by James Edmund Harting., Binder's title: Hints on hawks., "Corrigenda" slip inserted., Includes index., Second edition of Hartinǵs manual on the management of hawks and a historial and decriptive explanation on practical falconry. For this edition, the author has not merely revised the original text, but has made considerable additions to it, as well as to the illustrations. With plates and illustrations showing a hooded falcon on block, heron hawking, kite hawking with jerfalcons, the falconer's knot, a falcon in flight, etc. The first edition of this work appeared in 1884 with the same publisher. Binding used; first and last leaves slightly foxed and the usual browning, pasted bookplate and manuscript entry on blank recto of plate facing title-page. Good copy of this manual on practical falconry and the management of hawks., Main Heritage Shelves General, SK321 .H37 1898, Book, Item-ID: i17066980, BIB-ID: 1525364 |