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This book contains diferent texts apart from Erpenius Grammatica Arabica. The author included some saying from Luqman with the title امثال لقمان الحكيم = Fabulæ Locmani Sapientis which are followed by some sentences of famous Arabic poets. The volume also includes two Coranic suras ...
avthore F. Antonio ab Aqvila ..., Signatures: a-b8c4A-Tt8(not incl. tables)., Tables at p. 68, 152, 338., Main Heritage Shelves General, PJ6305 .A68 1650, Book, Item-ID: i10059416, BIB-ID: 1007577
t. I. A Meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars prior. 1838.--t. II. A meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars posterior. 1839.--t. III, pars I. Proverbia sententiaeque proverbiales, dies inter Arabes pugnis celebres, facte ingenioseque dicta. 1843. pars 2. Commentatio de proverbiis arabicis a Meidani ...
t. I. A Meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars prior. 1838.--t. II. A meidanio collectorum proverbiorum pars posterior. 1839.--t. III, pars I. Proverbia sententiaeque proverbiales, dies inter Arabes pugnis celebres, facte ingenioseque dicta. 1843. pars 2. Commentatio de proverbiis arabicis a Meidani ...
[HUSWIRT, Johannes]. Arithmetice lilium triplicis practice atque pulcherrime utputa, tum in integris tum in factoris, tum in projectilibus adiunctis nonullis mercatoribus regulis ... [Cologne, Cornelius de Zyrickzee], 1511. 4to, 1 l (b.) + 40p + 1 l (b), with large woodcut on verso of title and l ...
authore Joh. Henrico Hottingero., In Latin with Greek and Arabic words., Library copy leather-bound., Includes bibliographical references.
Nicolai Rigaltii ad Artemidorum notae, Greek and Latin on opposite columns., Main Heritage Shelves General, BF1080 .O54 1603, Book, Item-ID: i25131163, BIB-ID: 2624826
auct. Henr. Hondio, Relief shown pictorially.
à Iacobo Kœbelio facilioribus formulis nuper aucta, longéque euidentior edita ; cui accessit Isagogicon in astrologoam iudiciaram., First published in 1532.
This work contains two texts. The first is a treatise on the planispheric astrolabe of Robert of Chester, who may or may not be the same person as Robert of Ketton, who wrote a number of scientific treatises and translated Arabic works, such as al-Khwarizmi's Algebra, made whilste he was in Segovia ...
This volume, which contains several parties, is preceded by a brief preface, "Sors authoris", signed by Assert, Jean-Emmanuel de Rieux, marquis d'Asserac. It is followed by an explanation of the work untitled "Astrologiæ nova methodus. Ad lectorem". The second part has its own title page with the ...