Francesco Primo (Steamship), Description and travel, DR427 .M37 1839
par Marchebeus. Lot No:89 Main Heritage Shelves General DR427 .M37 1839 Book Item-ID: i22756449 BIB-ID: 1951314 Show morepar Marchebeus. Lot No:89 Main Heritage Shelves General DR427 .M37 1839 Book Item-ID: i22756449 BIB-ID: 1951314 Show less
par Georges Gromort. In portfolios. Main Heritage Shelves General SB446.S7 G76 1926 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i23709248 BIB-ID: 1013254 "Bibliographie": v. 1, p... Show morepar Georges Gromort. In portfolios. Main Heritage Shelves General SB446.S7 G76 1926 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i23709248 BIB-ID: 1013254 "Bibliographie": v. 1, p. [12]. Show less
par Georges Gromort. In portfolios. Main Heritage Shelves General SB466.S7 G76 1926 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i15714846 BIB-ID: 1013254 "Bibliographie": v. 1, p... Show morepar Georges Gromort. In portfolios. Main Heritage Shelves General SB466.S7 G76 1926 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i15714846 BIB-ID: 1013254 "Bibliographie": v. 1, p. [12]. Show less
l. De Jaffa à Jérusalem.--2. De Jérusalem à Hébron.--3. Samarie et Côte maritime.--4. Galilée et Liban. par F. et E. Thévoz ; texte explicatif par... Show morel. De Jaffa à Jérusalem.--2. De Jérusalem à Hébron.--3. Samarie et Côte maritime.--4. Galilée et Liban. par F. et E. Thévoz ; texte explicatif par Philippe Bridel. Main Heritage Shelves General DS108.5 .B75 1888 Book vol. 1 Item-ID: i2247612x BIB-ID: 2402213 Show less
l. De Jaffa à Jérusalem.--2. De Jérusalem à Hébron.--3. Samarie et Côte maritime.--4. Galilée et Liban. par F. et E. Thévoz ; texte explicatif par... Show morel. De Jaffa à Jérusalem.--2. De Jérusalem à Hébron.--3. Samarie et Côte maritime.--4. Galilée et Liban. par F. et E. Thévoz ; texte explicatif par Philippe Bridel. Main Heritage Shelves General DS108.5 .B75 1888 Book vol. 2 Item-ID: i22476337 BIB-ID: 2402213 Show less
l. De Jaffa à Jérusalem.--2. De Jérusalem à Hébron.--3. Samarie et Côte maritime.--4. Galilée et Liban. par F. et E. Thévoz ; texte explicatif par... Show morel. De Jaffa à Jérusalem.--2. De Jérusalem à Hébron.--3. Samarie et Côte maritime.--4. Galilée et Liban. par F. et E. Thévoz ; texte explicatif par Philippe Bridel. Main Heritage Shelves General DS108.5 .B75 1888 Book vol. 4 Item-ID: i22476222 BIB-ID: 2402213 Show less
l. De Jaffa à Jérusalem.--2. De Jérusalem à Hébron.--3. Samarie et Côte maritime.--4. Galilée et Liban. par F. et E. Thévoz ; texte explicatif par... Show morel. De Jaffa à Jérusalem.--2. De Jérusalem à Hébron.--3. Samarie et Côte maritime.--4. Galilée et Liban. par F. et E. Thévoz ; texte explicatif par Philippe Bridel. Main Heritage Shelves General DS108.5 .B75 1888 Book vol. 3 Item-ID: i22476179 BIB-ID: 2402213 Show less
Panorama of Istanbul taken from the Galata Tower. Title and date from item. Prints size 24 x 33 cm. Panorama is bound in red morocco with gold gilt... Show morePanorama of Istanbul taken from the Galata Tower. Title and date from item. Prints size 24 x 33 cm. Panorama is bound in red morocco with gold gilt title and date. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2016.0045 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i23168870 BIB-ID: 2451786 Show less
In : "Neptune oriental"/ Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'Après de Mannevillette, Paris : Demonville, 1775 Map shows coastal panoramic views in the Red... Show moreIn : "Neptune oriental"/ Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'Après de Mannevillette, Paris : Demonville, 1775 Map shows coastal panoramic views in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden "25. 2d." Main Heritage Display General HC.MAP.01194 Print Map Item-ID: i11404851 BIB-ID: 1172828 Show less
Antiquities, Fortifications, Excavations (Archaeology), History
