edition includes for the first time several full-page engravings - one depicting a 15th-century battle against camel-riding Arabs. - Ludovico di Varthema or Barthema (ca. 1468-1517) sailed from Venice to Egypt in 1502 and travelled through Alexandria, Beirut, Tripoli, and Aleppo, arriving in Damascus in April 1503. Here he enrolled in the Mameluke garrison and proceeded overland to Khaybar, Medina and Mekka, thereby becoming the first European to enter the two holiest cities of Islam. His travels furthermore took him to South Arabia, Shiraz (Persia), India, Goa, Cochin, and supposedly the Malay isthmus, Sumatra, Banda, the Moluccas, the Spice Islands, Borneo, Java and Malacca. He finally returned to Lisbon in 1508. - "Varthema's Itinerario, first published in 1510, had an enormous impact at the time, and in some respects determined the course of European expansion towards the Orient" (Howgego). His account, moreover, contains a detailed description of Mecca and the Islamic pilgrimage, and four evocative plates (including an illustration of a Sati ritual). - Contrary to the statement on the title-page, this is de second Dutch translation; an earlier and rather elusive rendering had already been published at Antwerp in 1544 (recorded in just one institutional copy worldwide!). The present translation was made by Felix van Sambix de Jonge after Megiser's German translation of the Italian. With a poem by Simon de Vries Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .V37 1654 Book Item-ID: i16875606 BIB-ID: 1510982 Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .D4413 1665, 915.4
Translation by George Havers of the third part of the author's Viaggi ... cioè la Tvrchia, la Persia, e l'India. Errors in paging: 34, 295, 313,... Show moreTranslation by George Havers of the third part of the author's Viaggi ... cioè la Tvrchia, la Persia, e l'India. Errors in paging: 34, 295, 313, 323 numbered 36, 294, 213, 233 respectively. Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, DS7 .V3 1929, 910.4 V43i, 1929
a cura di Paolo Giudici. Includes bibliographical references and index. Show morea cura di Paolo Giudici. Includes bibliographical references and index. Show less
Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, Description and travel, DS7 .H54 1928, 915.504
abridged and edited by Sir William Foster, C.I.E., with an introduction and notes. At head of title: Thomas Herbert. "Fuller titles of the chief... Show moreabridged and edited by Sir William Foster, C.I.E., with an introduction and notes. At head of title: Thomas Herbert. "Fuller titles of the chief authorities quoted": p. xxxviii-xxxix. Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, DS7 .V37 1655
wyt het Italiaens in Hoogh-duyts vertaelt, door Hieronimum Megiserium ... ; en wyt den selven nu eerst-mael in't Neder-duytsch gebraght, door F.S. S... Show morewyt het Italiaens in Hoogh-duyts vertaelt, door Hieronimum Megiserium ... ; en wyt den selven nu eerst-mael in't Neder-duytsch gebraght, door F.S. Signatures: A-S⁴ [$1-3 ( -A1, 2 signed)]. Title vignette. Added engraved t.p. Includes index. Main Heritage Display General DS7 .V37 1655 Book Item-ID: i15634838 BIB-ID: 2526833 Show less
Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .B78 1737
by Cornelius Le Bruyn. Tr. from the original French. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .B78 1737 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i20306945 BIB-ID: 1025016 Show moreby Cornelius Le Bruyn. Tr. from the original French. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .B78 1737 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i20306945 BIB-ID: 1025016 Show less
Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .B78 1737
by Cornelius Le Bruyn. Tr. from the original French. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .B78 1737 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i15960754 BIB-ID: 1025016 Show moreby Cornelius Le Bruyn. Tr. from the original French. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .B78 1737 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i15960754 BIB-ID: 1025016 Show less