Prima series, I / recensuit J. Barth ; II / recensuerunt J. Barth et Th. Nöldeke -- III / recensuit P. de Jong -- IV / recensuerunt P. de Jong et E. Prym -- V / recensuit E. Prym -- VI / recensuit E. Prym -- Seconda Series, I / recensuerunt H. horbecke, S. Fraenket et I. Guidi -- II / recensuit I. Guidi -- III / recensuerunt I. Guidi, D.H. Müller et M.J. de Goeje -- Tertia series, I / recensuerunt M.Th. Houtsma et S. Guyard -- II / recensuerunt S. Guyard et M.J. de Goeje -- III / recensuerunt V. Rosen et M.J. de Goeje -- IV / recensuit M.J. de Goeje -- Indices -- Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda, quos scripsit Abu Djafar Mohammed ibn Djarir at-Tabari ; cum aliis edidit M.J. de Goeje, Text in Arabic., The "Annales" are divided into 3 series, consisting of 6, 3 and 4 volumes respectively. Vols. [14] and [15] are "Indices" and "Introductio, glossarium, addenda et emendanda", Main Heritage Shelves General, DS38.2 .T33 1879 part 1 vol.2, Book, part 1 vol.2, Item-ID: i22330124, BIB-ID: 2386518, Also issued online., Arabic text with introduction in Latin, English and German, notes in Latin. |