Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .M45 1949 Book Item-ID: i11393853 BIB-ID: 1171525 Bibliography: p. 71-75. Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General SK321 .M45 1949 Book Item-ID: i11393853 BIB-ID: 1171525 Bibliography: p. 71-75. Show less
by Gage Earle Freeman, M.A., and Francis Henry Salvin ... To which are added remarks on training the otter and cormorant by Captain Salvin ... Origi... Show moreby Gage Earle Freeman, M.A., and Francis Henry Salvin ... To which are added remarks on training the otter and cormorant by Captain Salvin ... Originally pub. in the "Field." cf. Pref. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .F84 1859 Book Item-ID: i11394225 BIB-ID: 1171564 Show less
compiled by Isaac J. Oelgart. Cover, half, and caption titles: Falconry & hawking treatises, 1575-1975. Page [17] is a third leaf of plates. "This... Show morecompiled by Isaac J. Oelgart. Cover, half, and caption titles: Falconry & hawking treatises, 1575-1975. Page [17] is a third leaf of plates. "This edition is limited to 400 numbered copies ..." Includes indexes. Main Heritage Compact General Z7514.F2 O32 1976 Reference Item-ID: i20420870 BIB-ID: 1822138 Show less
Frederick , 1194-1250, Falconry, Falconry--Early works to 1800, Birds, Birds--Early works to 1800, Falconry, Falconry, Falconry--Bibliography, SK321 .F87 1969, 799.232
Translators' introduction -- Manuscripts and editions of De arte venandi cum avibus -- The castles and hunting lodges of Emperor Frederick II / by... Show moreTranslators' introduction -- Manuscripts and editions of De arte venandi cum avibus -- The castles and hunting lodges of Emperor Frederick II / by Cresswell Shearer -- The art of falconry / by Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen -- The mews, its furniture and accessories -- Diseases of and accidents to hawks, and their treatment -- Methods, ancient, medieval, and modern, for the capture of falcons and other birds of prey / by R. Luff Meredith -- Falconry in modern times / by Walter Schlüter -- Coins and medals depicting falcons and falconry, from the collection of Hugh D. Knight -- Notes on the St. Gorgon statue / by Gordon Washburn -- A short account of the Hohenstaufen and Norman ancestors of Frederick II and of his descendants -- Notes on the portraits of Emperor Frederick II and of his son Manfred -- Favorite birds of the chase probably well known to the emperor -- Annotated roster of birds that are mentioned, depicted by, and were probably familiar to Emperor Frederick II -- An annotated bibliography of ancient, medieval, and modern falconry. translated and edited by Casey A. Wood & F. Marjorie Fyfe. Reprint. Originally published in 1943. Includes index. Heritage Collection SK321 .F87 1969 Book Item-ID: i10190107 BIB-ID: 1020646 Show less
translated by D.C. Phillott. First edition (one of 500 copies) of this rare Persian treatise on falconry giving a detailed account of falcons as... Show moretranslated by D.C. Phillott. First edition (one of 500 copies) of this rare Persian treatise on falconry giving a detailed account of falcons as well as hunting-birds in general, translated by Douglas Craven Phillott. The translator's introduction gives an account of the author, a prince of Persia d. 1874) and his book. With manuscript dedication by the translator to Miss Gladys Murdoch on recto first endpaper. Front hinge, spine and last quire loosening; pasted bookplate on half-title; endpapers foxed; upper blank corner of first 26 pp. slightly wrinkled. A rare and very important work by a falconer who flourished in the middle of the 19th century. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .H87 1908 Book Item-ID: i10191045 BIB-ID: 1525369 Show less
Falconry, Falconry--Early works to 1800, Birds--Diseases, Birds--Diseases--Early works to 1800, SK321 .S56 1615
Printer's name from STC. The first leaf and the last leaf are blank. K3 is a cancel (printed as V3), with text on recto beginning "But before I doe... Show morePrinter's name from STC. The first leaf and the last leaf are blank. K3 is a cancel (printed as V3), with text on recto beginning "But before I doe proceed ..". Variant: V3 in place, K3 uncancelled. Usually found bound with the 1618 edition of the second book (STC 15268.3) A variant of the 1614 edition, with two sheets of new preliminaries. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .S56 1615 Book Item-ID: i10127264 BIB-ID: 1014362 Show less
