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Ṣaymarī, Mufliḥ ibn al-Ḥasan , active 15th centuryet al
lil-faqīh Mufliḥ ibn Ḥasan ibn Rashīd al-Ṣaymarī ; taḥqīq Mahdī al-Rajāʼī ; ishrāf Maḥmūd al-Marʻashī., Includes selections from Ṭūsī's Khilāf., Part of the Arabic Collections Online (ACO) project, contributed by Columbia University Libraries., Includes biblio ...
Ṣaymarī, Mufliḥ ibn al-Ḥasan , active 15th centuryet al
lil-faqīh Mufliḥ ibn Ḥasan ibn Rashīd al-Ṣaymarī ; taḥqīq Mahdī al-Rajāʼī ; ishrāf Maḥmūd al-Marʻashī., Includes selections from Ṭūsī's Khilāf., Part of the Arabic Collections Online (ACO) project, contributed by Columbia University Libraries., Includes biblio ...
composta per M. Bartholomeo di Pasi da Vinetia ; con la sua tauola copiosissima e facilissima a trouare ogni cosa per ordine nuouamente fatta e con somma dilige[n]za reuista e spa[m]pata., Print from colophon., Signatures: aa12, A-Z8, AA-BB8. -- La h. aa12 en bl. -- L. curs. -- Catchwords. -- Regist ...
by Jalál al-Dín al-Osyootí ; edited by W.N. Lees and Mawlawi Abd al-Haqq., Main Heritage Shelves General, DS38.4.A2 S89 1857, Book, Item-ID: i21981607, BIB-ID: 2354971
Astarābādhī, ʻAlī al-Ḥusaynī , -1557 or 1558et al
li-Sharaf al-Dīn ʻAlī al-Ḥusaynī al-Istirābādī al-Gharawī., Part of the Arabic Collections Online (ACO) project, contributed by Princeton University Libraries., Electronic reproduction. New York, N.Y. : New York University, 2017. NNU
Canones universales Mesue de consolatione medicinarum: et correctione operatiorum carundem ; Grabadin ejusdem Mesue medicinarum universalium quod antidotarium nuncupatur ; Liber eiusdem medicinarum particularium ; Additio Patri Apponi in librum Johannis Mesue ; Antidotarium Nicolai ; Choponis isagog ...
Dawwānī, Muḥammad ibn Asʻad , 1426 or 1427-1512 or 1513et al
1. Tafsīr Sūrat al-Kāfirūn -- 2. Shawākil al-ḥūr fī Sharḥ Hayākil al-Nūr -- 3. Risālat Unmūdhaj al-ʻālam., min muṣannafāt Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Asʻad al-Dawwānī ; taḥqīq Aḥmad Tūysirkānī., Hayākil al-nūr (p. [75]-97)., Part of the Arabi ...
compuesto por Ioan Paulo Gallucio Saloe[n]se, traducido de lengua latina en castellana, y añadido por Miguel Perez, capellan del Rey nuestro Señor en su Real Capilla de Granada., Signatures: A⁶ (A1 + [paragraph mark]1)--A-2M⁸ 2N¹⁰ 20-2Z⁸ 3A⁶ ( -3A6?)., Many of the illustrations and char ...
Main Heritage Shelves General, G1006 .O68 1595, Book, Item-ID: i23183755, BIB-ID: 2489332
This is the second edition of the well-known Erpenius's Grammatica Arabica., edita, conversa et notis illustrata ab Alberto Schultens ; præfatio imaginariam linguam, scriptionem, & Lineam sanctam Judæorum consutat., Initials letters in woodcut., Includes indexes., Main Heritage Shelves General ...
fidelement tirez des plus excellens medecins grecs, arabes, & latins; anciens & modernes, par M. Iean Liebaut [sic] ..., Includes index., Main Heritage Shelves General, RS164 .L54 1651, Book, Item-ID: i22857758, BIB-ID: 2428223
by William Lithgouu., Rev. ed. of: A most delectable and true discourse of an admired and painefull peregrination from Scotland to the most famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affricke., Signatures: A-3V⁴., Main Heritage Shelves General, G460 .L58 1632, Book, Item-ID: i10225973, BIB-ID: 1024233, ...