What is a horse? -- A look at Equus -- The living wild equidae -- Horses and history -- Ancient breeds -- Some European breeds in America -- An... Show moreWhat is a horse? -- A look at Equus -- The living wild equidae -- Horses and history -- Ancient breeds -- Some European breeds in America -- An interlude on gaits and the invention of motion pictures -- American breeds and their forerunners -- A horse of another color -- Hunters and hunting of fossil horses -- Time-scale of horse history -- Forerunners of the horses -- The little Eohippus -- Other Eocene horses -- Early three-toed horses -- The great transformation -- Later three-toed horses -- One-toed horses -- The horse's relatives -- False horses -- Evidence in court -- How horses changed: skull and brain -- How horses changed: teeth -- How horses changed: limbs and feet -- Patterns of evolution -- Explanations of evolution -- Appendix A: Where to see fossil horses -- Appendix B: Where to read more about horses -- Index George Gaylord Simpson. Main Heritage Compact General QL737.U6 S56 1951 Reference Item-ID: i17070235 BIB-ID: 1525667 Includes bibliographical references (p. 232-236) and index. Show less