in Lat. ling. conversi Joan. Floriano interpr., First Latin edition of this celebrated work on African geography by the Islamic scholar Hasan ben Muhamed el-Wazzan-ez-Zayyati (1485-1552), better known under his Latin name Johannes Leo Africanus. His work long remained the principal source of information on the geography of Africa in general and the Sudan in particular. It is assumed that Leo wrote his description of Africa directly in Italian, though he certainly relied also on Arabic notes, some of which he might have composed while travelling in Northern Africa. The original Italian edition appeared in the famous series Navigationi et Viaggi, published at Venice in 1550 by Giovanni Battista Ramusio. The work was soon translated into Latin, French (1556), English (1600), and Dutch (1665). The present Latin edition of 1556, prepared by Johannes Florianus, rector of a grammar school in Antwerp, was widely used by European scholars until the late 19th century. - Some faint browning and foxing at places, ties lacking. Good copy of a classic work on African geography., Main Heritage Shelves General, DT7 .L48 1556, Book, Item-ID: i16862685, BIB-ID: 1509761 |