Voyages, Voyages--18e siècle, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Descriptions et voyages, Descriptions et voyages, Descriptions et voyages, DS206 .N54 1780
Translation of: Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Main Heritage Shelves General DS206 .N54 1780 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20302915 ... Show moreTranslation of: Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Main Heritage Shelves General DS206 .N54 1780 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20302915 BIB-ID: 1025620 Show less
Voyages, Voyages--18e siècle, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Descriptions et voyages, Descriptions et voyages, Descriptions et voyages, DS206 .N54 1780
Translation of: Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Main Heritage Shelves General DS206 .N54 1780 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i10239844 ... Show moreTranslation of: Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Main Heritage Shelves General DS206 .N54 1780 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i10239844 BIB-ID: 1025620 Show less
Crusius, Philipp , 1597-1676, Brüggemann, Otto , 1600-1640, Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .O44
Written originally by Adam Olearius, secretary to the embassy. Faithfully rendered into English, by John Davies. Vol. 2 has special t.-p: The... Show moreWritten originally by Adam Olearius, secretary to the embassy. Faithfully rendered into English, by John Davies. Vol. 2 has special t.-p: The voyages & travels of J. Albert de Mandelslo ... into the East-Indies ... "He [Frederick] employ'd in this embassy Philip Crusius ... and Otton Brugman." cf. p. 1. Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Rejsebeskrivelser., DS411.5 .T38 1677
Main Heritage Shelves General DS411.5 .T38 1677 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i10135145 BIB-ID: 1015150 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General DS411.5 .T38 1677 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i10135145 BIB-ID: 1015150 Show less
Voyages and travels--History, Voyages and travels--History--17th century, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .H47 1663
traduite de l'Anglois de Thomas Herbert ; Avec les revolvtions arrive'es au Royaume de Siam l'an mil six cens quarante-sept ; traduites du Flamand... Show moretraduite de l'Anglois de Thomas Herbert ; Avec les revolvtions arrive'es au Royaume de Siam l'an mil six cens quarante-sept ; traduites du Flamand de Ieremie Van Vliet. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .H47 1663 Book Item-ID: i10169404 BIB-ID: 1018576 Show less
Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, Description and travle, Description and travel, DS47 .S77 1678
Aus dem jollaendishcen uebergesetzt von A.M. Title on engraved title page: Johann J. Straußens Reisen durch Griechenland, Moscau, Tarterey,... Show moreAus dem jollaendishcen uebergesetzt von A.M. Title on engraved title page: Johann J. Straußens Reisen durch Griechenland, Moscau, Tarterey, Ostindien, und andere Theile der Welt. Includes index. Printed title page in red & black. Main Heritage Shelves General DS47 .S77 1678 Book Item-ID: i10169222 BIB-ID: 1018558 Show less
Récits de voyages arabes, Récits de voyages arabes--9e siècle, Récits de voyages iraniens, Récits de voyages iraniens--9e siècle, Description and travel, Description and travel, Descriptions et voyages, Descriptions et voyages, DS505 .S57 1845
par M. Reinaud ... Arabic text, with French translation, of Silsilat al-tawārīkh. In two books, the first said to be taken down from statements made... Show morepar M. Reinaud ... Arabic text, with French translation, of Silsilat al-tawārīkh. In two books, the first said to be taken down from statements made by a merchant named Sulaimān, the second a continuation of the first, by Hasan. Appended to the Arabic text are extracts from the Marūj al-dahab and the Kitâb Altanbîh by Maʻsúdí. Main Heritage Shelves General DS505 .S57 1845 Book Vol. 1-2 Item-ID: i15804859 BIB-ID: 2576396 Show less
Voyages around the world, Description and travel, Description and travel, G440 .R948 1838
by W.S.W. Ruschenberger. Main Heritage Shelves General G440 .R948 1838 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i2359701x BIB-ID: 1016750 Show moreby W.S.W. Ruschenberger. Main Heritage Shelves General G440 .R948 1838 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i2359701x BIB-ID: 1016750 Show less
Voyages around the world, Description and travel, Description and travel, G440 .R948 1838
by W.S.W. Ruschenberger. Main Heritage Shelves General G440 .R948 1838 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i15799372 BIB-ID: 1016750 Show moreby W.S.W. Ruschenberger. Main Heritage Shelves General G440 .R948 1838 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i15799372 BIB-ID: 1016750 Show less
