H. Eland delin. et fecit., Patriarchatus Alexandrini, Geographica Nova descriptio. [low l. h.]. AMSTELAEDAMI. ex. Fransiscus Halma. Typograph et Biblio pol. Sub. Signo constantini magni cum Previlegio [low r. h.]. H. Eland. delin. et fecit. [low l. h.]. Map of Egypt with a panoramic view [low l. h.]. Political borders. Historical names. Covers: 48-64E. 22-32N. Size: 48 x 34.50 cm. Published in 1710. Coloured. Latin., Above neatline upper right hand corner: Pag. 254., Main Heritage Display General, HC.MAP.00935, Print Map, Item-ID: i11402489, BIB-ID: 2769509 |