The album contains aerial views of Syria and Lebanon taken by three members of the 39th Aviation Regiment of the French Army of the Levant (G.... Show moreThe album contains aerial views of Syria and Lebanon taken by three members of the 39th Aviation Regiment of the French Army of the Levant (G. David, Loquinaire and L. Piat) of the and collected by Regimental Adjutant Charles Serniclaès. He is also the author of most of the pictures together with other pilots of the Regiment. Views includes major cities and archeological sites in Syria and Lebanon. Beyrouth. -- Cèdres du Liban. -- Zahlé. -- Homs. -- Baalbeck. -- Hama. -- Krak des Chevaliers. -- Château de Markab. -- Château de Massiaf. -- Tripoli. -- Satifa. -- Château de Beaufort. -- Forteresse de Banias. -- Château de Palmyre. -- Ruines de Palmyre. -- Palmyre Source sulfureuse. -- Alep. -- Rakka. -- Kalaat Djaber. -- Kalaat Sman. -- Ruines de Ressaf. -- Khars el Her. -- Deir-ez-Zor. -- Djazireh-ibn-Omar. -- Chameaux sur la piste. -- Damas. -- Ghutta. -- Couvent de Sednaya. -- Maloula. -- Deir el Djenovi. -- Safa. -- Tell Dekoua. -- Le Leja-Semeid. -- Kanaouat. -- Chaaba. -- Soueida. Title and date from item. Various format photographs are pasted onto the sheets of the album and captioned in the negative or in a label below the print. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2016.0063 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i23322500 BIB-ID: 2496849 Show less
par Georges Gromort. In portfolios. "Bibliographie": v. 1, p. [12]. Show morepar Georges Gromort. In portfolios. "Bibliographie": v. 1, p. [12]. Show less
par C.W.M. van de Velde pendant son voyage d'exploration géographique en 1851 et 1852. Show morepar C.W.M. van de Velde pendant son voyage d'exploration géographique en 1851 et 1852. Show less
par Georges Gromort. In portfolios. "Bibliographie": v. 1, p. [12]. Show morepar Georges Gromort. In portfolios. "Bibliographie": v. 1, p. [12]. Show less
List of the views in this album: 1- Grande Mosquee A Alger, Algeria, by Callow / 2- Hotel De Ville De Breme, Germany, by Hurlimann / 3- Niagara... Show moreList of the views in this album: 1- Grande Mosquee A Alger, Algeria, by Callow / 2- Hotel De Ville De Breme, Germany, by Hurlimann / 3- Niagara Falls, North America, by Salathe / 4- Saint Paul a Londres, by Salathe / 5- Colonne De Pompee, Egypt, by Martens / 6- Harem De Mehemet-Ali A Alexandrie, Egypt, by Weber / 7- Louqsor, Egypt, by Martens / 8- Pyramide De Cheops, Egypt, by Riffaut / 9- La Vallee Des Tombeaux, Egypt, by Salathe / 10- Alcazar De Seville, Spain, Riffaut / 11- Alhambra, Spain, by Salathe / 12- Grenada, Spain, by Salathe / 13- Les Arenes A Nimes, France, by Himley / 14- Maison Carree A Nismes, France, By Callow / 15- La Topur Magne A Nimes, France, by Lerebours / 17- Arc De Triomphe D’Orange, France, by Hurlimann / 18- Colonne De Juillet A Paris, by Hurlimann / 19- St Germain L’Auxerrois A Paris, by Hurlimann / 20- Porte Laterale De Notre Dame A Paris, by Himley / 21- Vue Prise Du Pont Neuf A Paris, by Martens / 22- L’Acropolis A Athenes, Greece, by Appert / 23- Le Parthenon A Athenes, Greece, by Martens / 24- Les Propylees A Athenes, Greece, by Riffaut / 25- Maison De Longwood, Ste Helene, by Thienon / 26- Place Du Grand Duc A Florence, Italy, By Salathe / 27- Fort Neuf A Naples, Italy, by Paul Legrand / 28- Le Mole A Naples, Italy, by Salathe / 29- Temple De Ceres A Pestum, Italy, by Martens / 30- Temple Hypethre De Pestum, Italy, by Salathe / 31- Le Duomo Et La Tour Penchee A Pise, Italy, by Galow / 32- Santa Maria Della Spina A Pise, Italy, by Salathe / 33- Arc De Constantin A Rome, Italy, by Himley / 34- L’Arc De Titus A Rome, By Callow / 35- Les Cascades De Tivoli, Italy, by Salathe / 36- Le Colisee A Rome, by Himley / 37- Colonne Trajane A Rome, Italy, by Hurlimann / 38- Ste Marie Majeure A Rome, by Price / 39- Saint- Pierre Et Le Fort Saint-Ange A Rome, by Weber / 40- Place Du Peuple A Rome, by Martens / 41- Port Ripetta A Rome, by Himley / T42- emple De Vesta A Rome, by Martens / 43- Monte- Mario, Italy, by Salathe / 44- L’Arsenal A Venise, Italy, by Martens / 45- Eglise St Marc A venise, by Hurlimann / 46- Pont Du Rialto A Venise, by Martens / 47- Vue Prise de la Piazetta a Venise, by Martens / 48- Vue Prise De L'Entre De Grand Canal A Venise, by Martens / 49- Vue Prise Du Clocher St Marc A Venise, by Salathe / 50- Temple Hypethre Dans L’Ile De Philae, Nubie, by Bishop & Weber / 51- Jerusalem, Palestine, by Salathe / 52- Moscow, Russia, by Legrand / 53- Vassili Blagennoi A Moscou, Russia, by Legrand / 54- Vue De Kremlin A Moscou, Russia, by Hurlimann / 55- Eglise De La Marine A Stockholm, Sweden, by Hurlimann / 56- Geneve, Suisse, by Bishop & Weber / 57- Temple du Soleil A Baalbec, Syrie, by Salathe / 58- Beyrouth, Syrie, by Martens / 59- Cimetiere Des Musulmans A Damas, Syrie, by Weber / 60- St Jean D’Acre, Syrie, by Salathe / Nazareth, Syrie, by Salathe. Text by Paul de La Garenne, F. Goupil, and many others; daguerreotyped by N.P. Lerebours. First series originally issued in 15 "livraisons" in 1840-1841. Main Heritage Shelves General TR365 .E93 1842 Book Item-ID: i22388151 BIB-ID: 2395573 Show less
