Ibn Zuhr, Abu Marwan known as Avenzoar. Venise, Otnus de Luna, Papiensis Folio 104pp, 2 columns in each page, 68 or 69 lines, partial damage to the last two pages , upper part of spine chipped 17th century Vellum, Hieronymus Surianus 10 january 1497 An extreemly rare edition of incunable work of islamic medicine of the XII century. Abu Marwan Abdul Malik Ibn Zuhr (1113- 62 or 1199) was known to mediaeval Europe as Avenzoar and Abhomeron, and came of an illustious Arabian family who setteled in spain earlyin the tenth century. he was born at sevilee. and studied medicine by his father (who held the Ca"nn of Avecenna in small esttem) and achieved great fame as a physician in spain & North Africa. One of the Foremost thinkers of islam, he was opposed to astrology and medicine mysticism; the mysticism tha he was opposed to may be said to have survived until recent times. and his exemplified in the dying decleration of a vererinary surgeon who when pressed for the secret of his success in surgery said; " i biles my tools" Avnzoar who took a great intrest in materia medica and pharmacy, was opposed to logical distinctions" (Donald Campbell " Arabian Medicine and its infuluance on the Middle ages" pp 90-91) "Ibn Zuhr was the first to write acareful description of mediastinal abcess from which he probably suffered. He describes pericarditis, both wet and dry, and diffrentiates them from other lung conditions. while in jail he wrote a careful description of cancer of the stomach from wich his cell mate was suffering" (kahairallah, A." outline of Arabic contributions to medicine" pp 126) Ibn Zuhr's works were translated to latin and were printed repeatedly. His great influance over medieval Europe is seen from his great influance over Arnold of villanova and from his adoption as a text-book in the universities of Europe for several centures. Hain-Copinger 2188; Klebs 127-3 Pellechet, 1654; IGI 1105; Proctor 5607; Gesamtkat der Wiegendrucke, 3105; Goff, A-1410 Not in the British Museum , not in the Belgium library., The Taysīr (Abhumeron) has been translated from the Arabic of Ibn Zuhr into Hebrew by Jacobus Hebraeus and from that version into Latin by Patavinus in 1281. -- Cf. Explicit (leaf g2r)., The Kitāb al-Kullīyāt (Colliget) is edited by Hieronymus Surianus. -- Cf. Explicit (leaf s2v). The translation is probably that of Jacob Bonacosa., Contains two tracts: Taysīr fī al-mudāwah wa-al-tadbīr (Abhumeron) by Ibn Zuhr (leaves a1-g6r), which includes his Antidotarium (leaves g2r-g5r), and Kitāb al-Kullīyāt (Colliget) by Averroës (leaves g6v-s3)., Goff and Rhodes give the title as: 'Liber Teisir, sive Rectificatio medicationis et regiminis. Antidotarium.', Colophon (verso of leaf s2) reads: 'Impressum Venetijs per magistrum Otinum papiensem de luna. Anno domini nostri iesu christi. Mccccxcvij. decimo kalendas ianuarias. Regnante inclyto principe Augustino Barbadico.', Signatures: a-q⁶ r-s⁴ (leaf s4 blank)., Chancery folio, text printed in 2 columns; 69 lines plus headline; col. width: 78 mm.; area of text: 244 (255) x 162 mm.; tables printed in 3 columns. With initial spaces, some with guide-letters, and printed paragraph marks; without foliation and catchwords., Main Heritage Vault, R128.3 .I269 1497, Book, Item-ID: i10238402, BIB-ID: 1025476, Includes index at end. |
Rhodes,, BSB-Ink,, Goff,, GW,, Klebs,, Kitāb al-Kullīyāt. Latin, Liber Teisir, sive Rectificatio medicationis et regiminis. Antidotarium, Taysīr fī al-mudāwah wa-al-tadbīr, Kitāb al-Kullīyāt |