by Francis Henry Salvin and William Brodrick. Includes index. Rare copy of the first edition of a complete and important treatise on the art of... Show moreby Francis Henry Salvin and William Brodrick. Includes index. Rare copy of the first edition of a complete and important treatise on the art of falconry by Francis Henry Salvin (1817-1904), in which he describes the various species of birds used in England, both hawks and falcons. The treatise is illustrated with 24 lithographes by William Brodrick (1814-1888). The stones for the first edition were destroyed after publication so the plates for the second edition (London, 1873) had to be redrawn. Front cover with small wormhole; some dampstaining not affecting images; first plate loosening. Very good copy. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .S25 1855 Book Item-ID: i17066992 BIB-ID: 1525365 Show less
by Gage Earle Freeman, M.A., and Francis Henry Salvin ... To which are added remarks on training the otter and cormorant by Captain Salvin ... Origi... Show moreby Gage Earle Freeman, M.A., and Francis Henry Salvin ... To which are added remarks on training the otter and cormorant by Captain Salvin ... Originally pub. in the "Field." cf. Pref. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .F84 1859 Book Item-ID: i17066955 BIB-ID: 1171564 Show less
translated by D.C. Phillott. First edition (one of 500 copies) of this rare Persian treatise on falconry giving a detailed account of falcons as... Show moretranslated by D.C. Phillott. First edition (one of 500 copies) of this rare Persian treatise on falconry giving a detailed account of falcons as well as hunting-birds in general, translated by Douglas Craven Phillott. The translator's introduction gives an account of the author, a prince of Persia d. 1874) and his book. With manuscript dedication by the translator to Miss Gladys Murdoch on recto first endpaper. Front hinge, spine and last quire loosening; pasted bookplate on half-title; endpapers foxed; upper blank corner of first 26 pp. slightly wrinkled. A rare and very important work by a falconer who flourished in the middle of the 19th century. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .H87 1908 Book Item-ID: i10191045 BIB-ID: 1525369 Show less
Falconry, Falconry--Early works to 1800, Falconry, SK321 .T87 1611
heretofore published by George Turbervile gentleman. First published in 1575 under title: The booke of faulconrie or hauking. Title with woodcut of... Show moreheretofore published by George Turbervile gentleman. First published in 1575 under title: The booke of faulconrie or hauking. Title with woodcut of the earl or Warwick in hawking costume-DNB; the woodcut is repeated on p. 362. STC distinguishes two "issues" of this edition: 24325, which has catchword "of" on leaf A1r (listing 5+ copies in Britain and 5+ outside Britain); and 24325.5, "anr. issue, with quires A-K reset", which has catchword "com-" on A1r (listing 4 copies total). The corresponding ESTC records are S118834 and S3107. The remaining gatherings (L-2A and the title gathering) are of the same setting in all copies; the distinction between STC 24325 and 24325.5 is properly variant states, probably resulting from enlargement of the edition in the course of printing. Collation: 4to: [par.]⁴ A-Z⁸ 2A⁴ [$4 (-[par.]4) signed]; 192 leaves, pp. [8 unnumbered] [1] 2-370 [6 unnumbered (last leaf blank)] [misprinting 11 as ̂1 ("com-" state), 198 as 168 (some copies), 265 as 205 (some copies), 302 as 392]. LC copy imperfect: last blank leaf wanting. Rare first edition of the "best known English book on hawking" (Schwerdt), replete with 42 charming woodcuts. The present work is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of falconry, promising to teach the reader "to knowe all kinds of Hawkes, and to have the cunning how to reclayme, keepe, flee, ympe, & mewe the sayd Hawkes, with sundry other like matters incident and appertayning to Falconrie". Although imported hawks were an exceptional luxury in 16th century Europe, Turberville does give significant mention to the "Barbary" and even "Tunisian" falcons, replete with illustrations. - Turberville's account is acknowledged as a valuable source of 16th century terminology and practice (cf., eg., Grassby), and figures prominently in the literary history of the sport: "Despite its medieval associations, falconry retained its high status into the sixteenth century and even received a boost from the printing press." Grassby describes the "culture of hunting" in Early Modern England as "a form of pleasure and relaxation which was thought to offer an emotional link with the natural world"; the present treatise, with its remarkably detailed and