Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1700, R126 .G35 1562
Edited by Konrad Gesner. Index volume edited by Gulielmus Gratarolus and Joannes Guicaeus Stratander, 1562. Title page with woodcut border and... Show moreEdited by Konrad Gesner. Index volume edited by Gulielmus Gratarolus and Joannes Guicaeus Stratander, 1562. Title page with woodcut border and Froben's printer's device; Froben's device also at end of each section. Main Heritage Shelves General R126 .G35 1562 Book Item-ID: i2285793x BIB-ID: 2428124 With: Cl. Galeni Prima classis. Basileae : In Officina Frobeniana, per Hieronymum Frobenium & Nicolaum Episcopium, MDLXI [1561] With: Cl. Galeni Secunda classis. Basileae : In Officina Frobeniana, per Hieronymum Frobenium & Nicolaum Episcopium, MDLXI [1561] Show less
Theodoro Gaza interprete ; De communi animalium gressu ; De communi animalium motu / Petro Alcyonio interprete ; De partibus animalium. De historia... Show moreTheodoro Gaza interprete ; De communi animalium gressu ; De communi animalium motu / Petro Alcyonio interprete ; De partibus animalium. De historia plantarum, et decimi principium duntaxat / Theophrastus. De causis plantarum / Theophrastus ; Theodoro Gaza interprete. Paginierung T. 1: [20] Bl., 320 S., [5] Bl. ; [14] Bl., 164 [i.e. 264] S., [1] Bl. Main Heritage Shelves General QL41 .A75 1534 Book Item-ID: i10106546 BIB-ID: 1012290 Show less
Medicine, Medicine--Early works to 1700, R126 .G35 1562
Edited by Konrad Gesner. Index volume edited by Gulielmus Gratarolus and Joannes Guicaeus Stratander, 1562. Title page with woodcut border and... Show moreEdited by Konrad Gesner. Index volume edited by Gulielmus Gratarolus and Joannes Guicaeus Stratander, 1562. Title page with woodcut border and Froben's printer's device; Froben's device also at end of each section. Main Heritage Shelves General R126 .G35 1562 Book Item-ID: i22859287 BIB-ID: 2428614 With: Galeno ascripti libri. Spvrii libri, qvi variam artis medicae saraginem ex uarijs auctoribus excerptam continentes, optimo, quo sieri potuit, ordine sunt dispositi, & in unum corpus redacti, quorum seriem sequenti pagina habes. Basileae : In Officina Frobeniana, per Hieronymum Frobenium & Nicolaum Episcopium, MDLXII [1562] Show less
Language and languages, Civilization--Study and teaching, Languages, AC14 .H93 1767
Omnia diligenter recognita a Gregorio Sharpe ... Title varies slightly. Main Heritage Shelves General AC14 .H93 1767 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20241434 BIB-ID:... Show moreOmnia diligenter recognita a Gregorio Sharpe ... Title varies slightly. Main Heritage Shelves General AC14 .H93 1767 Book vol.2 Item-ID: i20241434 BIB-ID: 1019948 Show less
De nonnullis orientalium urbibus / A Gabr. Sionita (p. 3-112) -- Itinerario Hierosolymitano et syriaco / ex Iohannis Cotovici (p. 113-257) --... Show moreDe nonnullis orientalium urbibus / A Gabr. Sionita (p. 3-112) -- Itinerario Hierosolymitano et syriaco / ex Iohannis Cotovici (p. 113-257) -- Historia Arabum / Wolfang Drechsleri (p.259-297) First edition of the collection. Contains: 1. Sionita & Hesronita. De nonnullis orientalibus urbium. "This important work contains early descriptions of Baghdad, Bokhara, Damascus, Medina, Mecca, and Aleppo" (Blackmer). 2. "De moribus atque institutis Turcarum" by the French diplomat C. Richier. 3. W. Drechsler's "Historia Arabum". - From the library of the Vorarlberg lawyer Dr. Karl J. Steger. Waterstaining throughout. Engraved t.p. Title on added t.p.: De nonnullis orientalium urbibus, necnon indigenarum religione ac moribus, tractatus brevis. A Gabr. Sionita ... ac Joanne Hesronita ... Running title: Vrbes et mores Orientalium. Numbers 270-279 omitted in pagination. Written by Gabriel Sionita, Joannes Hesronita, C. Richerius, J. Cotovicus, and others. Main Heritage Shelves General DS206 .A73 1633 Book Item-ID: i10058102 BIB-ID: 1510974 Show less
