Haut Commissariat de la République française, Direction du service des renseignements du Levant. Main Heritage Shelves General DS94.8.B4 T75 1930 Book ... Show moreHaut Commissariat de la République française, Direction du service des renseignements du Levant. Main Heritage Shelves General DS94.8.B4 T75 1930 Book Item-ID: i10135364 BIB-ID: 1015172 Show less
Bedouins, Description and travel, Social life and customs, DS207 .M87 1930, 915.304 M973i
Part one. September 1908-June 1909. Into the desert -- To the borders of the Euphrates -- To the camp of Eben Smeyr -- In the tracks of Nuri to the... Show morePart one. September 1908-June 1909. Into the desert -- To the borders of the Euphrates -- To the camp of Eben Smeyr -- In the tracks of Nuri to the Sirhan Depression -- On the roads of death -- On the fringes of the Nefud -- In the heart of the Arabia Deserta -- In the camp and in the oasis -- Through the Sirhan Depression to Syria -- Part two. November 1914-January 1915. With the Weld Ali Tribe -- Back to the inner desert without guide or protector -- From Nuri's camp towards the south. by Alois Musil ; arranged for publication by Katharine McGiffert Wright. "The present book is drawn mainly from Musil's 'Arabia deserta' ... and from 'The manners and customs of the Rwala Bedouins' ... His experience during two journeys made in 1908-09 and 1914-15"--Editor's foreword. Main Heritage Shelves General DS207 .M87 1930 Book Item-ID: i15642616 BIB-ID: 1012328 Also issued online. Show less
Bedouins, Description and travel, Social life and customs, DS207 .M87 1930, 915.304 M973i
Part one. September 1908-June 1909. Into the desert -- To the borders of the Euphrates -- To the camp of Eben Smeyr -- In the tracks of Nuri to the... Show morePart one. September 1908-June 1909. Into the desert -- To the borders of the Euphrates -- To the camp of Eben Smeyr -- In the tracks of Nuri to the Sirhan Depression -- On the roads of death -- On the fringes of the Nefud -- In the heart of the Arabia Deserta -- In the camp and in the oasis -- Through the Sirhan Depression to Syria -- Part two. November 1914-January 1915. With the Weld Ali Tribe -- Back to the inner desert without guide or protector -- From Nuri's camp towards the south. by Alois Musil ; arranged for publication by Katharine McGiffert Wright. "The present book is drawn mainly from Musil's 'Arabia deserta' ... and from 'The manners and customs of the Rwala Bedouins' ... His experience during two journeys made in 1908-09 and 1914-15"--Editor's foreword. Also issued online. Show less