Public relationsComité des Fêtes Alger, Public relationsCompagnie des chemins de fer de l'Ouest, Tourism, Tourism--Algeria--20th Century, Festivals, Festivals--Algeriers
Vintage poster issued by the Commité des Fêtes Alger (Algiers Festival Committee) to promote the 1907-1908 festival season in Algiers. The poster... Show moreVintage poster issued by the Commité des Fêtes Alger (Algiers Festival Committee) to promote the 1907-1908 festival season in Algiers. The poster depicts a Moorish woman holding a French flag in front of the port of Algiers and it lists the attractions for the months from December to May. Title and date from item. The poster is signed "E. Dinet"; inscribed "Imp. Marseillaise. Marseille" and "Pour tous renseignements sur Fêtes s'adresser au Comité des Fêtes. Distractions, Conditions de Séjour etc. Rue de Strasbourg. Alger" (For All Information on the Festivals Please Reach out the Festival Committee. For Distractions and Conditions of Stay Please Visit Rue de Strasbourg, Algiers". The poster has a poster tax stamp "Republique Française 20c et 2/10 ", a stamp of the Commité des Fêtes d'Alger dated April 1907 and the stamp of the Advertising Committee of the French railway company "Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'Ouest" "Vu bon pour afficher" (Checked Good to Display). At the bottom of the poster also a hamsa with the words "Commerce et Industrie" (Trade and Industry" and the coat of arms of the city of Algiers used during colonial times. Text continues: "Programme des Fêtes de la Saison 1907-08. Décembre: Fêtes Mauresques, Courses Automobiles, Redoutes des Sports. Au Théâtre Municipal. Janvier: Chasses au Chacal, Rallye Cross-Country, Fêtes Mauresques. Fevrier: Redoute Indigène au Théâtre Municipal, Batailles de Fleurs ( Journée), Veglione au Théâtre Municipal. Mars: Batailles de Fleurs (2.e Journée), Corso Carnevalesque, Courses de Chevaux. Avril: Batailles de Fleurs, Veglione, Courses de Taureaux, Feria Espagnole. Mai: Régates, Fêtes Nautiques, Fêtes Mauresques" (Program of the 1907-1908 Season. December: Moorish Festival, Car races, Sport Festival at the Municipal Theater. January: Jackal hunts, Cross-Country rally, Moorish festivals. February: Indigenous Festival at the Municipal Theater, Battles of Flowers (Day 1), Ball at the Municipal Theater. March: Flower Battles (Day 2), Carnival Parade, Horse Racing. April: Flower Battles, Ball, Running of the Bulls, Spanish Festival. May: Regattas, Nautical Festivals, Moorish Festivals). Main Heritage Compact General HC.GM.P.2019.0206 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i26279265 BIB-ID: 2808649 Show less
Public relationsTouring-Club de France, Comité algéro-tunisien, Tourism, Tourism--Algeria--20th Century, Tourism, Tourism--Tunisia--20th Century
Vintage travel poster issued by the French social club devoted to travel, the "Touring-Club de France", advertising Algeria and Tunisia as tourist... Show moreVintage travel poster issued by the French social club devoted to travel, the "Touring-Club de France", advertising Algeria and Tunisia as tourist destinations. The poster shows a bedouin on camelback on the edge of a dune in the desert. Title and date from item. The poster is signed, titled "Ruines romaines, mosquées, oasis, gorges pittoresques, forêts, troglodytes" (Roman ruins, mosques, oases, picturesque canyons, forests, troglodyte dwellings), dated and tagged "Pour renseignements s'adresser: au TOURING-CLUB de FRANCE, 65 Avenue de la Grande Armée, PARIS aux Compagnies de Chemins de Fer et de la Navigation, aux Comités d'Hivernage à Alger et à Tunis, aux Agences de Voyages"(For information, contact: the TOURING-CLUB de FRANCE, 65 Avenue de la Grande Armée, PARIS, railways and navigation companies, winter clubs in Algiers and Tunis, travel agencies). Inscribed "Les Imprimeries D. Daude 2, rue de l'Asile Popincourt Paris". Main Heritage Compact General HC.GM.P.2019.0131 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i26217880 BIB-ID: 2802018 Show less