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409 - 420 of 1322
OMAR TIBERIADIS. Liber de nativitatibus & interrogationibus. [colophon:] Venice, J. B. Sessa, March 26, 1503. Small 4to, 1 (b.) + 63p + 1 + 1 l(b.), with a fine, large allegorical woodcut, and Sessa's cat and mouse device on title, one woodcut diagram, and several tables; old Russian library st ...
This volume collects several woks on medecine, being the first that of 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh, known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857), one of the great name of Islamic medicine. He was personal physician to the abbasid Caliphs al-Ma'mun, al-Mutasim, al-Wathiq and al-Mutawakki ...
This volume collects several woks on medecine, being the first that of 'Abu Zakariyya' Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh, known as Mesue Yuhanna Ibn Masawayh (C.777-857), one of the great name of Islamic medicine. He was personal physician to the abbasid Caliphs al-Ma'mun, al-Mutasim, al-Wathiq and al-Mutawakki ...
Alhazen ; Item Vitellonis thuringopoloni ... libri 10 ... / adiectis etiam ... commentarijs a Federico Risnero., ALHAZEN [Abu 'Ali al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham] (965-c.1040). Opticae thesaurus, translated probably by Gerard of Cremona (c.1114-87). -- [Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Mu'adh AL-JA ...
Includes text of the Liber nonus ad Almansorem., Galeatij de sancta Sophia in nonu[m] tractatum libri Rhasis ad Regem Almansorem, De curatione morborum particularium, huic seculo accomodatissimum ; Libellus introductorius In Artem paruam Galeni De principijs uniuersalibus totius medicinae tam theori ...
Double-page engraved twin-hemispherical world map, elaborate strap work borders, armillary sphere, compass rose, galleon and sea monster, all hand-colored by a contemporary hand, French text on verso, Rumold Mercator's world map condensed his father's great world map of 1569 into double hemispherica ...
Foreword / by A.W. Lawrence -- Diary of a journey across the Euphrates -- Illustrations to the diary -- The changing East -- The evolution of a revolt -- The suppressed introductory chapter for Seven pillars of wisdom -- On Eric Kennington's Arab portraits -- The war photographs., by T.E. Lawrence ; ...
taken from the manuscript and designs of Captain Thomas Williamson ... ; the drawins by Samuel Howitt., Added t.p., engraved., Main Heritage Shelves General, SK235 .W55 1807 vol.2, Book, vol.2, Item-ID: i23164748, BIB-ID: 2451580
taken from the manuscript and designs of Captain Thomas Williamson ... ; the drawins by Samuel Howitt., Added t.p., engraved., Main Heritage Shelves General, SK235 .W55 1807 vol.1, Book, vol.1, Item-ID: i23164736, BIB-ID: 2451580
"De Medicina Indorum", first published in 1642 was the first Dutch work on tropical medicine; and was the first modern description on beri-beri and cholera., Includes index; printed marginal notes., Woodcut initials; decoration., Title page in red and black., Main Heritage Shelves General, R127.3 .A ...