Title and date from item. Catalogue 2, sleeve 37. Transparencies 824-825. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2017.0035-0034 2-D Graphic Item-ID:... Show moreTitle and date from item. Catalogue 2, sleeve 37. Transparencies 824-825. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2017.0035-0034 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i24450728 BIB-ID: 2601508 Show less
Collections of aerial views of historical monuments and cities of today Lebanon and Syria. Photographs were taken in 1925 by the French... Show moreCollections of aerial views of historical monuments and cities of today Lebanon and Syria. Photographs were taken in 1925 by the French archaeologist Antoine Poidebard and other pilots. Jesuit Father Antoine Poidebard is considered the founder of the practice of aerial archaeology in the Middle East. A Jesuit missionary, he was also a renowned explorer and an amateur archaeologist. Settled in Beirut from 1925 on, in charge of official missions on behalf of the French authorities, he realized the extraordinary potential offered by aerial reconnaissance for the archaeological documentation of the Lebanese and Syrian territories. With the logistical support of the French Air Force, he completed thousands of flights, mainly above Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, but also above the coasts of the Mediterranean up to Algeria and Tunisia. As an ingenious amateur Poidebard developed prototypes of cameras that were later produced industrially. Djezine [sic] waterfall. Beaufort Castle. Beirut. The Port of Beirut. Interior of an old mill. Road from Beirut to Damascus. Delta of the Nahr al-Kalb River. Ruins of Byblos. Source of the Orontes River. Cedar of Lebanon. Baalbeck. Tripoli. The Krak des Chevaliers. The citadel of Aleppo. Latakia. The bay of Alexandretta. Alawite woman. Bridge in Deir ez-Zor. Kamechlie [sic]. Souqs. Ruins in Al-Rusafa. Palmyra. The Turkish castle of Palmyra. Valley of the tombs. The gate of the tetrapylon. Homs. Damascus. Ommeyades Mosque. Barada Valley. As-Suwayda. Salkad [sic]. Qanawat . Bedouin of Sinjar. Photographs have either manuscript captions on the mount or have typescript titles on labels pasted onto the mount. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0198 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i24959261 BIB-ID: 2528559 Show less
Title and date from item. Catalogue 3, sleeve 12. Transparencies 418-426. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0078 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25037845 B... Show moreTitle and date from item. Catalogue 3, sleeve 12. Transparencies 418-426. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0078 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25037845 BIB-ID: 2686786 Show less
Title and date from item. Catalogue 3, sleeve 12. Transparencies 427-433. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0079 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25037857 B... Show moreTitle and date from item. Catalogue 3, sleeve 12. Transparencies 427-433. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0079 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25037857 BIB-ID: 2686787 Show less
Title and date from item. Slides are housed in a plastic sheet captioned by the author. Catalogue 3, sleeve 19. Transparencies 509-518. Main... Show moreTitle and date from item. Slides are housed in a plastic sheet captioned by the author. Catalogue 3, sleeve 19. Transparencies 509-518. Main Heritage Compact General HC.HP.2018.0091 2-D Graphic Item-ID: i25037973 BIB-ID: 2686799 Show less