perceptive veterinary section (running to 150 pages), certainly demonstrates the high esteem which 16th century falconers held for their charges. As Turberville indeed notes, "it is very necessary and behovefull for [the reader] to have knowledge and good experience in their diseases and cures: for that they are birds subject to sundrie maladies and accidents, the cure of all which dothe rest in the careful keeper". - According to Grassby, Turberville wrote for the nobility and gentry, who were of course the primary consumers of falconry during the period; the annotations found in the margins of the present copy certainly show a easy familiarity with hawking. Hawks were bequeathed in wills, and it was a felony to steal a manned hawk. "He is no body," noted Robert Burton in his 'Anatomy of Melancholy', "that in the season hath not a Hawk on his fist". - Persistent but light staining. Occasional dog-earing, worming, minor tears and printer's faults with very minor losses of text (X5, X6, and Z4 are the worst examples). - Rare, only one complete of the present first edition in auction records of the past decades (but 17 copies of the 1611 reprint). Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .T87 1611 Book Item-ID: i17067042 BIB-ID: 1525370 LC copy has bookplate of J. Leveson Douglas Stewart, Glenogil. DLC Show less
Running and spine titles: Falconry. Bookplate of Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Main Heritage Shelves... Show moreRunning and spine titles: Falconry. Bookplate of Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .B42 1841 Book Item-ID: i20440054 BIB-ID: 1823249 Show less
Coursing / by Harding Cox -- Falconry / by Gerald Lascelles. Coursing by Harding Cox, thoroughly revised by Charles Richardson. Falconry by the Hon.... Show moreCoursing / by Harding Cox -- Falconry / by Gerald Lascelles. Coursing by Harding Cox, thoroughly revised by Charles Richardson. Falconry by the Hon. Gerald Lascelles. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .C69 1892 Book Item-ID: i23679669 BIB-ID: 1171672 Show less
by James Edmund Harting. Binder's title: Hints on hawks. "Corrigenda" slip inserted. Includes index. Second edition of Hartinǵs manual on the... Show moreby James Edmund Harting. Binder's title: Hints on hawks. "Corrigenda" slip inserted. Includes index. Second edition of Hartinǵs manual on the management of hawks and a historial and decriptive explanation on practical falconry. For this edition, the author has not merely revised the original text, but has made considerable additions to it, as well as to the illustrations. With plates and illustrations showing a hooded falcon on block, heron hawking, kite hawking with jerfalcons, the falconer's knot, a falcon in flight, etc. The first edition of this work appeared in 1884 with the same publisher. Binding used; first and last leaves slightly foxed and the usual browning, pasted bookplate and manuscript entry on blank recto of plate facing title-page. Good copy of this manual on practical falconry and the management of hawks. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .H37 1898 Book Item-ID: i17066980 BIB-ID: 1525364 Show less
Coursing / by Harding Cox -- Falconry / by Gerald Lascelles. Coursing by Harding Cox, thoroughly revised by Charles Richardson. Falconry by the Hon.... Show moreCoursing / by Harding Cox -- Falconry / by Gerald Lascelles. Coursing by Harding Cox, thoroughly revised by Charles Richardson. Falconry by the Hon. Gerald Lascelles. Main Heritage Shelves General SK321 .C69 1892 Book Item-ID: i11395242 BIB-ID: 1171672 Show less
Falconry, Falconry--Qatar--Photographs, Social life and customs
Title and date from item. Slides are housed in a plastic sheet captioned by the author. Catalogue 4, sleeve 9. Transparencies 693-711. Main Heritage... Show moreTitle and date from item. Slides are housed in a plastic sheet captioned by the author. Catalogue 4, sleeve 9. Transparencies 693-711. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0104 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25038114 BIB-ID: 2686812 Show less
Falconry, Falconry--Qatar--Photographs, Social life and customs
Title and date from item. Slides are housed in a plastic sheet captioned by the author. Catalogue 4, sleeve 10. Transparencies 717-731. Main... Show moreTitle and date from item. Slides are housed in a plastic sheet captioned by the author. Catalogue 4, sleeve 10. Transparencies 717-731. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0106 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25038138 BIB-ID: 2686814 Show less