APOLLONIUS of Perga. Conicorum Lib. V. VI. VII. paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi nunc primum editi. Additus in calce Archimedis assumptorum liber ex codicibus Arabicis Mss ... Abrahamus Ecchellensis Latinos ... reddidit ... Io. Alfonsus Borellus ... notas uberiores in universum opus adiecit. Florence, Joseph Cocchini 1661. Tall 4to, 1lea. (bin.) + 1tit. + 1 + 1tit. + 1 + 8 + 8 + 8 pref. + 6 + 2 ind. + 2 cont. + 415 + 1 + 1 lea. (bin.), title printed in red and black, numerous diagrams throughout; a magnificient copy, entirely uncut; modern culf backed marbled boards. First edition of the Ecchelensis translations of both works, the first published version of Books V - VII of Apollonius's Conics, which only survive in the Arabic version of Abu 'l-Fath al-Isfahani, based on the translation of Thabit ibn Qurra. Apollonius introduced the terms ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. The first four books of the Conics "probably contain little that was not alreay known ... Books V - VII seen to contain the discoveries which he himself had made" (Smith, History of mathematics, I, p. 117). These books were presumed lost (the eighth is still lost) until Borelli discovered an Arabic manuscript in the Medici library in Florence. Abraham Ecchelensis was a Maronite, born in Syria, who died in Rome 1664. He was professor of Arabic and Syriac in Rome and Paris. The Archimedes was translated from another Arabic manuscript in the Medici library, a translation from the Greek by Thabit ibn Qurra: as with the Apollonius, the Greek original of this text does not survive. For Apollonius see Sezgin, V, pp. 139-43; for Thabit ibn Qurra see Seagin, V. pp. 264-274. Norman 58; Riccardi I, 158, 5 ("Bella edizione, ed assai ricercata")., Main Heritage Shelves General, QA31 .A66 1661, Book, Item-ID: i1007420x, BIB-ID: 1009056, Reliure aux armes de Marc-Antoine Mazenod et ex-libris ms. du Collège de la Trinité de Lyon. Fr693836101: Rés 107475, Reliure parchemin armoriée. Fr693836101: Rés 107475 |
print, 36 unnumbered pages, 415 pages (sig. *6, **, ***, ****, A-Z, Aa-Zz, Aaa-Fff4) : illustrations ; 2° (30 cm), unmediated, volume |