Ptolemys map of Arabia (his map of the sixth province of Asia) is regarded as the basis for future representations of the peninsula, which changed as new information reached Europe. It is accurately located geographically on the southern coast of the Gulf. However the island of Tyllo (Tylos/Bahrain) that should be across from Catara is too Far East near the straits of Hormuz, this map Boundaries are shown as spotted line, Mountains are represented as slabs and shaded., They have a double outline, perhaps an unsuccessful attempt to show the thickness of the slab. The indentures of the coastline, the lines of rivers and outlines of the mountains have a characteristic semi-circular appearance. Names are in Roman type. Nomenclature is approximately the same as the 1478 edition. The engraver is unknown, but M.A.Hind has suggested Rosseli. In the British Museum copy the map was printed in two halves, but these have been joined and the map refolded., Main Heritage Compact General, HC.MAP.00197, Print Map, Item-ID: i11400456, BIB-ID: 1783646 |