Title | Narrative of the life and adventures of Giovanni Finati native of Ferrara: who under the assumed name of Mahomet made the campaigns against the Wahabees for the recovery of Mecca and Medina; and since acted as interpreter to European travellers in some parts least visited of Asia and Africa |
Subject | |
Description | Tr. from the Italian as dictated by himself, and ed. by William John Bankes. |
Publisher | J. Murray |
Contributor | Finati Giovanni. Bankes William John d. 1855 (ed. and tr.) |
Date | 1830 |
Format | print, 2 v. : fold. map. ; 17 cm. |
Identifier | QNL:00014158 lccn: 16002851 oclc: 3439433 |
Language | eng, ita |
Coverage | Middle East |
Reference | Catalogue Link |