L'auteur est: Ibn al Rahib., IBN AL-RAHIB, Butrus ibn al-Muhadhdhib. Chronicon Orientale Latinitate donatum ab Abrahamo Ecchellensi Syro Maronita e Libano, linguarum Syriacae & Arabicae in alma Parisiensium Academia Professore Regio ac Interprete. Accessit supplementum historiae orientalis ... nova editio. Parisiis, e typographia Regia. MDCLXXXV. Folio, [6 leaves], 264 pp.; Latin text; engraved arms of Louis XIV on title and ownership inscription of the Jesuit College at Reims, dated 1686; 4 engraved headpieces and clus-de-lamps; contemporary vellum with black leather labels and gilt lettering and decorations. Paris, 1685. The preferred second edition of the chronology by the 13th-century historian Butrus ibn al-Rahib, translated to Latin by the Maronite scholar Ibrahim al-Haqilani (Abraham Ecchellensis, 1605-1664). The chronology surveys the prophets and kings of the Old Testament, the Roman Emperors, the Omayyad, Abbasid, Fatemid, and Ayyubid Caliphs, and the Coptic Patriarchs of Alexandria. The second part of the book consists of Ecchelensis's own work on the Arabs entitled Supplementum Historiae Orientalis. In 22 chapters he ranges from the divisions of the Arab peoples, their origin and name, through pre-Islamic religion, philosophical and metaphysical concerns, the resurrection and prophethood, to dreams and ghosts. Four additional chapters treat of the kings of Arabia Felix, Hira, Ghassan, and the Hijaz. Ecchelensis is the only scholar to have attempted a Latin version of the chronology; it was reprinted in this century with the original Arabic text in the Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium (1903). The present volume was originally published as part of the great Corpus of Byzantine History inaugurated at the Imprimerie Royale in 1645. Burnet, I, 1436; Le Livre et le Liban, 260., Main Heritage Shelves General, DS154 .N87 1651, Book, Item-ID: i1007241x, BIB-ID: 1008877 |