omnia è curâ M. Johannis FabricI. Includes index Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .S64 1637 Book Item-ID: i10179525 BIB-ID: 2346814 Show moreomnia è curâ M. Johannis FabricI. Includes index Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .S64 1637 Book Item-ID: i10179525 BIB-ID: 2346814 Show less
Medicine, Medicine--Egypt--Early works to 1800, R127.3 .A47 1591
Woodcut initials Main Heritage Shelves General R127.3 .A47 1591 Book Item-ID: i22847649 BIB-ID: 2428121 Show moreWoodcut initials Main Heritage Shelves General R127.3 .A47 1591 Book Item-ID: i22847649 BIB-ID: 2428121 Show less
Signatures: no. 8, A-Z6, AA-ZZ6, & & 6, a-b6, Aaa-Cco Ddd. Heȧd and tail pieces; initials. "Eruditi cvivsdam hominis hieroglyphicorvm commentariorvm... Show moreSignatures: no. 8, A-Z6, AA-ZZ6, & & 6, a-b6, Aaa-Cco Ddd. Heȧd and tail pieces; initials. "Eruditi cvivsdam hominis hieroglyphicorvm commentariorvm liber prior [-liber secundus, a C. AA. Curione] : p. 565-588. "Eruditi civivsdam hominis hieroglyphicorvm commentariorym liber prior [liber secundus, a C. Aith loss of text, p. [47]-[50] lacking. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ1093 .V16 1586 Book Item-ID: i15641284 BIB-ID: 1011740 Show less
Main Heritage Shelves General PJ91 .P67 1553 Book Item-ID: i10077704 BIB-ID: 1009406 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General PJ91 .P67 1553 Book Item-ID: i10077704 BIB-ID: 1009406 Show less
avctore Petro Metoscita Title page in back of book; pagination reversed. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .M48 1624 Book Item-ID: i10108622 BIB-ID:... Show moreavctore Petro Metoscita Title page in back of book; pagination reversed. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .M48 1624 Book Item-ID: i10108622 BIB-ID: 1012498 Show less
Title page engraved vignette. Includes index. Pages 91-94 incorrectly bound after p. 184. Signatures: *⁴, A-Z⁴, Aa-Ss⁴, A-F⁴. Main Heritage Shelves... Show moreTitle page engraved vignette. Includes index. Pages 91-94 incorrectly bound after p. 184. Signatures: *⁴, A-Z⁴, Aa-Ss⁴, A-F⁴. Main Heritage Shelves General Z7046 .H68 1658 Book Item-ID: i1016604x BIB-ID: 1018240 Show less
Language and languages, Civilization--Study and teaching, Languages, AC14 .H93 1767
Omnia diligenter recognita a Gregorio Sharpe ... Title varies slightly. Main Heritage Shelves General AC14 .H93 1767 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i10183139 BIB-ID:... Show moreOmnia diligenter recognita a Gregorio Sharpe ... Title varies slightly. Main Heritage Shelves General AC14 .H93 1767 Book vol.1 Item-ID: i10183139 BIB-ID: 1019948 Show less
With an additional titlepage, engraved to vol.1 - Titlepage vol.2 in red and black. - Vols.2 & 3 bear title: "Hierozoicon, bipartitum opus... Show moreWith an additional titlepage, engraved to vol.1 - Titlepage vol.2 in red and black. - Vols.2 & 3 bear title: "Hierozoicon, bipartitum opus animalibus S. Scripturae" and "Hierozoici ..." respectively. Calf; NUC. Main Heritage Shelves General BS660 .B63 1712 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i10156306 BIB-ID: 1017266 Show less
Alchemy, Alchemy--Early works to 1800, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric, Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric--Early works to 1800, QD25 .J33 1682
De perfectione magisterii in sua natura -- De principiis magisterii, & de perfectione ejusdem -- De consideratione rerum ex quibus est perfectio... Show moreDe perfectione magisterii in sua natura -- De principiis magisterii, & de perfectione ejusdem -- De consideratione rerum ex quibus est perfectio magisterii -- De medicinis sermone universali, et de quinque differentiis perfectionis earum -- Libri investigationis magisterii Gebri, philosophi perspicassimi, ac Indiae Regis -- Testamenti Gebri philosophi perspicacissimi, ac Indiae Regis -- Libri trium verborum Kallid Rachaidibi philosophi acutissimi. Extremely rare, complete copy with the engraved title page, the errata leaf, and all nine plates. Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan (known as "Geber" in the Latin tradition) is the name of an author whose historical existence is under debate, but who, according to Arabic culture, is said to have lived in the second half of the eight century, been the head of a hermetic school, and left an extensive body of works on natural philosophy and alchemy. The rediscovery of Geber for the history of chemistry and alchemy, was introduced by Hermann Kopp in the 19th century. The first German edition, published in Vienna in 1751, was entitled "Geberi des Königes der Araber [...] vollständige Chymische Schriften, worinnen in den vier Büchern das Quecksilber, Schwefel, Arsen inn Gold, Silber, Bley, Zinn, Kupfer, Eisen & Oefen [..], Destillationen [...], Essenzen, Salze, Alaune [...], Cinnober, Glaß, Boras, Essig &c. abgehandelt werden; wie auch das Testament, Güldene Buch der dreyen Wörter Kallid Rachaidibi, und andere Chymische Tractätgen, Summa, die ganze Kunst die unvollkommenen Metalle [...] in Vollkommene, als Silber und Gold zu verwandeln; das ist: wie man Silber und Gold machen soll, enthalten [...]". - Publisher's printed dedication to Caspar Richter ("Polonixe Secretario"). Binding somewhat rubbed and stained; very slight trimming to top edge of engraved t. p. Title stamped and with contemp. ms. ownership. Very occasional comtemp. underlinings and marginalia. One edge tear to a single leaf. Slight worming throughout (more pronounced near end). Slight waterstaining to a few leaves; occasional insignificant browning or brownstaining. This edition not in German auction records since 1950. Added engraved t.p. signed "N. Lang scr. 1682." Head- and tailpieces; initials. Errata: p. [19]. Signatures: a⁸ [$5 signed] b⁴ [$2 signed] A-R⁸ [$5 signed]. Errors in pagination: 113 as 110 (corrected in mss.); no p. 114-119 (pagination and register continuous). Main Heritage Shelves General QD25 .J33 1682 Book Item-ID: i16817515 BIB-ID: 1507131 Bound with: Joannis Braceschi Brixiani De alchemia dialogi duo nunquam ante hac conjunctim sic editi, correcti, & emaculati -- Sendivogi Novum lumen chymicum novo lumine auctum. Bound together subsequent to publication. Show less
avctore Petro Metoscita Title page in back of book; pagination reversed. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .M48 1624 Book Item-ID: i10108622 BIB-ID:... Show moreavctore Petro Metoscita Title page in back of book; pagination reversed. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .M48 1624 Book Item-ID: i10108622 BIB-ID: 1012498 Show less
avctore Petro Metoscita Title page in back of book; pagination reversed. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .M48 1624 Book Item-ID: i10108634 BIB-ID:... Show moreavctore Petro Metoscita Title page in back of book; pagination reversed. Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .M48 1624 Book Item-ID: i10108634 BIB-ID: 1012498 Show less
omnia è curâ M. Johannis FabricI. Includes index Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .S64 1637 Book Item-ID: i2195687x BIB-ID: 2346814 Show moreomnia è curâ M. Johannis FabricI. Includes index Main Heritage Shelves General PJ6305 .S64 1637 Book Item-ID: i2195687x BIB-ID: 2346814 Show less
Main Heritage Shelves General PJ4191.H36 1828 Book Item-ID: i10145278 BIB-ID: 1016163 Show moreMain Heritage Shelves General PJ4191.H36 1828 Book Item-ID: i10145278 BIB-ID: 1016163 Show less
Martyrology, Martyrology--Early works to 1800, Christian martyrs, Christian martyrs--Biography, Calendars, Calendars--Early works to 1800, PR1749.M3 M38 1568
Colophon reads: "Venetijs, in officina Lucae Antonij Iuntae, 1568." Main Heritage Shelves General PR1749.M3 M38 1568 Book Item-ID: i23166496 BIB-ID:... Show moreColophon reads: "Venetijs, in officina Lucae Antonij Iuntae, 1568." Main Heritage Shelves General PR1749.M3 M38 1568 Book Item-ID: i23166496 BIB-ID: 2451669 Show less