by Sir Frederick Treves, With forty illustrations from photographs by the author. "First edition January 1905. Reprinted January, Feb. 1 and 20, 1905." Show moreby Sir Frederick Treves, With forty illustrations from photographs by the author. "First edition January 1905. Reprinted January, Feb. 1 and 20, 1905." Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, G490 .B33 1822
Main Heritage Shelves General G490 .B33 1822 Book Item-ID: i24241593 BIB-ID: 2581101 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General G490 .B33 1822 Book Item-ID: i24241593 BIB-ID: 2581101 Show less
Watson, Charles , 1714-1757, Voyages and travels, Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800, Botany, Botany--India, Botany, Medical, Description and travel, History, Description and travel, DS47.5 .I94 1773
By Edward Ives. Main Heritage Shelves General DS47.5 .I94 1773 Book Item-ID: i15531703 BIB-ID: 1006300 Show moreBy Edward Ives. Main Heritage Shelves General DS47.5 .I94 1773 Book Item-ID: i15531703 BIB-ID: 1006300 Show less
traduits de l'italien en français par J. Balarin de Raconis ; publiés et annotés par M. Ch. Schefer. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .V37 1888 Book I... Show moretraduits de l'italien en français par J. Balarin de Raconis ; publiés et annotés par M. Ch. Schefer. Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .V37 1888 Book Item-ID: i10135510 BIB-ID: 1015187 Show less
Ausgrabung, Descriptions et voyages, DS70 .L39 1853, 935.02
By Austen H. Layard. Main Heritage Shelves General DS70 .L39 1853 Book Item-ID: i15635909 BIB-ID: 1009800 Includes bibliographical references and index. Show moreBy Austen H. Layard. Main Heritage Shelves General DS70 .L39 1853 Book Item-ID: i15635909 BIB-ID: 1009800 Includes bibliographical references and index. Show less
Voyages and travels, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, DS7 .V37 1654
van de Heer Ludowyck di Barthema van Bononien, Ridder &c. : gedaen in de Morgenlanden, Syrien, Arabien, Perssen, Indien, Egypten, Ethiopien en... Show morevan de Heer Ludowyck di Barthema van Bononien, Ridder &c. : gedaen in de Morgenlanden, Syrien, Arabien, Perssen, Indien, Egypten, Ethiopien en andere. Uyt het italiaens in hoogh-duyts vertaelt door Hier. Megiserium en uyt den selven - in't Neder-duyts gebracht door F.S. Rare second Dutch translation of this highly important and adventurous narrative containing the first recorded visit of a non-Muslim to Mecca. This edition includes for the first time several full-page engravings - one depicting a 15th-century battle against camel-riding Arabs. - Ludovico di Varthema or Barthema (ca. 1468-1517) sailed from Venice to Egypt in 1502 and travelled through Alexandria, Beirut, Tripoli, and Aleppo, arriving in Damascus in April 1503. Here he enrolled in the Mameluke garrison and proceeded overland to Khaybar, Medina and Mekka, thereby becoming the first European to enter the two holiest cities of Islam. His travels furthermore took him to South Arabia, Shiraz (Persia), India, Goa, Cochin, and supposedly the Malay isthmus, Sumatra, Banda, the Moluccas, the Spice Islands, Borneo, Java and Malacca. He finally returned to Lisbon in 1508. - "Varthema's Itinerario, first published in 1510, had an enormous impact at the time, and in some respects determined the course of European expansion towards the Orient" (Howgego). His account, moreover, contains a detailed description of Mecca and the Islamic pilgrimage, and four evocative plates (including an illustration of a Sati ritual). - Contrary to the statement on the title-page, this is de second Dutch translation; an earlier and rather elusive rendering had already been published at Antwerp in 1544 (recorded in just one institutional copy worldwide!). The present translation was made by Felix van Sambix de Jonge after Megiser's German translation of the Italian. With a poem by Simon de Vries Main Heritage Shelves General DS7 .V37 1654 Book Item-ID: i16875606 BIB-ID: 1510982 Show less
Seafaring life, Arabs, Voyages and travels, Adventure and adventurers, G525 .V5, 910.4
by Alan Villiers; illustrated with photographs and charts by the author. Show moreby Alan Villiers; illustrated with photographs and charts by the author. Show less
Voyages and travels, Islam, Islam--Mediterranean Region, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, Description and travel, G490 .P49 1935
René Peyrode ; lettre-préface de M. Fauran. Chiefly an account of a journey through Spain, across the Mediterranean to Morocco, Algeria and... Show moreRené Peyrode ; lettre-préface de M. Fauran. Chiefly an account of a journey through Spain, across the Mediterranean to Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, returning from there to France through Italy. Show less